
CLASS torch.device

A torch.device is an object representing the device on which a torch.Tensor is or will be allocated.

The torch.device contains a device type (‘cpu’ or ‘cuda’) and optional device ordinal for the device type. If the device ordinal is not present, this represents the current device for the device type; e.g. a torch.Tensor constructed with device ‘cuda’ is equivalent to ‘cuda:X’ where X is the result of torch.cuda.current_device().
torch.device包含设备类型(“ cpu”或“ cuda”)和该设备类型的可选设备序号。
例如 用设备’cuda’构造的torch.Tensor等效于’cuda:X’,其中X是torch.cuda.current_device()的结果。

A torch.Tensor’s device can be accessed via the Tensor.device property.

A torch.device can be constructed via a string or via a string and device ordinal

Via a string:

>>> torch.device('cuda:0')
device(type='cuda', index=0)>>> torch.device('cpu')
device(type='cpu')>>> torch.device('cuda')  # current cuda device

Via a string and device ordinal:

>>> torch.device('cuda', 0)
device(type='cuda', index=0)>>> torch.device('cpu', 0)
device(type='cpu', index=0)

The torch.device argument in functions can generally be substituted with a string. This allows for fast prototyping of code.

>>> # Example of a function that takes in a torch.device 带有torch.device的函数示例
>>> cuda1 = torch.device('cuda:1')
>>> torch.randn((2,3), device=cuda1)
>>> # You can substitute the torch.device with a string 您可以用字符串替换torch.device
>>> torch.randn((2,3), device='cuda:1')


For legacy reasons, a device can be constructed via a single device ordinal, which is treated as a cuda device. This matches Tensor.get_device(), which returns an ordinal for cuda tensors and is not supported for cpu tensors.
>>> torch.device(1)
device(type='cuda', index=1)


Methods which take a device will generally accept a (properly formatted) string or (legacy) integer device ordinal, i.e. the following are all equivalent:
>>> torch.randn((2,3), device=torch.device('cuda:1'))
>>> torch.randn((2,3), device='cuda:1')
>>> torch.randn((2,3), device=1)  # legacy

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