
ACD:自动呼叫分配器 (ACD: Automatic Call Distributor)

ACD is an abbreviation of "Automatic Call Distributor".


It is a system or device that can identify, administer and provide direction to huge volumes of incoming calls. ACDs repeatedly use a voice menu to direct callers based on the customer's selection, telephone number, selected incoming line to the system or time of day the call was processed. It is a division of the computer telephony integration (CTI) system. Computer telephony integration (CTI) and computer-supported telecommunications applications (CSTA) are intermediate software that can create highly developed ACD systems. Professionals and specialists assert that "the discovery and innovation of ACD technology made the idea of a call center achievable."

它是可以识别,管理大量呼叫并为其定向的系统或设备。 ACD反复使用语音菜单,根据客户的选择,电话号码,选择的系统入局线路或处理呼叫的时间引导呼叫者。 它是计算机电话集成(CTI)系统的一部分。 计算机电话集成(CTI)和计算机支持的电信应用程序(CSTA)是可以创建高度开发的ACD系统的中间软件。 专业人士和专家断言:“ ACD技术的发现和创新使呼叫中心的构想成为可能。”

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  • ACD successfully scatters and separates the incoming calls to the respecting groups of agents or executives. It matches the callers to the agents who can with great support assist them.

    ACD成功地将传入呼叫分散并分离给尊敬的座席或执行人员组。 它可以将呼叫者与座席相匹配,座席可以在强大的支持下为他们提供帮助。

  • The small ACD devices are used to deal with a few lines and large devices are used to deal with a large number of lines.


  • The technology can also use rule-based instructions such as caller ID, automatic number identification, interactive voice response or dialed number identification services to resolve and conclude how calls are managed.


  • Most of the corporations providing service support or post-sale facilities use ACDs to offer the best customer service to their customers.


  • There is quite a lot of contact routing strategies that can be established within an algorithm based on a corporation’s requirements.


  • Skills-based routing is determined by an operator's knowledge to managea caller's inquiry.


  • Virtual contact centers can also be used to combine the skill sets of agents to facilitate multiple dealers, where all real-time and statistical information can be shared among the contact center sites.


  • A supplementary task for these external routing applications is to allow Computer telephony integration (CTI), which advances effectiveness for call center agents by matching incoming phone calls with significant data through screen pop.


ACD分配方法 (ACD Distribution methods)

There are various choices for distributing incoming calls from a queue, which comprises:


  • Linear Call Distribution: Calls are dispersed in order, starting at the beginning each time.

    线性呼叫分配 :呼叫从每次开始按顺序分散。

  • Circular/Rotary Call Distribution: Calls are dispersed in order, starting with the subsequent in order.

    循环/旋转呼叫分配 :呼叫按顺序分散,从后续顺序开始。

  • Uniform Call Distribution: Calls are dispersed consistently, starting with the person who has managed the smallest number of calls.

    统一的电话分配 :从管理最少电话数量的人开始,电话始终分散分配

  • Simultaneous Call Distribution: Calls are presented to all obtainable extensions at the same time.


  • Weighted Call Distribution: Calls are dispersed according to a configurable weighting, such as contradictory skillsets within customer service representatives.

    加权呼叫分配 :呼叫根据可配置的权重分散,例如客户服务代表内相互矛盾的技能组。




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