If you have an old phone lying around, you can easily put it to good use by turning it into a mobile security camera. With the help of an app by Edward Snowden, it’s super simple. Here’s how.

如果您周围有旧电话,可以将其变成移动安全摄像头,轻松地很好地使用它。 借助Edward Snowden的应用程序,它非常简单。 这是如何做。

Your phone already has the components of a “real” security camera—namely, a camera lens and an Internet connection. You’ve been able to do this with an Android phone for years, but there’s a newer way that’s even more secure.

您的电话已经具有“真实”安全摄像头的组件,即摄像头和Internet连接。 多年来,您已经可以使用Android手机做到这一点,但是有一种更安全的新方法。

We’re going to be using an app named Haven, which was built by NSA leaker Edward Snowden. You can use the app on almost any Android phone or tablet, from your old spare sitting in your drawer to a cheap $50 phone from WalMart. As long as your device has a working camera and microphone, you can use it as a security cam. You can install the Haven beta from the Google Play Store or compile it yourself from its Github repository.

我们将使用由NSA泄密者Edward Snowden构建的名为Haven的应用程序。 您可以在几乎所有的Android手机或平板电脑上使用该应用程序,既可以将旧的备用零配件放在抽屉里,也可以使用价格低廉的$ 50沃尔玛手机购买。 只要您的设备具有正常工作的摄像头和麦克风,您就可以将其用作安全摄像头。 您可以从Google Play商店安装Haven beta,也可以从其Github存储库自行进行编译。

Haven will work whether your phone is connected to Wi-Fi or with a USB-to-Ethernet adapter. If you go the wired Internet route, make sure to get an adapter that also carriers power. The Haven app itself only runs on Android devices, but you can set it to alert your iPhone.

无论您的手机连接到Wi-Fi还是使用USB到以太网适配器,Haven都能正常工作。 如果您使用有线Internet路由,请确保获得还可以承载电源的适配器。 Haven应用程序本身仅在Android设备上运行,但您可以将其设置为提醒iPhone。

在旧手机上设置避风港 (Setting Up Haven on Your Old Phone)

Before getting the Haven app set up, make sure your ideal spot has enough room for your phone to be mounted, get power, and where you can run an Ethernet cable or get Wi-Fi. Once that’s settled, open the Haven app. Swipe through the first couple of screens, then select “Configure.”

在设置Haven应用之前,请确保您的理想地点有足够的空间来安装手机,接通电源以及可以运行以太网电缆或Wi-Fi的位置。 解决之后,打开“避风港”应用程序。 在前几个屏幕中滑动,然后选择“配置”。

Tap “Allow” on the permission prompts for photo, media, and file access, and to take pictures and record video.


Tap “Allow” on the next permission prompt to take pictures and record video.


The next screen will be your live camera feed. Tap the icon in the lower left to switch between the front-facing and rear-facing cameras, and use the slider along the bottom of the screen to set how sensitive you want the motion detection to be. You can always go back and raise or lower the motion sensitivity to better match your environment. Tap the “Back” in the upper left to see more options.

下一个屏幕将是您的实时摄像机供稿。 点按左下角的图标可在前置摄像头和后置摄像头之间切换,然后使用屏幕底部的滑块设置移动侦测的灵敏度。 您随时可以返回并提高或降低运动灵敏度,以更好地匹配您的环境。 点击左上方的“返回”以查看更多选项。

Next, accept the permission prompt to record audio so you can hear the environment around the camera. Again, use the slider at the bottom of the screen to adjust the detection sensitivity. Tap the “Back” button in the upper left again.

接下来,接受权限提示以录制音频,以便您可以听到相机周围的环境。 同样,使用屏幕底部的滑块调整检测灵敏度。 再次点击左上方的“返回”按钮。

Next, shake the phone or use the slider at the bottom to set the tune the motion detection. This will let your camera start recording if the phone physically moves, like if an intruder starts banging on the side of your house. Tap the “Back” button in the upper left one more time.

接下来,摇动手机或使用底部的滑块设置对运动检测的调整。 如果手机物理移动,这将使您的相机开始记录,例如如果入侵者开始猛撞房屋侧面。 再点击一次左上方的“返回”按钮。

Swipe through the rest of the introduction screens. Grant permission to send and view SMS messages if you would like SMS alerts sent to your primary phone, then enter your phone number. You’ll need to have an active SIM card set up installed to send SMS messages, or you can configure Signal for alerts in the app settings (more on that in a moment) if you’re just using an Internet connection.

在其余的简介屏幕上滑动。 如果您希望将SMS警报发送到您的主要电话,则授予发送和查看SMS消息的权限,然后输入您的电话号码。 您需要安装一个活动的SIM卡才能发送SMS消息,或者,如果您仅使用Internet连接,则可以在应用程序设置中配置Signal来发出警报(稍后对此进行详细介绍)。

Swipe through one more screen, then tap “Finish.”


Once that’s done, tap “Start Now” to start monitoring your environment. Tap the Settings gear in the lower-right to adjust the camera, sound, and motion sensitivity, change your SMS or Signal messaging settings, and more.

完成后,点击“立即开始”以开始监视您的环境。 点按右下角的“设置”齿轮可调整摄像头,声音和运动灵敏度,更改SMS或信号消息设置等。

设置避风港的视频监控 (Set Up Haven’s Video Monitoring)

Motion and audio detection are great, but Haven also lets you record video for a set period. Tap the Settings gear in the lower-right of the main screen, then turn on the “Video Monitoring” toggle.

动作和音频检测功能很棒,但是Haven还可以让您在一段固定的时间内录制视频。 点击主屏幕右下角的设置齿轮,然后打开“视频监控”开关。

Tap “Set Video Monitoring Length” to choose how long Haven will record the environment.


With that, you have a cheap and reliable security camera! Your events—complete with photos and audio—will automatically be sent via SMS or Signal, and you can always good back and view events from the old phone itself. Keep in mind you’ll need to trigger the monitoring manually before heading out, and it’ll stay on until you manually turn it off again. Even with those minor limitations, this is a great way to reuse an old phone!

这样一来,您便拥有了一台便宜而可靠的安全摄像机! 您的活动(包括照片和音频)将自动通过SMS或Signal发送,并且您随时可以通过旧手机本身查看并查看事件。 请记住,您需要在出门前手动触发监视,并且该监视将一直保持下去,直到您再次手动将其关闭。 即使有那些微小的限制,这也是重用旧手机的好方法!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/405400/how-to-turn-an-old-android-phone-into-a-security-camera/


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