instagram akp

Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

If you aren’t careful, you can very quickly follow hundreds of accounts on Instagram. To make it easier for you to find accounts to unfollow, the social network has added “Least Interacted With” and “Most Shown in Feed” lists within its iPhone and Android apps. Use these to clean up your profile.

如果您不小心,则可以非常快地关注Instagram上的数百个帐户。 为了让您更轻松地找到要取消关注的帐户,该社交网络在其iPhone和Android应用程序中添加了“最少互动”和“ Feed中显示最多”列表。 使用这些来清理您的个人资料。

Start by opening the Instagram app on your smartphone. If you can’t find the app on your iPhone’s homescreen, try using Apple’s built-in Spotlight Search. Android users having difficulties can find Instagram in the app drawer or using the search bar.

首先在智能手机上打开Instagram应用程序。 如果您无法在iPhone的主屏幕上找到该应用程序,请尝试使用Apple内置的Spotlight搜索。 遇到困难的Android用户可以在应用程序抽屉中或使用搜索栏找到Instagram。

Next, tap on your account avatar in the bottom-right corner of the social media app.


Select the “Following” option found at the top of your profile.


You should now see a new “Categories” section above the list of accounts that you’re following. Tap on “Least Interacted With” or “Most Shown in Feed.”

现在,您应该在关注的帐户列表上方看到一个新的“类别”部分。 点击“最少互动”或“ Feed中显示最多”。

Choosing the “Least Interacted With” option loads a new list that shows the accounts that you’ve had the least amount of interactions with over the last 90 days. Instagram uses how often you like the account’s posts and react with their stories to generate this data.

选择“与之互动最少”选项将加载一个新列表,该列表显示过去90天内与您互动次数最少的帐户。 Instagram使用您多久喜欢一次该帐户的帖子并对其故事进行React以生成此数据。

You will find a very similar list if you selected the “Most Shown in Feed” option.

如果您选择了“ Feed中显示最多”选项,您会发现一个非常相似的列表。


instagram akp

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