Now,Getting started

创建一个基于SpriteKit Game模板的iOS项目—ZombieConga.项目模板的基本介绍在此略过~

In Sprite Kit, a single object called a scene controls each “screen” of your app. Asceneis a subclass of Sprite Kit’sSKSceneclass.

在Sprite Kit当中,通过一个叫做scene的对象来控制程序中的”场景”.每一个scene都是SKScene类的子类.

Right now this app just has a single scene, MyScene. Open MyScene.m and you’ll see the code that displays the label and rotating space ship. It’s not important to understand this code quite yet – you’re going to remove it all and build up your game one step at a time.


[objc] view plaincopy
  1. <span style="font-size:18px">self.backgroundColor = [SKColor whiteColor];</span>

Zombie Conga is designed to run in landscape mode, so let’s configure the app to launch in landscape.

Zombie Conga是一个专门为横屏设计的软件,所以配置app的启动模式为横屏.

Since you changed the device orientation to landscape, you have to make a chance to the code as well. At the time of writing, the Sprite Kit template uses the View Controller’s main view’s size as the size to create the scene in viewDidLoad, but this size is not guaranteed to be correct at viewDidLoad time.

由于设置了横屏,还需要对代码进行些许更改.Sprite Kit在ViewDidLoad方法中使用ViewController的主view的大小来创建scene,但是在viewDidLoad方法运行时这个大小并不能保证正确.

There are many ways to fix this, but it’s easiest to open ViewController.m, rename viewDidLoad to viewWillLayoutSubviews:, and make a few minor changes as highlighted below:


[objc] view plaincopy
  1. <span style="font-size:18px">- (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews
  2. {
  3. [super viewWillLayoutSubviews];
  4. // Configure the view.
  5. SKView * skView = (SKView *)self.view;
  6. if (!skView.scene) {
  7. skView.showsFPS = YES;
  8. skView.showsNodeCount = YES;
  9. // Create and configure the scene.
  10. SKScene * scene = [MyScene sceneWithSize:skView.bounds.size];
  11. scene.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleModeAspectFill;
  12. // Present the scene.
  13. [skView presentScene:scene];
  14. }
  15. }</span>

This works because self.view.frame.size is guaranteed to be correct at viewWillLayoutSubviews time, so it will properly use the landscape size. The reason you now check to see if skView.scene exists before creating it is to avoid creating the scene twice (this method can be called more than once).


There’s two last things: to get this game started on the right foot, you should disable the status bar and set up an app icon. To disable the status bar, open ViewController.m and add this to the bottom:


[objc] view plaincopy
  1. <span style="font-size:18px">-(BOOL)prefersStatusBarHidden {
  2. return YES;
  3. }</span>

And to set up an app icon, open Images.xassets and select the AppIcon entry. Then in the resources for this chapter, drag all of the files from the “App Icon” folder into the area on the right.

打开 Image.xassets,选中AppIcon,把资源文件中的App Icon文件夹拖到右侧的区域内

(资源文件稍后可以在作者的个人网站 上下载)


When making 2D games, you usually put images on the screen representing your game’s hero, monsters, bullets, and so on. Each of these images is called asprite.


Sprite Kit has a special class that makes it easy to create and work with sprites, calledSKSpriteNode. This is what you’ll use to add all your sprites to the game.

Sprite Kit有一个专门用来创建sprite的类,叫做SKSpriteNode.我们将用其来创建游戏中所用到的所有的sprite

In the resources for this chapter, you will find a folder called Art that includes all the images and sounds you need for Zombie Conga




Open MyScene.m, and add this line to initWithSize:, right after setting the background color:


[objc] view plaincopy
  1. <span style="font-size:18px">SKSpriteNode *bg = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"background"];</span>

Note that you do not need to pass the image’s extension, as Sprite Kit will automatically determine that for you.



It’s just that a sprite will not show up onscreen until you add it as a child of the scene, or one of the scene’s descendent nodes.


To do this, add this line of code right after the previous line:


[objc] view plaincopy
  1. <span style="font-size:18px">[self addChild:bg];</span>


By default, a sprite is positioned at (0, 0), which in Sprite Kit represents the bottom left. Note that this is different from the UIKit coordinate system in iOS, where (0, 0) represents the top left.

默认情况下,sprite会被放置在(0,0)点,位于屏幕的左下方.与iOS UIKit左上角为(0,0)点的坐标系不同

Try positioning the zombie somewhere else by setting the position property. Add this line of code right before calling [self addChild:bg]:


[objc] view plaincopy
  1. <span style="font-size:18px">bg.position = CGPointMake(self.size.width/2, self.size.height/2);</span>

Here you are setting the background to the center of the screen. Even though this is just one line of code, there are four important things to understand


The type of the positionproperty isCGPoint, which is a simple structure that hasxandycomponents:


2. You can easily create a new CGPointwith the macro shown above,CGPointMake.


3. Since you are writing this code in an SKScene subclass, you can access the size of the scene at any time with theself.sizeproperty. Theself.sizeproperty’s type isCGSize, which is a simple structure likeCGPointthat haswidthandheightcomponents.


4. Note that a sprite’s position is within the coordinate space of its parent node, which in this case is the scene itself.


Note that when you set the position of the background sprite, you’re actually setting thecenterof the background sprite to that position. This means two things:



Since this background image is bigger than the size of the screen, you are actually looking at the center part of the image right now. Look at the original image to see for yourself.


2. This also explains why you could only see the upper half of the sprite earlier. Before you set the position, the position defaulted to (0, 0). This was placing the center of the sprite at the lower left corner of the screen – so you could only see the top half.


You can change this behavior by setting a sprite’s anchor point. Think of the anchor point as “the spot within a sprite that you pin to a particular position.” For example, here is an illustration showing a sprite positioned at the center of the screen, but with different anchor points:


[objc] view plaincopy
  1. <span style="font-size:18px">bg.anchorPoint = CGPointZero;
  2. bg.position = CGPointZero;
  3. </span>

CGPointZero is a handy shortcut for (0, 0). Here you set the anchor point of the sprite to (0, 0) to pin the lower-left corner of the sprite to wherever you set the position – in this case also (0, 0).


Here you changed the anchor point for the background for learning purposes. However, usually you can leave the anchor point at its default of (0.5, 0.5), unless you have a specific need to rotate the sprite around a particular point – an example of which is described in the next section.



To rotate a sprite, simply set its zRotationproperty. Try it out on the background sprite by adding this line right before calling[self addChild:bg]:

[objc] view plaincopy
  1. <span style="font-size:18px">bg.zRotation = M_PI / 8;</span>

要旋转一个sprite,只需要简单的设置它的zRotation属性,尝试设置背景sprite的zRotation属性为M_PI / 8;

Rotation values are in radians, which are a method of measuring angles. This example rotates the sprite pi / 8 radians, which is equal to 22.5 degrees.

旋转的值基于弧度,一种用来测量角度的方法.这个例子里将sprite旋转pi/8的弧度对应了22.5°.(M_PI == 180°)

I don’t know about you, but I find it easier to think about rotations in degrees, rather than in radians. Later on, you’ll create helper routines to convert between degrees and radians.


This brings up an interesting point. Sprites are rotated about their anchor points. Since you set the anchor point to (0, 0), this sprite rotates around the bottom-left corner.


If you’re wondering when you might want to change the anchor point in a real game, consider the case where you’re creating a character’s body out of different sprites – one for the head, torso, left arm, right arm, left leg and right leg:


If you wanted to rotate these body parts at their joints, you’d have to modify the anchor point for each sprite, as shown in the diagram above.


But again, usually you should leave the anchor point at default unless you have a specific need like shown here.



Sometimes when you’re working with a sprite, you want to know how big it is. A sprite’s size defaults to the size of the image. The class representing this image is called atexturein Sprite Kit.

有些时候我们会想要知道sprite的大小.一个sprite的默认大小与图片的大小相同,在Sprite Kit中我们把这些图片称为材质

[objc] view plaincopy
  1. <span style="font-size:18px">NSLog(@“%@",NSStringFromCGSize(bg.size));</span>


ZombieConga[16228:70b] {1136, 320}

Sprites 和 nodes

Earlier you learned that that if you want to make a sprite to appear onscreen, you need to add it as a child of the scene, or as one of its descendent nodes. This section will delve more deeply into the concept of nodes.


Everything that appears on the screen in Sprite Kit derives from a class called SKNode. The scene class (SKScene) derives from SKNode, and the sprite class (SKSpriteNode) also derives from SKNode.


SKSpriteNode inherits a lot of its capabilities from SKNode. It turns out the position and rotation properties are derived from SKNode, not something particular to SKSpriteNode. This means that, just as you can set the position or rotation of a sprite, you can do the same thing with the scene itself, or anything else that derives from SKNode.


You can think of everything that appears on the screen as a graph of nodes, often referred to as a scene graph. Here’s an example of what such a graph might look like for Zombie Conga if there was one zombie, two cats and one crazy cat lady in the game:

You’ll learn more about nodes and the neat things you can do with them in Chapter 5, Scrolling. For now, you will be adding your sprites as direct children of the scene itself.



And that’s it! As you can see, adding a sprite to a scene takes only three lines of code:


1. Create the sprite.//创建一个sprete

2. Position the sprite.//设置他的位置

3. Add it to the scene graph.//把它添加到场景上




Now it’s time for your first challenge – add the zombie to the scene! Here are a few hints:


You’ll need to add three lines of code, which should go inside initWithSize: right after the line that logs the size of the background.


The first line should create an SKSpriteNode using zombie1.png and store it in _zombie.


The second line should position the zombie sprite at (100, 100).


• The third line should add the zombie to the scene.


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