1. 添加元素insert

参数 返回值
m.insert(e); e为pair 返回一个pair, first指向e的一个迭代器,second 是bool值表示是否成功插入
m.emplace(args) args是参数列表
m.insert(beg,end); b e是迭代器 返回void
m.insert(il); 值的花括号列表 返回void
m.insert(iter,e); iter为辅助,e为pair 返回迭代器,指向m中具有特定键的元素
m.insert(iter,args); iter为辅助,args是参数列表 返回迭代器,指向m中具有特定键的元素


string word("dda");
//map<string, size_t> m = { { "2", 0 } };map<string, size_t> word_count;
word_count.insert({ word, 1 });//在参数列表中使用花括号初始化创建了一个pair。
word_count.insert(make_pair(word, 1));//也可在参数列表中调用make_pair构造pair。
word_count.insert(pair<string, size_t>(word, 1));//也可显示构造pair。
word_count.insert(map<string, size_t>::value_type(word, 1)); //先构造一个pair类型,再构造该类型的一个新对象(对象类型为pair)。map<string, size_t>::iterator a = word_count.begin();
map<string, size_t>::iterator b = ++a;cout << word_count.size() << endl;
word_count.insert(a, b);
word_count.insert(b, {"da", 0});
cout << word_count.size() << endl;


multimap<string, string> authors;
authors.insert({"author1", "book1"});
authors.insert({"author1", "book2"});

2. 遍历

std::map<int, int> word_count = { {0, 100},{ 1,200}, { 2,300 },{4,400} };
auto map_it = word_count.cbegin();
while (map_it != word_count.cend())

3. 删除

参数 返回值
m.erase(k) k为关键字 返回一个size_type,表示删除元素的数量
m.erase§ p是迭代器 p必须指向m中一个真实元素,返回指向p之后元素的迭代器(可以为end)
m.erase(beg,end) beg end是迭代器 返回end

4. 下标操作


5. 访问元素

方法 返回值
c.find(k) 返回一个迭代器,指向第一个关键字为k的元素,若没有找到则返回end
c.count(k) 返回一个size_type,表示删除元素的数量
c.lower_bound(k) 返回一个迭代器,指向第一个关键字不小于k的元素
c.upper_bound(k) 返回一个迭代器,指向第一个关键字大于k的元素
c.equal_range(k) 返回一个迭代器pair,表示关键字等于k的元素范围。若k不存在,pair的两个成员均为end()


// map from author to title; there can be multiple titles per author
multimap<string, string> authors;// add data to authors
authors.insert({ "Alain de Botton", "On Love" });
authors.insert({ "Alain de Botton", "Status Anxiety" });
authors.insert({ "Alain de Botton", "Art of Travel" });
authors.insert({ "Alain de Botton", "Architecture of Happiness" });
authors.insert(pair<string, string>("Alain de Botton", "On Love"));
authors.insert(pair<string, string>("Alain de Botton", "Status Anxiety"));
authors.insert(pair<string, string>("Alain de Botton", "Art of Travel"));
authors.insert(pair<string, string>("Alain de Botton", "Architecture of Happiness"));
string search_item("Alain de Botton"); // author we'll look for
auto entries = authors.count(search_item); // number of elements
auto iter = authors.find(search_item); // first entry for this author
// loop through the number of entries there are for this author
while (iter != authors.end()) {//while(entries) cout << iter->second << endl; // print each title++iter;     // advance to the next title--entries;  // keep track of how many we've printed
// definitions of authors and search_item as above
// beg and end denote the range of elements for this author
for (auto beg = authors.lower_bound(search_item),end = authors.upper_bound(search_item);beg != end; ++beg)cout << beg->second << endl; // print each title// definitions of authors and search_item as above
// pos holds iterators that denote the range of elements for this key
for (auto pos = authors.equal_range(search_item);pos.first != pos.second; ++pos.first)cout << pos.first->second << endl; // print each title【引用】1. 代码

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