When I conduct[kənˈdʌkt]进行,举办 Tableau classes and workshops for people who are using Tableau for the first time, I find that demonstrating mapping is always a big hit很受欢迎, sometimes resulting in murmurs[ˈmɜːrmərs]低语声,咕哝 of appreciation and surprise. People have told me on multiple occasions that Tableau's mapping capability was the key feature that caused them to take notice of and consider Tableau's offerings more seriously. Tableau's out-of-the-box mapping capabilities are powerful and flexible. You may be surprised at how much you can accomplish without ever leaving the user interface. But these out-of-the-box capabilities are just the tip of the iceberg. With proper guidance (which I will attempt to provide in this chapter), you can expand beyond the native mapping functionality and explore techniques that will greatly enhance your workbooks' functionality and aesthetics.

In this chapter, we will discuss the following topics:

  • • Extending Tableau's mapping capabilities without leaving Tableau
  • • Creating custom polygons
  • • Heatmaps
  • • Dual axes and map layering
  • • Extending Tableau mapping with other technology
  • • Swapping maps

The default mapping capability of Tableau already is a big selling point. Take any city, region, country, or other geographical location, place it on a Tableau worksheet, and you get a nice map; add a measure like Sales to the Colour shelf and your map colors change according to sales figures. In the following first section, we will go a step further and enhance this capability with the less obvious features Tableau has to offer, like measuring distances on a map and plotting additional data (for example, weather data) in the background.

Extending Tableau's mapping capabilities without leaving Tableau

In our everyday lives, a map can be helpful for better understanding the world around us. For instance, maps are often used on websites, television, or in printed media to present demographic information. In such instances, the mapping requirement is static since the immediate goal does not require movement. Some businesses only have static mapping requirements—for example, a retail chain might create a visualization that includes a map to better understand sales performance in a given region. In such cases, movement between locations is not a direct need.

Often, however, a map is needed to navigate from point A to point B. This kind of mapping requirement is more complicated, because it encompasses static needs (what restaurant is nearby?), but must also deliver additional information, such as routes and distances (how can I get to that restaurant?). These dynamic mapping needs assume that movement is required to fulfill a demand. Many businesses need to understand routes and mileages, that is, how to get from point A to point B and the distances involved. These dynamic mapping requirements can vary greatly but most of these needs share at least two things in common: routes and distances.

In the following exercise, we will consider flight routes and associated distances in Australia. Specifically, we will cover how to extract longitude and latitude numbers from Tableau and use that information in conjunction with trigonometry[ˌtrɪɡəˈnɑːmətri] to calculate the mileage between various points. Along the way, we will utilize data blending, table calculations, mapping, and Level of Detail (LOD) calculations for a robust exercise that touches on many advanced features.

Please take the following steps:

  • 1. Navigate to https://public.tableau.com/profile/marleen.meier to locate and download the workbook associated with this chapter.

    Australia   City    Date    Dest/Orig   Trip ID Items   Number of Records   Transit days    Weight (kg)
    Australia   CANBERRA    22/01/2015  Destination 1   1   1   2   98
    Australia   MELBOURNE   22/01/2015  Source  1   1   1   2   98
    Australia   ADELAIDE    23/01/2015  Destination 2   1   1   2   250
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  23/01/2015  Destination 7   2   1   2   1270
    Australia   PERTH   23/01/2015  Destination 3   1   1   2   103
    Australia   PERTH   23/01/2015  Destination 4   1   1   2   130
    Australia   PERTH   23/01/2015  Destination 5   1   1   2   200
    Australia   PERTH   23/01/2015  Destination 6   3   1   2   480
    Australia   MELBOURNE   23/01/2015  Source  3   1   1   2   103
    Australia   MELBOURNE   23/01/2015  Source  4   1   1   2   130
    Australia   MELBOURNE   23/01/2015  Source  5   1   1   2   200
    Australia   MELBOURNE   23/01/2015  Source  6   3   1   2   480
    Australia   PERTH   23/01/2015  Source  7   2   1   2   1270
    Australia   SYDNEY  23/01/2015  Source  2   1   1   2   250
    Australia   DARWIN  24/01/2015  Destination 8   1   1   2   386
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  24/01/2015  Destination 9   1   1   2   600
    Australia   MELBOURNE   24/01/2015  Source  8   1   1   2   386
    Australia   PERTH   24/01/2015  Source  9   1   1   2   600
    Australia   ORANGE  25/01/2015  Destination 10  1   1   2   500
    Australia   SYDNEY  25/01/2015  Source  10  1   1   2   500
    Australia   PERTH   26/01/2015  Destination 11  1   1   2   89
    Australia   MELBOURNE   26/01/2015  Source  11  1   1   2   89
    Australia   DARWIN  29/01/2015  Destination 14  1   1   2   80
    Australia   PERTH   29/01/2015  Destination 12  1   1   2   75
    Australia   PERTH   29/01/2015  Destination 13  1   1   2   150
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   29/01/2015  Source  12  1   1   2   75
    Australia   PERTH   29/01/2015  Source  14  1   1   2   80
    Australia   SYDNEY  29/01/2015  Source  13  1   1   2   150
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  31/01/2015  Destination 16  1   1   2   235
    Australia   WOLLONGONG  31/01/2015  Destination 15  1   1   2   446
    Australia   PERTH   31/01/2015  Source  16  1   1   2   235
    Australia   SYDNEY  31/01/2015  Source  15  1   1   2   446
    Australia   DARWIN  01/02/2015  Destination 17  1   1   2   174
    Australia   DARWIN  01/02/2015  Destination 18  1   1   2   256
    Australia   MELBOURNE   01/02/2015  Source  17  1   1   2   174
    Australia   MELBOURNE   01/02/2015  Source  18  1   1   2   256
    Australia   Dubbo   02/02/2015  Destination 19  1   1   2   220
    Australia   SYDNEY  02/02/2015  Source  19  1   1   2   220
    Australia   DARWIN  05/02/2015  Destination 20  1   1   2   440
    Australia   DARWIN  05/02/2015  Destination 21  1   1   2   490
    Australia   PERTH   05/02/2015  Destination 22  6   1   2   900
    Australia   MELBOURNE   05/02/2015  Source  20  1   1   2   440
    Australia   MELBOURNE   05/02/2015  Source  21  1   1   2   490
    Australia   MELBOURNE   05/02/2015  Source  22  6   1   2   900
    Australia   BRISBANE    06/02/2015  Destination 23  1   1   2   370
    Australia   PERTH   06/02/2015  Destination 25  1   1   2   115
    Australia   SYDNEY  06/02/2015  Destination 24  1   1   2   1048
    Australia   MELBOURNE   06/02/2015  Source  24  1   1   2   1048
    Australia   MELBOURNE   06/02/2015  Source  25  1   1   2   115
    Australia   SYDNEY  06/02/2015  Source  23  1   1   2   370
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  07/02/2015  Destination 27  1   1   2   340
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  07/02/2015  Destination 28  2   1   2   1386
    Australia   PERTH   07/02/2015  Destination 26  1   1   2   78
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   07/02/2015  Source  26  1   1   2   78
    Australia   PERTH   07/02/2015  Source  27  1   1   2   340
    Australia   PERTH   07/02/2015  Source  28  2   1   2   1386
    Australia   BRISBANE    08/02/2015  Destination 29  2   1   2   790
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  08/02/2015  Destination 30  1   1   2   270
    Australia   PERTH   08/02/2015  Source  30  1   1   2   270
    Australia   SYDNEY  08/02/2015  Source  29  2   1   2   790
    Australia   DARWIN  13/02/2015  Destination 31  1   1   2   298
    Australia   PERTH   13/02/2015  Source  31  1   1   2   298
    Australia   DARWIN  14/02/2015  Destination 32  2   1   2   1203
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  14/02/2015  Destination 34  1   1   2   925
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  14/02/2015  Destination 35  1   1   2   70
    Australia   PERTH   14/02/2015  Destination 33  1   1   2   77
    Australia   MELBOURNE   14/02/2015  Source  32  2   1   2   1203
    Australia   MELBOURNE   14/02/2015  Source  33  1   1   2   77
    Australia   PERTH   14/02/2015  Source  34  1   1   2   925
    Australia   PERTH   14/02/2015  Source  35  1   1   2   70
    Australia   DARWIN  15/02/2015  Destination 36  1   1   2   546
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/02/2015  Source  36  1   1   2   546
    Australia   DARWIN  16/02/2015  Destination 37  1   1   2   853
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  16/02/2015  Destination 38  1   1   2   620
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  16/02/2015  Destination 39  1   1   2   330
    Australia   MELBOURNE   16/02/2015  Source  37  1   1   2   853
    Australia   PERTH   16/02/2015  Source  38  1   1   2   620
    Australia   PERTH   16/02/2015  Source  39  1   1   2   330
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  19/02/2015  Destination 40  1   1   2   685
    Australia   PERTH   19/02/2015  Source  40  1   1   2   685
    Australia   DARWIN  20/02/2015  Destination 41  1   1   2   603
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  20/02/2015  Destination 45  1   1   2   390
    Australia   PERTH   20/02/2015  Destination 42  1   1   2   121
    Australia   PERTH   20/02/2015  Destination 43  1   1   2   123
    Australia   PERTH   20/02/2015  Destination 44  2   1   2   204
    Australia   MELBOURNE   20/02/2015  Source  41  1   1   2   603
    Australia   MELBOURNE   20/02/2015  Source  42  1   1   2   121
    Australia   MELBOURNE   20/02/2015  Source  43  1   1   2   123
    Australia   MELBOURNE   20/02/2015  Source  44  2   1   2   204
    Australia   PERTH   20/02/2015  Source  45  1   1   2   390
    Australia   PERTH   21/02/2015  Destination 46  0   1   2   96
    Australia   MELBOURNE   21/02/2015  Source  46  0   1   2   96
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  22/02/2015  Destination 49  1   1   2   730
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  22/02/2015  Destination 50  1   1   2   220
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  22/02/2015  Destination 51  2   1   2   2090
    Australia   MELBOURNE   22/02/2015  Destination 47  2   1   2   540
    Australia   PERTH   22/02/2015  Destination 48  1   1   2   620
    Australia   PERTH   22/02/2015  Source  49  1   1   2   730
    Australia   PERTH   22/02/2015  Source  50  1   1   2   220
    Australia   PERTH   22/02/2015  Source  51  2   1   2   2090
    Australia   SYDNEY  22/02/2015  Source  47  2   1   2   540
    Australia   SYDNEY  22/02/2015  Source  48  1   1   2   620
    Australia   MELBOURNE   26/02/2015  Destination 52  1   1   2   120
    Australia   SYDNEY  26/02/2015  Source  52  1   1   2   120
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  27/02/2015  Destination 53  1   1   2   690
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  27/02/2015  Destination 54  1   1   2   720
    Australia   PERTH   27/02/2015  Source  53  1   1   2   690
    Australia   PERTH   27/02/2015  Source  54  1   1   2   720
    Australia   BRISBANE    28/02/2015  Destination 57  7   1   2   3030
    Australia   CANBERRA    28/02/2015  Destination 55  1   1   2   400
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  28/02/2015  Destination 58  1   1   2   60
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  28/02/2015  Destination 59  1   1   2   150
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   28/02/2015  Destination 56  1   1   2   400
    Australia   PERTH   28/02/2015  Source  58  1   1   2   60
    Australia   PERTH   28/02/2015  Source  59  1   1   2   150
    Australia   SYDNEY  28/02/2015  Source  55  1   1   2   400
    Australia   SYDNEY  28/02/2015  Source  56  1   1   2   400
    Australia   SYDNEY  28/02/2015  Source  57  7   1   2   3030
    Australia   PERTH   01/03/2015  Destination 60  3   1   2   570
    Australia   PERTH   01/03/2015  Destination 61  1   1   2   149
    Australia   MELBOURNE   01/03/2015  Source  61  1   1   2   149
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   01/03/2015  Source  60  3   1   2   570
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  02/03/2015  Destination 63  1   1   2   80
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  02/03/2015  Destination 64  1   1   2   120
    Australia   PERTH   02/03/2015  Destination 62  2   1   2   239
    Australia   MELBOURNE   02/03/2015  Source  62  2   1   2   239
    Australia   PERTH   02/03/2015  Source  63  1   1   2   80
    Australia   PERTH   02/03/2015  Source  64  1   1   2   120
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  05/03/2015  Destination 65  2   1   2   1330
    Australia   PERTH   05/03/2015  Source  65  2   1   2   1330
    Australia   MACKAY  07/03/2015  Destination 66  3   1   2   6300
    Australia   PERTH   07/03/2015  Destination 67  3   1   2   1010
    Australia   PERTH   07/03/2015  Destination 68  1   1   2   119
    Australia   MELBOURNE   07/03/2015  Source  68  1   1   2   119
    Australia   SYDNEY  07/03/2015  Source  66  3   1   2   6300
    Australia   SYDNEY  07/03/2015  Source  67  3   1   2   1010
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   08/03/2015  Destination 69  1   1   2   582
    Australia   MELBOURNE   08/03/2015  Source  69  1   1   2   582
    Australia   PERTH   09/03/2015  Destination 70  6   1   2   1290
    Australia   SYDNEY  09/03/2015  Source  70  6   1   2   1290
    Australia   BRISBANE    12/03/2015  Destination 71  5   1   2   1050
    Australia   SYDNEY  12/03/2015  Source  71  5   1   2   1050
    Australia   Dubbo   13/03/2015  Destination 72  1   1   2   140
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  13/03/2015  Destination 75  1   1   2   110
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  13/03/2015  Destination 76  1   1   2   155
    Australia   PERTH   13/03/2015  Destination 74  1   1   2   115
    Australia   TOWNSVILLE  13/03/2015  Destination 73  1   1   2   270
    Australia   MELBOURNE   13/03/2015  Source  74  1   1   2   115
    Australia   PERTH   13/03/2015  Source  75  1   1   2   110
    Australia   PERTH   13/03/2015  Source  76  1   1   2   155
    Australia   SYDNEY  13/03/2015  Source  72  1   1   2   140
    Australia   SYDNEY  13/03/2015  Source  73  1   1   2   270
    Australia   PERTH   15/03/2015  Destination 77  3   1   2   690
    Australia   PERTH   15/03/2015  Destination 78  4   1   2   760
    Australia   SYDNEY  15/03/2015  Source  77  3   1   2   690
    Australia   SYDNEY  15/03/2015  Source  78  4   1   2   760
    Australia   BRISBANE    16/03/2015  Destination 79  1   1   2   160
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  16/03/2015  Destination 80  1   1   2   720
    Australia   PERTH   16/03/2015  Source  80  1   1   2   720
    Australia   SYDNEY  16/03/2015  Source  79  1   1   2   160
    Australia   BRISBANE    19/03/2015  Destination 81  7   1   2   3120
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  19/03/2015  Destination 82  1   1   2   710
    Australia   PERTH   19/03/2015  Source  82  1   1   2   710
    Australia   SYDNEY  19/03/2015  Source  81  7   1   2   3120
    Australia   DARWIN  20/03/2015  Destination 84  5   1   2   2088
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  20/03/2015  Destination 86  1   1   2   480
    Australia   PERTH   20/03/2015  Destination 83  11  1   2   2300
    Australia   PERTH   20/03/2015  Destination 85  1   1   2   91
    Australia   MELBOURNE   20/03/2015  Source  84  5   1   2   2088
    Australia   MELBOURNE   20/03/2015  Source  85  1   1   2   91
    Australia   PERTH   20/03/2015  Source  86  1   1   2   480
    Australia   SYDNEY  20/03/2015  Source  83  11  1   2   2300
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  21/03/2015  Destination 88  1   1   2   1883
    Australia   PERTH   21/03/2015  Destination 87  1   1   2   750
    Australia   PERTH   21/03/2015  Source  88  1   1   2   1883
    Australia   SYDNEY  21/03/2015  Source  87  1   1   2   750
    Australia   ORANGE  22/03/2015  Destination 89  1   1   2   500
    Australia   SYDNEY  22/03/2015  Source  89  1   1   2   500
    Australia   DARWIN  23/03/2015  Destination 91  0   1   2   380
    Australia   PERTH   23/03/2015  Destination 90  6   1   2   1260
    Australia   BRISBANE    23/03/2015  Source  91  0   1   2   380
    Australia   SYDNEY  23/03/2015  Source  90  6   1   2   1260
    Australia   PERTH   26/03/2015  Destination 92  1   1   2   480
    Australia   SYDNEY  26/03/2015  Source  92  1   1   2   480
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  27/03/2015  Destination 94  1   1   2   695
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  27/03/2015  Destination 95  2   1   2   1300
    Australia   PERTH   27/03/2015  Destination 93  1   1   2   480
    Australia   PERTH   27/03/2015  Source  94  1   1   2   695
    Australia   PERTH   27/03/2015  Source  95  2   1   2   1300
    Australia   SYDNEY  27/03/2015  Source  93  1   1   2   480
    Australia   PERTH   28/03/2015  Destination 96  6   1   2   1280
    Australia   SYDNEY  28/03/2015  Source  96  6   1   2   1280
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  29/03/2015  Destination 99  1   1   2   800
    Australia   MELBOURNE   29/03/2015  Destination 97  12  1   2   7600
    Australia   PERTH   29/03/2015  Destination 98  1   1   2   120
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   29/03/2015  Source  98  1   1   2   120
    Australia   PERTH   29/03/2015  Source  99  1   1   2   800
    Australia   SYDNEY  29/03/2015  Source  97  12  1   2   7600
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  30/03/2015  Destination 100 1   1   2   690
    Australia   PERTH   30/03/2015  Source  100 1   1   2   690
    Australia   PERTH   02/04/2015  Destination 101 1   1   2   177
    Australia   MELBOURNE   02/04/2015  Source  101 1   1   2   177
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  03/04/2015  Destination 103 1   1   2   80
    Australia   MELBOURNE   03/04/2015  Destination 102 1   1   2   881
    Australia   PERTH   03/04/2015  Source  103 1   1   2   80
    Australia   SYDNEY  03/04/2015  Source  102 1   1   2   881
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  05/04/2015  Destination 104 2   1   2   1060
    Australia   PERTH   05/04/2015  Source  104 2   1   2   1060
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  06/04/2015  Destination 105 1   1   2   90
    Australia   PERTH   06/04/2015  Source  105 1   1   2   90
    Australia   DARWIN  24/04/2015  Destination 107 1   1   2   122
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  24/04/2015  Destination 108 1   1   2   120
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  24/04/2015  Destination 109 1   1   2   180
    Australia   PERTH   24/04/2015  Destination 106 3   1   2   480
    Australia   MELBOURNE   24/04/2015  Source  107 1   1   2   122
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   24/04/2015  Source  106 3   1   2   480
    Australia   PERTH   24/04/2015  Source  108 1   1   2   120
    Australia   PERTH   24/04/2015  Source  109 1   1   2   180
    Australia   BRISBANE    25/04/2015  Destination 110 1   1   2   190
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  25/04/2015  Destination 112 1   1   2   780
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  25/04/2015  Destination 113 2   1   2   1160
    Australia   MELBOURNE   25/04/2015  Destination 111 1   1   2   600
    Australia   PERTH   25/04/2015  Source  112 1   1   2   780
    Australia   PERTH   25/04/2015  Source  113 2   1   2   1160
    Australia   SYDNEY  25/04/2015  Source  110 1   1   2   190
    Australia   SYDNEY  25/04/2015  Source  111 1   1   2   600
    Australia   DARWIN  26/04/2015  Destination 115 1   1   2   240
    Australia   PERTH   26/04/2015  Destination 114 1   1   2   116
    Australia   MELBOURNE   26/04/2015  Source  114 1   1   2   116
    Australia   PERTH   26/04/2015  Source  115 1   1   2   240
    Australia   PERTH   02/05/2015  Destination 116 7   1   2   1720
    Australia   SYDNEY  02/05/2015  Source  116 7   1   2   1720
    Australia   ALICE SPRINGS   04/05/2015  Destination 119 1   1   2   170
    Australia   Dubbo   04/05/2015  Destination 117 1   1   2   200
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  04/05/2015  Destination 120 1   1   2   690
    Australia   PERTH   04/05/2015  Destination 118 1   1   2   780
    Australia   PERTH   04/05/2015  Source  119 1   1   2   170
    Australia   PERTH   04/05/2015  Source  120 1   1   2   690
    Australia   SYDNEY  04/05/2015  Source  117 1   1   2   200
    Australia   SYDNEY  04/05/2015  Source  118 1   1   2   780
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  07/05/2015  Destination 123 2   1   2   1160
    Australia   MELBOURNE   07/05/2015  Destination 122 1   1   2   230
    Australia   ORANGE  07/05/2015  Destination 121 1   1   2   290
    Australia   PERTH   07/05/2015  Source  123 2   1   2   1160
    Australia   SYDNEY  07/05/2015  Source  121 1   1   2   290
    Australia   SYDNEY  07/05/2015  Source  122 1   1   2   230
    Australia   BRISBANE    09/05/2015  Destination 124 1   1   2   130
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  09/05/2015  Destination 125 1   1   2   110
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  09/05/2015  Destination 126 1   1   2   300
    Australia   PERTH   09/05/2015  Source  125 1   1   2   110
    Australia   PERTH   09/05/2015  Source  126 1   1   2   300
    Australia   SYDNEY  09/05/2015  Source  124 1   1   2   130
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  11/05/2015  Destination 127 1   1   2   640
    Australia   PERTH   11/05/2015  Source  127 1   1   2   640
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  14/05/2015  Destination 128 1   1   2   560
    Australia   PERTH   14/05/2015  Source  128 1   1   2   560
    Australia   DARWIN  15/05/2015  Destination 129 1   1   2   475
    Australia   PERTH   15/05/2015  Destination 130 2   1   2   124
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/05/2015  Source  129 1   1   2   475
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/05/2015  Source  130 2   1   2   124
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  16/05/2015  Destination 132 1   1   2   100
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  16/05/2015  Destination 133 2   1   2   840
    Australia   PERTH   16/05/2015  Destination 131 1   1   2   91
    Australia   MELBOURNE   16/05/2015  Source  131 1   1   2   91
    Australia   PERTH   16/05/2015  Source  132 1   1   2   100
    Australia   PERTH   16/05/2015  Source  133 2   1   2   840
    Australia   MELBOURNE   17/05/2015  Destination 135 3   1   2   1548
    Australia   PERTH   17/05/2015  Destination 134 3   1   2   195
    Australia   MELBOURNE   17/05/2015  Source  134 3   1   2   195
    Australia   PERTH   17/05/2015  Source  135 3   1   2   1548
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  18/05/2015  Destination 137 1   1   2   730
    Australia   PERTH   18/05/2015  Destination 136 11  1   2   2330
    Australia   PERTH   18/05/2015  Source  137 1   1   2   730
    Australia   SYDNEY  18/05/2015  Source  136 11  1   2   2330
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  22/05/2015  Destination 139 1   1   2   185
    Australia   PERTH   22/05/2015  Destination 138 1   1   2   91
    Australia   MELBOURNE   22/05/2015  Source  138 1   1   2   91
    Australia   PERTH   22/05/2015  Source  139 1   1   2   185
    Australia   DARWIN  23/05/2015  Destination 140 1   1   2   220
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  23/05/2015  Destination 141 1   1   2   245
    Australia   PERTH   23/05/2015  Source  140 1   1   2   220
    Australia   PERTH   23/05/2015  Source  141 1   1   2   245
    Australia   ADELAIDE    24/05/2015  Destination 142 1   1   2   1120
    Australia   SYDNEY  24/05/2015  Source  142 1   1   2   1120
    Australia   CANBERRA    25/05/2015  Destination 143 1   1   2   310
    Australia   DARWIN  25/05/2015  Destination 148 1   1   2   740
    Australia   PERTH   25/05/2015  Destination 144 1   1   2   137
    Australia   PERTH   25/05/2015  Destination 145 1   1   2   238
    Australia   PERTH   25/05/2015  Destination 146 1   1   2   153
    Australia   PERTH   25/05/2015  Destination 147 2   1   2   188
    Australia   MELBOURNE   25/05/2015  Source  144 1   1   2   137
    Australia   MELBOURNE   25/05/2015  Source  145 1   1   2   238
    Australia   MELBOURNE   25/05/2015  Source  146 1   1   2   153
    Australia   MELBOURNE   25/05/2015  Source  147 2   1   2   188
    Australia   PERTH   25/05/2015  Source  148 1   1   2   740
    Australia   SYDNEY  25/05/2015  Source  143 1   1   2   310
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  28/05/2015  Destination 149 1   1   2   440
    Australia   PERTH   28/05/2015  Source  149 1   1   2   440
    Australia   DARWIN  30/05/2015  Destination 150 1   1   2   110
    Australia   PERTH   30/05/2015  Source  150 1   1   2   110
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  31/05/2015  Destination 151 1   1   2   45
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  31/05/2015  Destination 152 1   1   2   708
    Australia   PERTH   31/05/2015  Source  151 1   1   2   45
    Australia   PERTH   31/05/2015  Source  152 1   1   2   708
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  01/06/2015  Destination 153 3   1   2   1830
    Australia   PERTH   01/06/2015  Source  153 3   1   2   1830
    Australia   DARWIN  04/06/2015  Destination 154 1   1   2   720
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  04/06/2015  Destination 155 2   1   2   1130
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  04/06/2015  Destination 156 2   1   2   1766
    Australia   PERTH   04/06/2015  Source  154 1   1   2   720
    Australia   PERTH   04/06/2015  Source  155 2   1   2   1130
    Australia   PERTH   04/06/2015  Source  156 2   1   2   1766
    Australia   DARWIN  05/06/2015  Destination 158 1   1   2   115
    Australia   MELBOURNE   05/06/2015  Destination 157 1   1   2   730
    Australia   PERTH   05/06/2015  Source  158 1   1   2   115
    Australia   SYDNEY  05/06/2015  Source  157 1   1   2   730
    Australia   ADELAIDE    06/06/2015  Destination 159 1   1   2   460
    Australia   DARWIN  06/06/2015  Destination 160 1   1   2   447
    Australia   MELBOURNE   06/06/2015  Source  160 1   1   2   447
    Australia   SYDNEY  06/06/2015  Source  159 1   1   2   460
    Australia   DARWIN  07/06/2015  Destination 161 1   1   2   137
    Australia   MELBOURNE   07/06/2015  Source  161 1   1   2   137
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  11/06/2015  Destination 163 1   1   2   740
    Australia   PERTH   11/06/2015  Destination 162 1   1   2   250
    Australia   MELBOURNE   11/06/2015  Source  162 1   1   2   250
    Australia   PERTH   11/06/2015  Source  163 1   1   2   740
    Australia   DARWIN  12/06/2015  Destination 164 1   1   2   860
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  12/06/2015  Destination 165 1   1   2   120
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  12/06/2015  Destination 166 1   1   2   170
    Australia   PERTH   12/06/2015  Source  164 1   1   2   860
    Australia   PERTH   12/06/2015  Source  165 1   1   2   120
    Australia   PERTH   12/06/2015  Source  166 1   1   2   170
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  13/06/2015  Destination 168 1   1   2   520
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  13/06/2015  Destination 169 1   1   2   708
    Australia   PERTH   13/06/2015  Destination 167 1   1   2   620
    Australia   PERTH   13/06/2015  Source  168 1   1   2   520
    Australia   PERTH   13/06/2015  Source  169 1   1   2   708
    Australia   SYDNEY  13/06/2015  Source  167 1   1   2   620
    Australia   PERTH   14/06/2015  Destination 170 13  1   2   2940
    Australia   PERTH   14/06/2015  Destination 171 1   1   2   103
    Australia   PERTH   14/06/2015  Destination 172 1   1   2   370
    Australia   MELBOURNE   14/06/2015  Source  171 1   1   2   103
    Australia   MELBOURNE   14/06/2015  Source  172 1   1   2   370
    Australia   SYDNEY  14/06/2015  Source  170 13  1   2   2940
    Australia   BRISBANE    15/06/2015  Destination 174 1   1   2   260
    Australia   BRISBANE    15/06/2015  Destination 175 5   1   2   1600
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  15/06/2015  Destination 177 1   1   2   380
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  15/06/2015  Destination 178 2   1   2   1060
    Australia   ORANGE  15/06/2015  Destination 173 1   1   2   416
    Australia   PERTH   15/06/2015  Destination 176 1   1   2   95
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/06/2015  Source  176 1   1   2   95
    Australia   PERTH   15/06/2015  Source  177 1   1   2   380
    Australia   PERTH   15/06/2015  Source  178 2   1   2   1060
    Australia   SYDNEY  15/06/2015  Source  173 1   1   2   416
    Australia   SYDNEY  15/06/2015  Source  174 1   1   2   260
    Australia   SYDNEY  15/06/2015  Source  175 5   1   2   1600
    Australia   CANBERRA    18/06/2015  Destination 179 1   1   2   93
    Australia   MELBOURNE   18/06/2015  Source  179 1   1   2   93
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   19/06/2015  Destination 180 1   1   2   245
    Australia   SYDNEY  19/06/2015  Source  180 1   1   2   245
    Australia   DARWIN  20/06/2015  Destination 181 1   1   2   511
    Australia   MELBOURNE   20/06/2015  Source  181 1   1   2   511
    Australia   DARWIN  21/06/2015  Destination 182 1   1   2   530
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  21/06/2015  Destination 184 1   1   2   317
    Australia   PERTH   21/06/2015  Destination 183 1   1   2   148
    Australia   MELBOURNE   21/06/2015  Source  182 1   1   2   530
    Australia   MELBOURNE   21/06/2015  Source  183 1   1   2   148
    Australia   PERTH   21/06/2015  Source  184 1   1   2   317
    Australia   BRISBANE    22/06/2015  Destination 185 1   1   2   265
    Australia   SYDNEY  22/06/2015  Source  185 1   1   2   265
    Australia   BRISBANE    25/06/2015  Destination 186 1   1   2   110
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   25/06/2015  Source  186 1   1   2   110
    Australia   PERTH   26/06/2015  Destination 187 1   1   2   50
    Australia   PERTH   26/06/2015  Destination 188 16  1   2   208
    Australia   ADELAIDE    26/06/2015  Source  188 16  1   2   208
    Australia   SYDNEY  26/06/2015  Source  187 1   1   2   50
    Australia   DARWIN  28/06/2015  Destination 189 1   1   2   130
    Australia   DARWIN  28/06/2015  Destination 190 1   1   2   365
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  28/06/2015  Destination 192 2   1   2   1058
    Australia   PERTH   28/06/2015  Destination 191 1   1   2   173
    Australia   MELBOURNE   28/06/2015  Source  189 1   1   2   130
    Australia   MELBOURNE   28/06/2015  Source  190 1   1   2   365
    Australia   MELBOURNE   28/06/2015  Source  191 1   1   2   173
    Australia   PERTH   28/06/2015  Source  192 2   1   2   1058
    Australia   BRISBANE    02/07/2015  Destination 194 9   1   2   3150
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   02/07/2015  Destination 193 1   1   2   230
    Australia   SYDNEY  02/07/2015  Source  193 1   1   2   230
    Australia   SYDNEY  02/07/2015  Source  194 9   1   2   3150
    Australia   DARWIN  03/07/2015  Destination 195 1   1   2   887
    Australia   PERTH   03/07/2015  Destination 196 1   1   2   265
    Australia   MELBOURNE   03/07/2015  Source  195 1   1   2   887
    Australia   MELBOURNE   03/07/2015  Source  196 1   1   2   265
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  04/07/2015  Destination 197 1   1   2   80
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  04/07/2015  Destination 198 1   1   2   180
    Australia   PERTH   04/07/2015  Source  197 1   1   2   80
    Australia   PERTH   04/07/2015  Source  198 1   1   2   180
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  05/07/2015  Destination 201 1   1   2   740
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  05/07/2015  Destination 202 1   1   2   800
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  05/07/2015  Destination 203 2   1   2   1160
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  05/07/2015  Destination 204 2   1   2   690
    Australia   PERTH   05/07/2015  Destination 199 1   1   2   80
    Australia   PERTH   05/07/2015  Destination 200 1   1   2   80
    Australia   PERTH   05/07/2015  Source  201 1   1   2   740
    Australia   PERTH   05/07/2015  Source  202 1   1   2   800
    Australia   PERTH   05/07/2015  Source  203 2   1   2   1160
    Australia   PERTH   05/07/2015  Source  204 2   1   2   690
    Australia   SYDNEY  05/07/2015  Source  199 1   1   2   80
    Australia   SYDNEY  05/07/2015  Source  200 1   1   2   80
    Australia   BRISBANE    06/07/2015  Destination 205 3   1   2   1100
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  06/07/2015  Destination 206 1   1   2   520
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  06/07/2015  Destination 207 1   1   2   230
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  06/07/2015  Destination 208 1   1   2   70
    Australia   PERTH   06/07/2015  Source  206 1   1   2   520
    Australia   PERTH   06/07/2015  Source  207 1   1   2   230
    Australia   PERTH   06/07/2015  Source  208 1   1   2   70
    Australia   SYDNEY  06/07/2015  Source  205 3   1   2   1100
    Australia   BRISBANE    09/07/2015  Destination 209 4   1   2   1760
    Australia   MELBOURNE   09/07/2015  Destination 210 1   1   2   370
    Australia   PERTH   09/07/2015  Destination 211 1   1   2   250
    Australia   SYDNEY  09/07/2015  Source  209 4   1   2   1760
    Australia   SYDNEY  09/07/2015  Source  210 1   1   2   370
    Australia   SYDNEY  09/07/2015  Source  211 1   1   2   250
    Australia   Dubbo   10/07/2015  Destination 212 1   1   2   360
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  10/07/2015  Destination 213 1   1   2   690
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  10/07/2015  Destination 214 2   1   2   625
    Australia   PERTH   10/07/2015  Source  213 1   1   2   690
    Australia   PERTH   10/07/2015  Source  214 2   1   2   625
    Australia   SYDNEY  10/07/2015  Source  212 1   1   2   360
    Australia   DARWIN  11/07/2015  Destination 216 1   1   2   78
    Australia   DARWIN  11/07/2015  Destination 217 1   1   2   75
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  11/07/2015  Destination 218 1   1   2   430
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  11/07/2015  Destination 219 1   1   2   433
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  11/07/2015  Destination 220 1   1   2   691
    Australia   MACKAY  11/07/2015  Destination 215 3   1   2   5700
    Australia   MELBOURNE   11/07/2015  Source  216 1   1   2   78
    Australia   PERTH   11/07/2015  Source  217 1   1   2   75
    Australia   PERTH   11/07/2015  Source  218 1   1   2   430
    Australia   PERTH   11/07/2015  Source  219 1   1   2   433
    Australia   PERTH   11/07/2015  Source  220 1   1   2   691
    Australia   SYDNEY  11/07/2015  Source  215 3   1   2   5700
    Australia   ALBURY  12/07/2015  Destination 221 1   1   2   50
    Australia   SYDNEY  12/07/2015  Source  221 1   1   2   50
    Australia   BRISBANE    16/07/2015  Destination 222 5   1   2   1900
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  16/07/2015  Destination 224 9   1   2   6660
    Australia   PERTH   16/07/2015  Destination 223 1   1   2   72
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   16/07/2015  Source  223 1   1   2   72
    Australia   PERTH   16/07/2015  Source  224 9   1   2   6660
    Australia   SYDNEY  16/07/2015  Source  222 5   1   2   1900
    Australia   DARWIN  17/07/2015  Destination 225 2   1   2   1042
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  17/07/2015  Destination 226 1   1   2   620
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  17/07/2015  Destination 227 1   1   2   900
    Australia   MELBOURNE   17/07/2015  Source  225 2   1   2   1042
    Australia   PERTH   17/07/2015  Source  226 1   1   2   620
    Australia   PERTH   17/07/2015  Source  227 1   1   2   900
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  18/07/2015  Destination 229 1   1   2   740
    Australia   PERTH   18/07/2015  Destination 228 11  1   2   2440
    Australia   PERTH   18/07/2015  Source  229 1   1   2   740
    Australia   SYDNEY  18/07/2015  Source  228 11  1   2   2440
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  19/07/2015  Destination 231 3   1   2   1391
    Australia   PERTH   19/07/2015  Destination 230 1   1   2   123
    Australia   MELBOURNE   19/07/2015  Source  230 1   1   2   123
    Australia   PERTH   19/07/2015  Source  231 3   1   2   1391
    Australia   ORANGE  24/07/2015  Destination 232 1   1   2   420
    Australia   SYDNEY  24/07/2015  Source  232 1   1   2   420
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  25/07/2015  Destination 234 2   1   2   1350
    Australia   PERTH   25/07/2015  Destination 233 2   1   2   47
    Australia   MELBOURNE   25/07/2015  Source  233 2   1   2   47
    Australia   PERTH   25/07/2015  Source  234 2   1   2   1350
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  27/07/2015  Destination 235 2   1   2   870
    Australia   PERTH   27/07/2015  Source  235 2   1   2   870
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  06/08/2015  Destination 236 2   1   2   1460
    Australia   PERTH   06/08/2015  Source  236 2   1   2   1460
    Australia   PERTH   07/08/2015  Destination 237 5   1   2   95
    Australia   SYDNEY  07/08/2015  Source  237 5   1   2   95
    Australia   DARWIN  09/08/2015  Destination 238 1   1   2   516
    Australia   MELBOURNE   09/08/2015  Source  238 1   1   2   516
    Australia   ALICE SPRINGS   14/08/2015  Destination 239 1   1   2   95
    Australia   PERTH   14/08/2015  Source  239 1   1   2   95
    Australia   DARWIN  15/08/2015  Destination 241 1   1   2   477
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  15/08/2015  Destination 244 1   1   2   880
    Australia   PERTH   15/08/2015  Destination 240 12  1   2   2740
    Australia   PERTH   15/08/2015  Destination 242 1   1   2   104
    Australia   PERTH   15/08/2015  Destination 243 1   1   2   293
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/08/2015  Source  241 1   1   2   477
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/08/2015  Source  242 1   1   2   104
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/08/2015  Source  243 1   1   2   293
    Australia   PERTH   15/08/2015  Source  244 1   1   2   880
    Australia   SYDNEY  15/08/2015  Source  240 12  1   2   2740
    Australia   PERTH   17/08/2015  Destination 245 1   1   2   295
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   17/08/2015  Source  245 1   1   2   295
    Australia   PERTH   20/08/2015  Destination 246 10  1   2   2200
    Australia   PERTH   20/08/2015  Destination 247 1   1   2   122
    Australia   MELBOURNE   20/08/2015  Source  247 1   1   2   122
    Australia   SYDNEY  20/08/2015  Source  246 10  1   2   2200
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  21/08/2015  Destination 248 2   1   2   1230
    Australia   PERTH   21/08/2015  Source  248 2   1   2   1230
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  22/08/2015  Destination 249 1   1   2   650
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  22/08/2015  Destination 250 1   1   2   790
    Australia   PERTH   22/08/2015  Source  249 1   1   2   650
    Australia   PERTH   22/08/2015  Source  250 1   1   2   790
    Australia   DARWIN  24/08/2015  Destination 252 4   1   2   1801
    Australia   DARWIN  24/08/2015  Destination 255 1   1   2   683
    Australia   PERTH   24/08/2015  Destination 251 1   1   2   60
    Australia   PERTH   24/08/2015  Destination 253 2   1   2   81
    Australia   PERTH   24/08/2015  Destination 254 2   1   2   305
    Australia   MELBOURNE   24/08/2015  Source  252 4   1   2   1801
    Australia   MELBOURNE   24/08/2015  Source  253 2   1   2   81
    Australia   MELBOURNE   24/08/2015  Source  254 2   1   2   305
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   24/08/2015  Source  251 1   1   2   60
    Australia   PERTH   24/08/2015  Source  255 1   1   2   683
    Australia   BRISBANE    27/08/2015  Destination 256 1   1   2   420
    Australia   PERTH   27/08/2015  Destination 258 1   1   2   121
    Australia   PERTH   27/08/2015  Destination 259 1   1   2   145
    Australia   SYDNEY  27/08/2015  Destination 257 1   1   2   128
    Australia   MELBOURNE   27/08/2015  Source  257 1   1   2   128
    Australia   MELBOURNE   27/08/2015  Source  258 1   1   2   121
    Australia   MELBOURNE   27/08/2015  Source  259 1   1   2   145
    Australia   SYDNEY  27/08/2015  Source  256 1   1   2   420
    Australia   BRISBANE    28/08/2015  Destination 260 3   1   2   660
    Australia   DARWIN  28/08/2015  Destination 262 1   1   2   25
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  28/08/2015  Destination 263 1   1   2   275
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  28/08/2015  Destination 264 1   1   2   190
    Australia   PERTH   28/08/2015  Destination 261 1   1   2   405
    Australia   MELBOURNE   28/08/2015  Source  261 1   1   2   405
    Australia   PERTH   28/08/2015  Source  262 1   1   2   25
    Australia   PERTH   28/08/2015  Source  263 1   1   2   275
    Australia   PERTH   28/08/2015  Source  264 1   1   2   190
    Australia   SYDNEY  28/08/2015  Source  260 3   1   2   660
    Australia   PERTH   29/08/2015  Destination 265 1   1   2   640
    Australia   PERTH   29/08/2015  Destination 266 1   1   2   127
    Australia   PERTH   29/08/2015  Destination 267 1   1   2   246
    Australia   MELBOURNE   29/08/2015  Source  266 1   1   2   127
    Australia   MELBOURNE   29/08/2015  Source  267 1   1   2   246
    Australia   SYDNEY  29/08/2015  Source  265 1   1   2   640
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  30/08/2015  Destination 269 1   1   2   100
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  30/08/2015  Destination 270 1   1   2   660
    Australia   PERTH   30/08/2015  Destination 268 5   1   2   1100
    Australia   PERTH   30/08/2015  Source  269 1   1   2   100
    Australia   PERTH   30/08/2015  Source  270 1   1   2   660
    Australia   SYDNEY  30/08/2015  Source  268 5   1   2   1100
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  31/08/2015  Destination 271 1   1   2   441
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   31/08/2015  Source  271 1   1   2   441
    Australia   DARWIN  03/09/2015  Destination 272 1   1   2   129
    Australia   MELBOURNE   03/09/2015  Source  272 1   1   2   129
    Australia   BRISBANE    04/09/2015  Destination 273 1   1   2   1372
    Australia   MELBOURNE   04/09/2015  Source  273 1   1   2   1372
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  05/09/2015  Destination 276 1   1   2   120
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  05/09/2015  Destination 277 1   1   2   131
    Australia   PERTH   05/09/2015  Destination 274 4   1   2   80
    Australia   SYDNEY  05/09/2015  Destination 275 1   1   2   481
    Australia   PERTH   05/09/2015  Source  275 1   1   2   481
    Australia   PERTH   05/09/2015  Source  276 1   1   2   120
    Australia   PERTH   05/09/2015  Source  277 1   1   2   131
    Australia   SYDNEY  05/09/2015  Source  274 4   1   2   80
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  06/09/2015  Destination 279 1   1   2   290
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  06/09/2015  Destination 280 1   1   2   279
    Australia   PERTH   06/09/2015  Destination 278 1   1   2   1565
    Australia   MELBOURNE   06/09/2015  Source  278 1   1   2   1565
    Australia   PERTH   06/09/2015  Source  279 1   1   2   290
    Australia   PERTH   06/09/2015  Source  280 1   1   2   279
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  07/09/2015  Destination 282 1   1   2   730
    Australia   PERTH   07/09/2015  Destination 281 5   1   2   1170
    Australia   PERTH   07/09/2015  Source  282 1   1   2   730
    Australia   SYDNEY  07/09/2015  Source  281 5   1   2   1170
    Australia   PERTH   10/09/2015  Destination 283 1   1   2   120
    Australia   MELBOURNE   10/09/2015  Source  283 1   1   2   120
    Australia   MELBOURNE   11/09/2015  Destination 284 1   1   2   280
    Australia   SYDNEY  11/09/2015  Source  284 1   1   2   280
    Australia   PERTH   13/09/2015  Destination 285 4   1   2   880
    Australia   SYDNEY  13/09/2015  Source  285 4   1   2   880
    Australia   BRISBANE    17/09/2015  Destination 286 1   1   2   170
    Australia   BRISBANE    17/09/2015  Destination 287 8   1   2   3690
    Australia   PERTH   17/09/2015  Destination 288 1   1   2   105
    Australia   MELBOURNE   17/09/2015  Source  288 1   1   2   105
    Australia   SYDNEY  17/09/2015  Source  286 1   1   2   170
    Australia   SYDNEY  17/09/2015  Source  287 8   1   2   3690
    Australia   BRISBANE    19/09/2015  Destination 289 1   1   2   206
    Australia   MELBOURNE   19/09/2015  Destination 290 1   1   2   156
    Australia   PERTH   19/09/2015  Destination 291 4   1   2   940
    Australia   SYDNEY  19/09/2015  Source  289 1   1   2   206
    Australia   SYDNEY  19/09/2015  Source  290 1   1   2   156
    Australia   SYDNEY  19/09/2015  Source  291 4   1   2   940
    Australia   PERTH   20/09/2015  Destination 292 1   1   2   250
    Australia   SYDNEY  20/09/2015  Destination 293 1   1   2   180
    Australia   BRISBANE    20/09/2015  Source  293 1   1   2   180
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   20/09/2015  Source  292 1   1   2   250
    Australia   Dubbo   21/09/2015  Destination 294 1   1   2   310
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  21/09/2015  Destination 295 2   1   2   1300
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  21/09/2015  Destination 296 2   1   2   980
    Australia   PERTH   21/09/2015  Source  295 2   1   2   1300
    Australia   PERTH   21/09/2015  Source  296 2   1   2   980
    Australia   SYDNEY  21/09/2015  Source  294 1   1   2   310
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  24/09/2015  Destination 297 2   1   2   360
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  24/09/2015  Destination 298 3   1   2   25
    Australia   PERTH   24/09/2015  Source  297 2   1   2   360
    Australia   PERTH   24/09/2015  Source  298 3   1   2   25
    Australia   DARWIN  25/09/2015  Destination 299 1   1   2   523
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  25/09/2015  Destination 300 1   1   2   100
    Australia   MELBOURNE   25/09/2015  Source  299 1   1   2   523
    Australia   PERTH   25/09/2015  Source  300 1   1   2   100
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  26/09/2015  Destination 302 2   1   2   980
    Australia   PERTH   26/09/2015  Destination 301 10  1   2   2200
    Australia   PERTH   26/09/2015  Source  302 2   1   2   980
    Australia   SYDNEY  26/09/2015  Source  301 10  1   2   2200
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  27/09/2015  Destination 304 1   1   2   90
    Australia   PERTH   27/09/2015  Destination 303 2   1   2   240
    Australia   MELBOURNE   27/09/2015  Source  303 2   1   2   240
    Australia   PERTH   27/09/2015  Source  304 1   1   2   90
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  28/09/2015  Destination 308 1   1   2   670
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  28/09/2015  Destination 309 1   1   2   70
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  28/09/2015  Destination 310 2   1   2   950
    Australia   MELBOURNE   28/09/2015  Destination 305 1   1   2   101
    Australia   PERTH   28/09/2015  Destination 306 1   1   2   10
    Australia   PERTH   28/09/2015  Destination 307 13  1   2   2820
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   28/09/2015  Source  306 1   1   2   10
    Australia   PERTH   28/09/2015  Source  308 1   1   2   670
    Australia   PERTH   28/09/2015  Source  309 1   1   2   70
    Australia   PERTH   28/09/2015  Source  310 2   1   2   950
    Australia   SYDNEY  28/09/2015  Source  305 1   1   2   101
    Australia   SYDNEY  28/09/2015  Source  307 13  1   2   2820
    Australia   DARWIN  01/10/2015  Destination 311 1   1   2   252
    Australia   PERTH   01/10/2015  Destination 312 1   1   2   131
    Australia   MELBOURNE   01/10/2015  Source  311 1   1   2   252
    Australia   MELBOURNE   01/10/2015  Source  312 1   1   2   131
    Australia   ORANGE  02/10/2015  Destination 313 1   1   2   500
    Australia   PERTH   02/10/2015  Destination 314 1   1   2   379
    Australia   MELBOURNE   02/10/2015  Source  314 1   1   2   379
    Australia   SYDNEY  02/10/2015  Source  313 1   1   2   500
    Australia   DARWIN  03/10/2015  Destination 316 1   1   2   115
    Australia   PERTH   03/10/2015  Destination 315 6   1   2   1390
    Australia   PERTH   03/10/2015  Source  316 1   1   2   115
    Australia   SYDNEY  03/10/2015  Source  315 6   1   2   1390
    Australia   BRISBANE    04/10/2015  Destination 318 3   1   2   1530
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  04/10/2015  Destination 321 1   1   2   570
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  04/10/2015  Destination 322 2   1   2   1204
    Australia   PERTH   04/10/2015  Destination 317 1   1   2   190
    Australia   PERTH   04/10/2015  Destination 319 1   1   2   122
    Australia   PERTH   04/10/2015  Destination 320 2   1   2   960
    Australia   MELBOURNE   04/10/2015  Source  318 3   1   2   1530
    Australia   MELBOURNE   04/10/2015  Source  319 1   1   2   122
    Australia   MELBOURNE   04/10/2015  Source  320 2   1   2   960
    Australia   PERTH   04/10/2015  Source  321 1   1   2   570
    Australia   PERTH   04/10/2015  Source  322 2   1   2   1204
    Australia   SYDNEY  04/10/2015  Source  317 1   1   2   190
    Australia   DARWIN  05/10/2015  Destination 324 1   1   2   550
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  05/10/2015  Destination 325 1   1   2   65
    Australia   PERTH   05/10/2015  Destination 323 1   1   2   408
    Australia   MELBOURNE   05/10/2015  Source  323 1   1   2   408
    Australia   PERTH   05/10/2015  Source  324 1   1   2   550
    Australia   PERTH   05/10/2015  Source  325 1   1   2   65
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  08/10/2015  Destination 326 1   1   2   60
    Australia   PERTH   08/10/2015  Source  326 1   1   2   60
    Australia   DARWIN  09/10/2015  Destination 329 2   1   2   16
    Australia   PERTH   09/10/2015  Destination 330 4   1   2   1888
    Australia   SYDNEY  09/10/2015  Destination 327 1   1   2   704
    Australia   SYDNEY  09/10/2015  Destination 328 1   1   2   870
    Australia   MELBOURNE   09/10/2015  Source  327 1   1   2   704
    Australia   MELBOURNE   09/10/2015  Source  328 1   1   2   870
    Australia   MELBOURNE   09/10/2015  Source  329 2   1   2   16
    Australia   MELBOURNE   09/10/2015  Source  330 4   1   2   1888
    Australia   DARWIN  10/10/2015  Destination 332 1   1   2   199
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  10/10/2015  Destination 333 1   1   2   450
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  10/10/2015  Destination 334 1   1   2   370
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  10/10/2015  Destination 335 1   1   2   55
    Australia   PERTH   10/10/2015  Destination 331 -4  1   2   -80
    Australia   MELBOURNE   10/10/2015  Source  332 1   1   2   199
    Australia   PERTH   10/10/2015  Source  333 1   1   2   450
    Australia   PERTH   10/10/2015  Source  334 1   1   2   370
    Australia   PERTH   10/10/2015  Source  335 1   1   2   55
    Australia   SYDNEY  10/10/2015  Source  331 -4  1   2   -80
    Australia   PERTH   11/10/2015  Destination 336 3   1   2   2130
    Australia   SYDNEY  11/10/2015  Source  336 3   1   2   2130
    Australia   DARWIN  12/10/2015  Destination 337 1   1   2   237
    Australia   DARWIN  12/10/2015  Destination 338 1   1   2   198
    Australia   PERTH   12/10/2015  Destination 339 1   1   2   137
    Australia   MELBOURNE   12/10/2015  Source  337 1   1   2   237
    Australia   MELBOURNE   12/10/2015  Source  338 1   1   2   198
    Australia   MELBOURNE   12/10/2015  Source  339 1   1   2   137
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  15/10/2015  Destination 343 1   1   2   400
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  15/10/2015  Destination 344 1   1   2   460
    Australia   PERTH   15/10/2015  Destination 341 1   1   2   121
    Australia   PERTH   15/10/2015  Destination 342 1   1   2   159
    Australia   SYDNEY  15/10/2015  Destination 340 3   1   2   4464
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/10/2015  Source  340 3   1   2   4464
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/10/2015  Source  341 1   1   2   121
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/10/2015  Source  342 1   1   2   159
    Australia   PERTH   15/10/2015  Source  343 1   1   2   400
    Australia   PERTH   15/10/2015  Source  344 1   1   2   460
    Australia   PERTH   16/10/2015  Destination 345 1   1   2   500
    Australia   SYDNEY  16/10/2015  Source  345 1   1   2   500
    Australia   BRISBANE    17/10/2015  Destination 346 2   1   2   1680
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  17/10/2015  Destination 347 1   1   2   65
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  17/10/2015  Destination 349 1   1   2   85
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  17/10/2015  Destination 350 1   1   2   110
    Australia   PERTH   17/10/2015  Destination 348 1   1   2   379
    Australia   MELBOURNE   17/10/2015  Source  347 1   1   2   65
    Australia   MELBOURNE   17/10/2015  Source  348 1   1   2   379
    Australia   PERTH   17/10/2015  Source  349 1   1   2   85
    Australia   PERTH   17/10/2015  Source  350 1   1   2   110
    Australia   SYDNEY  17/10/2015  Source  346 2   1   2   1680
    Australia   BRISBANE    18/10/2015  Destination 352 3   1   2   1290
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  18/10/2015  Destination 354 1   1   2   420
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  18/10/2015  Destination 355 1   1   2   607
    Australia   PERTH   18/10/2015  Destination 351 12  1   2   2660
    Australia   PERTH   18/10/2015  Destination 353 4   1   2   105
    Australia   MELBOURNE   18/10/2015  Source  352 3   1   2   1290
    Australia   MELBOURNE   18/10/2015  Source  353 4   1   2   105
    Australia   PERTH   18/10/2015  Source  354 1   1   2   420
    Australia   PERTH   18/10/2015  Source  355 1   1   2   607
    Australia   SYDNEY  18/10/2015  Source  351 12  1   2   2660
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  19/10/2015  Destination 359 2   1   2   1220
    Australia   PERTH   19/10/2015  Destination 356 1   1   2   120
    Australia   PERTH   19/10/2015  Destination 357 1   1   2   120
    Australia   PERTH   19/10/2015  Destination 358 1   1   2   164
    Australia   MELBOURNE   19/10/2015  Source  358 1   1   2   164
    Australia   PERTH   19/10/2015  Source  359 2   1   2   1220
    Australia   SYDNEY  19/10/2015  Source  356 1   1   2   120
    Australia   SYDNEY  19/10/2015  Source  357 1   1   2   120
    Australia   PERTH   22/10/2015  Destination 360 1   1   2   300
    Australia   PERTH   22/10/2015  Destination 361 1   1   2   286
    Australia   MELBOURNE   22/10/2015  Source  361 1   1   2   286
    Australia   SYDNEY  22/10/2015  Source  360 1   1   2   300
    Australia   ADELAIDE    24/10/2015  Destination 362 1   1   2   940
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  24/10/2015  Destination 365 1   1   2   8
    Australia   MELBOURNE   24/10/2015  Destination 363 1   1   2   360
    Australia   PERTH   24/10/2015  Destination 364 1   1   2   141
    Australia   MELBOURNE   24/10/2015  Source  364 1   1   2   141
    Australia   PERTH   24/10/2015  Source  365 1   1   2   8
    Australia   SYDNEY  24/10/2015  Source  362 1   1   2   940
    Australia   SYDNEY  24/10/2015  Source  363 1   1   2   360
    Australia   BRISBANE    25/10/2015  Destination 366 4   1   2   1640
    Australia   DARWIN  25/10/2015  Destination 369 2   1   2   1092
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  25/10/2015  Destination 370 1   1   2   100
    Australia   MELBOURNE   25/10/2015  Destination 367 1   1   2   156
    Australia   PERTH   25/10/2015  Destination 368 1   1   2   138
    Australia   MELBOURNE   25/10/2015  Source  368 1   1   2   138
    Australia   PERTH   25/10/2015  Source  369 2   1   2   1092
    Australia   PERTH   25/10/2015  Source  370 1   1   2   100
    Australia   SYDNEY  25/10/2015  Source  366 4   1   2   1640
    Australia   SYDNEY  25/10/2015  Source  367 1   1   2   156
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  26/10/2015  Destination 373 1   1   2   725
    Australia   PERTH   26/10/2015  Destination 371 1   1   2   70
    Australia   PERTH   26/10/2015  Destination 372 1   1   2   213
    Australia   MELBOURNE   26/10/2015  Source  372 1   1   2   213
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   26/10/2015  Source  371 1   1   2   70
    Australia   PERTH   26/10/2015  Source  373 1   1   2   725
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  29/10/2015  Destination 374 1   1   2   259
    Australia   PERTH   29/10/2015  Source  374 1   1   2   259
    Australia   BRISBANE    30/10/2015  Destination 375 6   1   2   12600
    Australia   SYDNEY  30/10/2015  Source  375 6   1   2   12600
    Australia   DARWIN  31/10/2015  Destination 377 1   1   2   77
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  31/10/2015  Destination 379 1   1   2   705
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  31/10/2015  Destination 380 1   1   2   175
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  31/10/2015  Destination 381 1   1   2   200
    Australia   PERTH   31/10/2015  Destination 376 3   1   2   18
    Australia   PERTH   31/10/2015  Destination 378 0   1   2   105
    Australia   MELBOURNE   31/10/2015  Source  377 1   1   2   77
    Australia   MELBOURNE   31/10/2015  Source  378 0   1   2   105
    Australia   PERTH   31/10/2015  Source  379 1   1   2   705
    Australia   PERTH   31/10/2015  Source  380 1   1   2   175
    Australia   PERTH   31/10/2015  Source  381 1   1   2   200
    Australia   SYDNEY  31/10/2015  Source  376 3   1   2   18
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  01/11/2015  Destination 383 1   1   2   95
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  01/11/2015  Destination 384 1   1   2   640
    Australia   PERTH   01/11/2015  Destination 382 2   1   2   290
    Australia   PERTH   01/11/2015  Source  383 1   1   2   95
    Australia   PERTH   01/11/2015  Source  384 1   1   2   640
    Australia   SYDNEY  01/11/2015  Source  382 2   1   2   290
    Australia   BRISBANE    05/11/2015  Destination 385 4   1   2   1760
    Australia   DARWIN  05/11/2015  Destination 386 1   1   2   294
    Australia   DARWIN  05/11/2015  Destination 388 1   1   2   690
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  05/11/2015  Destination 389 1   1   2   320
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  05/11/2015  Destination 390 2   1   2   1020
    Australia   PERTH   05/11/2015  Destination 387 1   1   2   124
    Australia   MELBOURNE   05/11/2015  Source  386 1   1   2   294
    Australia   MELBOURNE   05/11/2015  Source  387 1   1   2   124
    Australia   PERTH   05/11/2015  Source  388 1   1   2   690
    Australia   PERTH   05/11/2015  Source  389 1   1   2   320
    Australia   PERTH   05/11/2015  Source  390 2   1   2   1020
    Australia   SYDNEY  05/11/2015  Source  385 4   1   2   1760
    Australia   BRISBANE    06/11/2015  Destination 391 3   1   2   1610
    Australia   BRISBANE    06/11/2015  Destination 392 4   1   2   1582
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  06/11/2015  Destination 393 3   1   2   910
    Australia   MELBOURNE   06/11/2015  Source  391 3   1   2   1610
    Australia   MELBOURNE   06/11/2015  Source  392 4   1   2   1582
    Australia   PERTH   06/11/2015  Source  393 3   1   2   910
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  07/11/2015  Destination 396 2   1   2   520
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  07/11/2015  Destination 397 2   1   2   1370
    Australia   PERTH   07/11/2015  Destination 394 1   1   2   460
    Australia   PERTH   07/11/2015  Destination 395 1   1   2   93
    Australia   MELBOURNE   07/11/2015  Source  395 1   1   2   93
    Australia   PERTH   07/11/2015  Source  396 2   1   2   520
    Australia   PERTH   07/11/2015  Source  397 2   1   2   1370
    Australia   SYDNEY  07/11/2015  Source  394 1   1   2   460
    Australia   PERTH   08/11/2015  Destination 399 2   1   2   1008
    Australia   SYDNEY  08/11/2015  Destination 398 2   1   2   1268
    Australia   MELBOURNE   08/11/2015  Source  398 2   1   2   1268
    Australia   MELBOURNE   08/11/2015  Source  399 2   1   2   1008
    Australia   PERTH   09/11/2015  Destination 400 1   1   2   86
    Australia   MELBOURNE   09/11/2015  Source  400 1   1   2   86
    Australia   BRISBANE    12/11/2015  Destination 402 1   1   2   170
    Australia   Dubbo   12/11/2015  Destination 401 1   1   2   140
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  12/11/2015  Destination 404 1   1   2   205
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  12/11/2015  Destination 405 1   1   2   230
    Australia   MELBOURNE   12/11/2015  Destination 403 1   1   2   156
    Australia   PERTH   12/11/2015  Source  404 1   1   2   205
    Australia   PERTH   12/11/2015  Source  405 1   1   2   230
    Australia   SYDNEY  12/11/2015  Source  401 1   1   2   140
    Australia   SYDNEY  12/11/2015  Source  402 1   1   2   170
    Australia   SYDNEY  12/11/2015  Source  403 1   1   2   156
    Australia   SYDNEY  13/11/2015  Destination 406 1   1   2   680
    Australia   SYDNEY  13/11/2015  Destination 407 1   1   2   103
    Australia   MELBOURNE   13/11/2015  Source  406 1   1   2   680
    Australia   MELBOURNE   13/11/2015  Source  407 1   1   2   103
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  14/11/2015  Destination 409 3   1   2   1670
    Australia   PERTH   14/11/2015  Destination 408 11  1   2   2370
    Australia   PERTH   14/11/2015  Source  409 3   1   2   1670
    Australia   SYDNEY  14/11/2015  Source  408 11  1   2   2370
    Australia   DARWIN  15/11/2015  Destination 410 1   1   2   598
    Australia   PERTH   15/11/2015  Destination 411 1   1   2   153
    Australia   PERTH   15/11/2015  Destination 412 2   1   2   815
    Australia   PERTH   15/11/2015  Destination 413 7   1   2   4530
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/11/2015  Source  410 1   1   2   598
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/11/2015  Source  411 1   1   2   153
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/11/2015  Source  412 2   1   2   815
    Australia   MELBOURNE   15/11/2015  Source  413 7   1   2   4530
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  16/11/2015  Destination 414 2   1   2   1045
    Australia   PERTH   16/11/2015  Source  414 2   1   2   1045
    Australia   SYDNEY  19/11/2015  Destination 415 3   1   2   1692
    Australia   SYDNEY  19/11/2015  Destination 416 6   1   2   1449
    Australia   MELBOURNE   19/11/2015  Source  415 3   1   2   1692
    Australia   MELBOURNE   19/11/2015  Source  416 6   1   2   1449
    Australia   DARWIN  20/11/2015  Destination 419 1   1   2   8
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   20/11/2015  Destination 417 1   1   2   250
    Australia   PERTH   20/11/2015  Destination 418 1   1   2   50
    Australia   BRISBANE    20/11/2015  Source  419 1   1   2   8
    Australia   SYDNEY  20/11/2015  Source  417 1   1   2   250
    Australia   SYDNEY  20/11/2015  Source  418 1   1   2   50
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  21/11/2015  Destination 420 1   1   2   680
    Australia   PERTH   21/11/2015  Source  420 1   1   2   680
    Australia   DARWIN  22/11/2015  Destination 421 1   1   2   51
    Australia   DARWIN  22/11/2015  Destination 422 1   1   2   466
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  22/11/2015  Destination 423 1   1   2   190
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  22/11/2015  Destination 424 1   1   2   785
    Australia   MELBOURNE   22/11/2015  Source  421 1   1   2   51
    Australia   MELBOURNE   22/11/2015  Source  422 1   1   2   466
    Australia   PERTH   22/11/2015  Source  423 1   1   2   190
    Australia   PERTH   22/11/2015  Source  424 1   1   2   785
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  23/11/2015  Destination 425 1   1   2   225
    Australia   PERTH   23/11/2015  Source  425 1   1   2   225
    Australia   SYDNEY  26/11/2015  Destination 426 1   1   2   761
    Australia   MELBOURNE   26/11/2015  Source  426 1   1   2   761
    Australia   MELBOURNE   27/11/2015  Destination 427 1   1   2   290
    Australia   PERTH   27/11/2015  Destination 428 7   1   2   1460
    Australia   PERTH   27/11/2015  Destination 429 1   1   2   238
    Australia   MELBOURNE   27/11/2015  Source  429 1   1   2   238
    Australia   SYDNEY  27/11/2015  Source  427 1   1   2   290
    Australia   SYDNEY  27/11/2015  Source  428 7   1   2   1460
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  28/11/2015  Destination 434 1   1   2   862
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  28/11/2015  Destination 435 3   1   2   546
    Australia   PERTH   28/11/2015  Destination 433 1   1   2   122
    Australia   SYDNEY  28/11/2015  Destination 430 1   1   2   78
    Australia   SYDNEY  28/11/2015  Destination 431 1   1   2   580
    Australia   SYDNEY  28/11/2015  Destination 432 2   1   2   1319
    Australia   MELBOURNE   28/11/2015  Source  430 1   1   2   78
    Australia   MELBOURNE   28/11/2015  Source  431 1   1   2   580
    Australia   MELBOURNE   28/11/2015  Source  432 2   1   2   1319
    Australia   MELBOURNE   28/11/2015  Source  433 1   1   2   122
    Australia   PERTH   28/11/2015  Source  434 1   1   2   862
    Australia   PERTH   28/11/2015  Source  435 3   1   2   546
    Australia   BRISBANE    29/11/2015  Destination 438 5   1   2   3120
    Australia   DARWIN  29/11/2015  Destination 437 1   1   2   155
    Australia   Dubbo   29/11/2015  Destination 436 1   1   2   150
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  29/11/2015  Destination 440 1   1   2   120
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  29/11/2015  Destination 441 1   1   2   556
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  29/11/2015  Destination 442 1   1   2   636
    Australia   PERTH   29/11/2015  Destination 439 5   1   2   3795
    Australia   MELBOURNE   29/11/2015  Source  437 1   1   2   155
    Australia   MELBOURNE   29/11/2015  Source  438 5   1   2   3120
    Australia   MELBOURNE   29/11/2015  Source  439 5   1   2   3795
    Australia   PERTH   29/11/2015  Source  440 1   1   2   120
    Australia   PERTH   29/11/2015  Source  441 1   1   2   556
    Australia   PERTH   29/11/2015  Source  442 1   1   2   636
    Australia   SYDNEY  29/11/2015  Source  436 1   1   2   150
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  03/12/2015  Destination 445 1   1   2   90
    Australia   PERTH   03/12/2015  Destination 443 1   1   2   109
    Australia   PERTH   03/12/2015  Destination 444 1   1   2   255
    Australia   MELBOURNE   03/12/2015  Source  443 1   1   2   109
    Australia   MELBOURNE   03/12/2015  Source  444 1   1   2   255
    Australia   PERTH   03/12/2015  Source  445 1   1   2   90
    Australia   ADELAIDE    04/12/2015  Destination 446 1   1   2   280
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  04/12/2015  Destination 449 1   1   2   160
    Australia   PERTH   04/12/2015  Destination 448 1   1   2   121
    Australia   SYDNEY  04/12/2015  Destination 447 2   1   2   703
    Australia   MELBOURNE   04/12/2015  Source  447 2   1   2   703
    Australia   MELBOURNE   04/12/2015  Source  448 1   1   2   121
    Australia   PERTH   04/12/2015  Source  449 1   1   2   160
    Australia   SYDNEY  04/12/2015  Source  446 1   1   2   280
    Australia   BRISBANE    05/12/2015  Destination 450 6   1   2   1925
    Australia   DARWIN  05/12/2015  Destination 452 1   1   2   400
    Australia   DARWIN  05/12/2015  Destination 454 22  1   2   315
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  05/12/2015  Destination 455 1   1   2   66
    Australia   PERTH   05/12/2015  Destination 451 6   1   2   1345
    Australia   PERTH   05/12/2015  Destination 453 3   1   2   557
    Australia   MELBOURNE   05/12/2015  Source  452 1   1   2   400
    Australia   MELBOURNE   05/12/2015  Source  453 3   1   2   557
    Australia   PERTH   05/12/2015  Source  454 22  1   2   315
    Australia   PERTH   05/12/2015  Source  455 1   1   2   66
    Australia   SYDNEY  05/12/2015  Source  450 6   1   2   1925
    Australia   SYDNEY  05/12/2015  Source  451 6   1   2   1345
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  06/12/2015  Destination 456 1   1   2   365
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  06/12/2015  Destination 457 1   1   2   160
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  06/12/2015  Destination 458 1   1   2   695
    Australia   PERTH   06/12/2015  Source  456 1   1   2   365
    Australia   PERTH   06/12/2015  Source  457 1   1   2   160
    Australia   PERTH   06/12/2015  Source  458 1   1   2   695
    Australia   ADELAIDE    10/12/2015  Destination 459 1   1   2   350
    Australia   DARWIN  10/12/2015  Destination 460 2   1   2   1274
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  10/12/2015  Destination 466 1   1   2   905
    Australia   PERTH   10/12/2015  Destination 461 1   1   2   95
    Australia   PERTH   10/12/2015  Destination 462 1   1   2   162
    Australia   PERTH   10/12/2015  Destination 463 1   1   2   174
    Australia   PERTH   10/12/2015  Destination 464 3   1   2   180
    Australia   PERTH   10/12/2015  Destination 465 4   1   2   248
    Australia   MELBOURNE   10/12/2015  Source  460 2   1   2   1274
    Australia   MELBOURNE   10/12/2015  Source  461 1   1   2   95
    Australia   MELBOURNE   10/12/2015  Source  462 1   1   2   162
    Australia   MELBOURNE   10/12/2015  Source  463 1   1   2   174
    Australia   MELBOURNE   10/12/2015  Source  464 3   1   2   180
    Australia   MELBOURNE   10/12/2015  Source  465 4   1   2   248
    Australia   PERTH   10/12/2015  Source  466 1   1   2   905
    Australia   SYDNEY  10/12/2015  Source  459 1   1   2   350
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  11/12/2015  Destination 467 1   1   2   230
    Australia   PERTH   11/12/2015  Source  467 1   1   2   230
    Australia   BRISBANE    12/12/2015  Destination 468 5   1   2   2860
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  12/12/2015  Destination 469 1   1   2   430
    Australia   PERTH   12/12/2015  Source  469 1   1   2   430
    Australia   SYDNEY  12/12/2015  Source  468 5   1   2   2860
    Australia   ADELAIDE    13/12/2015  Destination 470 1   1   2   940
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  13/12/2015  Destination 471 2   1   2   1380
    Australia   PERTH   13/12/2015  Source  471 2   1   2   1380
    Australia   SYDNEY  13/12/2015  Source  470 1   1   2   940
    Australia   DARWIN  17/12/2015  Destination 472 2   1   2   1390
    Australia   PERTH   17/12/2015  Source  472 2   1   2   1390
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  18/12/2015  Destination 476 2   1   2   1360
    Australia   PERTH   18/12/2015  Destination 473 1   1   2   400
    Australia   PERTH   18/12/2015  Destination 474 12  1   2   2460
    Australia   PERTH   18/12/2015  Destination 475 2   1   2   134
    Australia   MELBOURNE   18/12/2015  Source  475 2   1   2   134
    Australia   PERTH   18/12/2015  Source  476 2   1   2   1360
    Australia   SYDNEY  18/12/2015  Source  473 1   1   2   400
    Australia   SYDNEY  18/12/2015  Source  474 12  1   2   2460
    Australia   DARWIN  19/12/2015  Destination 478 1   1   2   137
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  19/12/2015  Destination 479 1   1   2   500
    Australia   MELBOURNE   19/12/2015  Destination 477 1   1   2   250
    Australia   PERTH   19/12/2015  Source  478 1   1   2   137
    Australia   PERTH   19/12/2015  Source  479 1   1   2   500
    Australia   SYDNEY  19/12/2015  Source  477 1   1   2   250
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  20/12/2015  Destination 481 1   1   2   430
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  20/12/2015  Destination 482 2   1   2   420
    Australia   ORANGE  20/12/2015  Destination 480 1   1   2   370
    Australia   PERTH   20/12/2015  Source  481 1   1   2   430
    Australia   PERTH   20/12/2015  Source  482 2   1   2   420
    Australia   SYDNEY  20/12/2015  Source  480 1   1   2   370
    Australia   PERTH   24/12/2015  Destination 483 1   1   2   360
    Australia   PERTH   24/12/2015  Destination 484 1   1   2   105
    Australia   PERTH   24/12/2015  Destination 485 1   1   2   131
    Australia   PERTH   24/12/2015  Destination 486 5   1   2   216
    Australia   MELBOURNE   24/12/2015  Source  484 1   1   2   105
    Australia   MELBOURNE   24/12/2015  Source  485 1   1   2   131
    Australia   MELBOURNE   24/12/2015  Source  486 5   1   2   216
    Australia   SYDNEY  24/12/2015  Source  483 1   1   2   360
    Australia   DARWIN  25/12/2015  Destination 487 1   1   2   80
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  25/12/2015  Destination 488 0   1   2   210
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  25/12/2015  Destination 489 0   1   2   670
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  25/12/2015  Destination 490 1   1   2   55
    Australia   PERTH   25/12/2015  Source  487 1   1   2   80
    Australia   PERTH   25/12/2015  Source  488 0   1   2   210
    Australia   PERTH   25/12/2015  Source  489 0   1   2   670
    Australia   PERTH   25/12/2015  Source  490 1   1   2   55
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  26/12/2015  Destination 493 1   1   2   830
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  26/12/2015  Destination 494 2   1   2   1140
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  26/12/2015  Destination 495 2   1   2   480
    Australia   PERTH   26/12/2015  Destination 491 12  1   2   2460
    Australia   PERTH   26/12/2015  Destination 492 1   1   2   258
    Australia   MELBOURNE   26/12/2015  Source  492 1   1   2   258
    Australia   PERTH   26/12/2015  Source  493 1   1   2   830
    Australia   PERTH   26/12/2015  Source  494 2   1   2   1140
    Australia   PERTH   26/12/2015  Source  495 2   1   2   480
    Australia   SYDNEY  26/12/2015  Source  491 12  1   2   2460
    Australia   ADELAIDE    27/12/2015  Destination 496 1   1   2   940
    Australia   PERTH   27/12/2015  Destination 497 1   1   2   131
    Australia   MELBOURNE   27/12/2015  Source  497 1   1   2   131
    Australia   SYDNEY  27/12/2015  Source  496 1   1   2   940
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  28/12/2015  Destination 498 1   1   2   445
    Australia   PERTH   28/12/2015  Source  498 1   1   2   445
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  31/12/2015  Destination 500 2   1   2   320
    Australia   PERTH   31/12/2015  Destination 499 0   1   2   120
    Australia   MELBOURNE   31/12/2015  Source  499 0   1   2   120
    Australia   PERTH   31/12/2015  Source  500 2   1   2   320
    Australia   MELBOURNE   01/01/2016  Destination 501 1   1   2   141
    Australia   PERTH   01/01/2016  Destination 502 1   1   2   223
    Australia   MELBOURNE   01/01/2016  Source  502 1   1   2   223
    Australia   SYDNEY  01/01/2016  Source  501 1   1   2   141
    Australia   PERTH   03/01/2016  Destination 503 9   1   2   1830
    Australia   SYDNEY  03/01/2016  Source  503 9   1   2   1830
    Australia   DARWIN  04/01/2016  Destination 505 1   1   2   527
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  04/01/2016  Destination 507 2   1   2   1000
    Australia   PERTH   04/01/2016  Destination 504 0   1   2   250
    Australia   PERTH   04/01/2016  Destination 506 1   1   2   235
    Australia   MELBOURNE   04/01/2016  Source  505 1   1   2   527
    Australia   MELBOURNE   04/01/2016  Source  506 1   1   2   235
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   04/01/2016  Source  504 0   1   2   250
    Australia   PERTH   04/01/2016  Source  507 2   1   2   1000
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  07/01/2016  Destination 510 2   1   2   1040
    Australia   PERTH   07/01/2016  Destination 508 1   1   2   400
    Australia   PERTH   07/01/2016  Destination 509 1   1   2   156
    Australia   MELBOURNE   07/01/2016  Source  509 1   1   2   156
    Australia   PERTH   07/01/2016  Source  510 2   1   2   1040
    Australia   SYDNEY  07/01/2016  Source  508 1   1   2   400
    Australia   ADELAIDE    08/01/2016  Destination 511 2   1   2   400
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  08/01/2016  Destination 512 1   1   2   480
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  08/01/2016  Destination 513 1   1   2   60
    Australia   PERTH   08/01/2016  Source  512 1   1   2   480
    Australia   PERTH   08/01/2016  Source  513 1   1   2   60
    Australia   SYDNEY  08/01/2016  Source  511 2   1   2   400
    Australia   KALGOORLIE  10/01/2016  Destination 517 1   1   2   135
    Australia   MELBOURNE   10/01/2016  Destination 514 1   1   2   200
    Australia   MELBOURNE   10/01/2016  Destination 515 2   1   2   600
    Australia   PERTH   10/01/2016  Destination 516 1   1   2   72
    Australia   NEWCASTLE   10/01/2016  Source  516 1   1   2   72
    Australia   PERTH   10/01/2016  Source  517 1   1   2   135
    Australia   SYDNEY  10/01/2016  Source  514 1   1   2   200
    Australia   SYDNEY  10/01/2016  Source  515 2   1   2   600
    Australia   PERTH   11/01/2016  Destination 518 1   1   2   450
    Australia   MELBOURNE   11/01/2016  Source  518 1   1   2   450

  • 2. Open the workbook and navigate to the Map worksheet.
    • 3. Select Transit Data in the Data pane and double-click on City, then change City from Detail to Text in the Marks card.
    • 4. In the following screenshot, note that the cities Mackay and Brisbane are the only cities that display. This issue depends on your country setting, but the following is an example of an issue that may be encountered. If you see it, click on 14 unknown.
    • 5. Select Edit Locations...:
    • 6. Change Country/Region to Fixed | Australia: 
      Australia is now displayed on the map:
  • 7. Navigate to the Miles worksheet and place the Trip ID and City fields on the Rows shelf, and Latitude (generated) and Longitude (generated) on the Text shelf, as seen in the following screenshot:
         Your screen should look like the preceding screenshot. Note that the crosstab is pretty cluttered[ˈklʌtərd]使凌乱,胡乱地填满. Ideally, Latitude and Longitude should display in separate columns. Unfortunately, we can't do this with the generated latitude and longitude because, although they are listed under the Measures portion of the Data pane, Tableau doesn't treat them as measures. In order to complete the exercise, we will need to be able to access the Latitude and Longitude coordinates from a separate data source.
  • 8. To do this, begin by clicking on the Map worksheet tab.
    • 9. Right-click on the visualization and select View Data.Copy all the data in the Summary tab of the resulting dialog box, by selecting every cell and clicking Copy(Ctrl + A and then Ctrl + C). 
    • 10. Close the dialog box and press Ctrl + V (Command + V for Mac) to create a new dataset in Tableau. Rename the resulting dataset (now called Clipboard_[timestamp] : ) to Lat Long​编辑. Also name the worksheet Lat Long.
  • 11. In the Lat Long worksheet, rename Latitude (generated) and Longitude (generated) to Lat and Long.
  • 12. Return to the Miles worksheet and, within the Transit Data data source, create two calculated fields:
    • one called LAT, containing the code

      AVG([Lat Long].[Lat])

    • and one called LONG, containing the code
      AVG([Lat Long].[Long])

  • 13. Remove Latitude (generated) and Longitude (generated) from Text on the Marks card.

  • 14. Place Measure Names on

    • the Columns shelf

    • and the Filter shelf and select Lat and Long.  

  • Also, place Measure Values on the Text shelf. Now, we have the ability to treat latitude and longitude as true measures  
  • 15. Create two more calculated fields: one called Lookup Lat, containing the code
    LOOKUP( [LAT], -1 )

    , and on e called Lookup Long, containing the code

    LOOKUP( [LONG], -1 )

     . Place the two newly created calculated fields on the Measure Values shelf by double click.

  • 16. Create a calculated field named Great Circle Distance Formula with the following code:

    The great circle formula is given as follows:
      distance : from Poi nt A1(a,x) to Point A2(b,y)



    r depicts the earth’s radius,

    a and b depict the latitude

    while the longitudes are depicted by x and y.

    Great Circle Distance Formula

    //distance: from point(Lookup(lat,long)) to point(lat,long)
    3959 * ACOS(SIN( RADIANS([LAT]) ) * SIN( RADIANS([Lookup Lat]) ) +COS( RADIANS([LAT]) ) * COS( RADIANS([Lookup Lat]) ) *COS( RADIANS([Lookup Long]) - RADIANS([LONG]) )

         For kilometers, change 3959 to 6378. This number represents the radius of the Earth and it needs to be updated from miles to kilometers.

  • 17. Place the newly created calculated field Great Circle Distance Formula on the Measure Values shelf.
  • 18. Change the calculation for Great Circle Distance Formula so that it computes using City by clicking on the field itself and selecting Compute Using | City.
  • 19. Adjust the following calculations accordingly:
    Name Code
    Lookup Lat IFNULL( LOOKUP([LAT], -1), LOOKUP([LAT],1) )
    Lookup Long IFNULL( LOOKUP( [LONG], -1 ), LOOKUP([LONG],1) )

  • 20. Select the Map worksheet and set the Marks type to Line.
  • 21. Place  Trip ID  on the Detail shelf. 
  • 22. change City from Text to Detail.
  • 23. Place the Great Circle Distance Formula field on the Tooltip shelf. Double-
    check that it is still set to Compute Using: City:
  • 24. Create two more calculated fields, one called Source City, containing the following code:
    {FIXED [Trip ID]:MIN( IF [Dest/Orig]='Source'THEN [City]END)

    The second calculated field should be called Destination City and contain the following code:

    { FIXED [Trip ID]:MIN( IF [Dest/Orig]='Destination'THEN 'City'END)

      [Trip ID] is partitioned

  • 25. Use the newly created calculated fields to format as desired. In particular, notice that in the following screenshot, Source City is on the Colour shelf and Destination City is used on the Tooltip shelf: Each color in the viz represents a starting city       

      To sum up what we have done here,

  • initially we added a dataset to Tableau.
  • We then needed to copy the latitudes and l ongitudes per city out of the workbook in order to create a second data source  , which we then used as a blendAVG([Lat Long].[Lat])) to look up latitude and longitude values.
  • With the help of LOD calculations, we could identify the source and destination cities
  • and lastly, we were able to measure the distance between cities by using the so-called great circle formula.
  • Each color in the viz represents a starting city; for example, all blue lines measure distances from Perth to other cities.
  • By hovering over a line, the source and destination city, as well as the distance measured in miles (or kilometers), will show.

If you wanted to analyze shipment routes or any other distances between two points, you now know exactly how to visualize this kind of data in Tableau. Another, similar viz can be seen at the following address, which is definitely worth checking out (try to replicate it!): Compare US flight delays by airline and destination: Big Data Analysis

In the next section, we will discuss Tableau's map and polygon functionalities.

Creating custom polygons

Geographic areas for which Tableau natively provides polygons include worldwide airport codes, cities, countries, regions, territories, states, provinces, and some postcodes and second-level administrative districts (county-equivalents)二级行政区(相当于县): U.S. area codes, Core-Based Statistical Areas (CBSA)基于核心的统计区域, Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA), congressional districts国会选区, and ZIP codes. This means, for example, that a filled map can easily be created for the countries of the world. Simply copy a list of the world's countries (Ctrl + C) and paste that list into Tableau by pressing Ctrl + V while your mouse is located on an empty worksheet in Tableau Desktop. A new data source will be added at the top right under Data. Next, set the View type in Tableau to Filled Map and place the country list on the Detail shelf. Tableau will automatically draw polygons for each of those data points:   
Filled maps (also called choropleth maps地区分布图 ; 面量图) fill areas such as countries, states, counties, or ZIP codes to show a locationhttps://blog.csdn.net/Linli522362242/article/details/122932763

There are some geographic types for which Tableau will not automatically provide polygons. These include telephone area codes. For these geographic types, Tableau will draw a symbol map but not a filled map, like so: 

Even though the filled map Marks type is chosen, Tableau is not able to fill the map because the outlines of those areas are unknown to Tableau. Furthermore, special mapping needs may arise that require polygons to be drawn for areas that are not typically included on maps. For example, an organization may define sales regions that don't follow usual map boundaries. Or, a Tableau author may import an image of a basketball court or football pitch into Tableau and draw polygons to represent particular parts of the playing area. An alternative, which we discussed in more detail in https://blog.csdn.net/Linli522362242/article/details/124786459, Beyond the Basic Chart Types, could be mapping bookshelves in a store.

Density maps:https://blog.csdn.net/Linli522362242/article/details/122932763

Mapping techniques : https://blog.csdn.net/Linli522362242/article/details/123970001

  • Supplementing the standard in geographic data
  • Manually assigning geographic locations
  • Creating custom territories
  • Field-defined custom territories Zip Code
  • Leveraging spatial objects

  • Some final map tips

But other than drawing polygons yourself, there are also file types that support drawing polygons. One of those file types is .shp (Spatial files). In the next exercise, we will make use of such a file and create polygons for Texas.

Polygons for Texas

We got to know polygons in https://blog.csdn.net/Linli522362242/article/details/124786459, Beyond the Basic Chart Types, already. We even drew them ourselves. But other than drawing polygons, in some cases, Tableau can create them. For example, Tableau natively provides polygons for several shape files. In the next exercise, we will use a .shp file to show the population of Texas as polygons on a map of Texas:

  • 1. Open the Texas Department of Transportation page: https://gis-txdot.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/txdot-city-boundaries/explore?location=31.002475%2C-100.168292%2C6.75
  • 2. Use the Download dropdown and download Shapefile:     In your download directory, you should find multiple files:   OR 
    If you were to open a .shp file in a text editor, you would see the following: 
  • 3. Luckily, Tableau has native capabilities to read .shp files. In the workbook associated with this chapter, navigate to the Texas_Cities_Limits worksheet and select Data | New Data Source | Spatial File.
  • 4. Navigate to your download directory or the path where you saved the Texas shape files and select the .shp file:
  • 5. In the next screenshot, you can see how Ta bleau was able to read the .shp file and how it created an additional field called Geometry that indicates that we are looking at polygons and multipolygons in this file
  • 6. Open the Texas_Cities_Limits worksheet  and drag  Geometry  onto the empty canvas:
  • 7. And look at that! Tableau created polygons around areas in Texas right away:
    Note I need to rename it with the name of Texas_Cities_Limits  
    COLLECT(spatial) : An aggregate calculation that combines the values in the argument field. Null values are ignored.
    Note: The COLLECT function can only be used with spatial field : COLLECT(Geometry)
  • 8. Feel free to adjust the formatting via Map | Background Maps | Dark.
  • 9. Put the City Nm field on Detail and Pop2010 on Colour in the  Marks card. (The color used in Figure 9.17 is Temperature Diverging.)  
  • 10. Your dashboard should look as follows: ==>rename it to Texas_Cities_Limits 

You can see that we have a nice dark map now with polygons on top. The polygons define the area per city name (using the field City Nm) as published by the government of Texas. By placing the measure of the population in 2010 (using the field Pop2010) on the Colour shelf, we can also see that the areas with red polygons had the highest number of inhabitants居民 in 2010 and dark green the least.

You might not like the polygons or maybe you are wondering if a spatial file like a .shp will only allow you to use polygons. Luckily, the answer is we can change the map, no matter whether it's a spatial file or not. I really like heatmaps to display geographical density地理密度, so let's use them in the next section.


I want to share a feature with you that was part of an earlier Tableau release and has proven to be very useful when working with geographical data. It is the mark type Density with which you can create heatmaps. This new feature is not limited to maps; you can also use it for any other type of chart. However, it is most efficient for dense data where patterns cannot be spotted被发现 easily.

The following steps will illustrate an example of creating a heatmap:

  • 1. Open the Texas_Cities_Limits tab in the workbook related to this chapter.
  • 2. Duplicate the worksheet, and call it Texas_Cities_Limits (2).
  • 3. Set the Marks card type to Density:
  • 4. Click on Colour in the Marks card and select any color you like. I chose  Density Gold Dark
         The Intensity slider allows you to determine how intense强度 the marks should be drawn based on concentrations浓度,集中,聚集.
  • 5. Decrease Size in the Marks card by dragging the slider to the left. Drag until you like the size of the circles on your map:  

Heatmaps can show you a spatial concentration and are perfect for very dense datasets. In the preceding figure, you can see that we lost the surroundings of the city, the polygon structure; however, we can still see the densely populated areas人口稠密的地区 and now every city has the same size, making it easier to compare smaller with bigger geographic locations. And we were able to prove that a spatial file does not need to be used with polygons.  

In the Tableau 2020.4 release, another feature was added: map layers. What it is and what it is used for will be described in the next section.

Dual axes and layering maps

You might recall that on many different occasions throughout the previous chapters, we used dual axes. A dual axes visualization can also be achieved with maps, and, even better, since the Tableau 2020.4 release, maps can be layered地图可以分层. We simply put another layer with the same structure (which in this case is a map), and per layer, we can display different data.

We will look at two exercises, the first one being about the use of dual axes and the second one will include map layers.

Using dual axes

Let's get started:

  • 1. First, we need a dataset. I simply created one in Excel myself; feel free to create your own, copy what you see in the following screenshot, or download the file from this book's GitHub repository (https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Mastering-Tableau-2021/raw/main/Chapter%2009/Freight.xlsx). Name the file freight and
  • 2. Connect the new dataset to Tableau and open a new worksheet called Dual-axis map.
  • 3. Double-click on Origin Country and the following map will appear: 
  • 4. Change the Mark card type to a filled map and drag Goods onto the Colour shelf:    
  • 5. Click on Longitude in the Columns shelf, press Ctrl (or Command on Mac), and simultaneously move the field to its right. You should have copied a second copy of the Longitude field to the Columns shelf:  
  • 6. You can also see that the Marks card maintains two layers now, plus an additional All layer, just like dual axes on a bar chart
  • 7. On the bottom layer, replace Goods with Origin on the Colour shelf 
    drag the City to the detail shelf
    or replace Origin with City on the Colour shelf

    and see how the second map now shows colored dots representing cities:

    Create Custom Color Palettes : 
    C:\Users\liqin\OneDrive\Documents\My Tableau Repository
    Color Names — HTML Color Codes

    <?xml version='1.0'?><workbook><preferences><color-palette name="my color" type="regular" > <color name="White">#FFFFFF</color><color name="Very Light Gray">#DCDCDC</color>    <color name="Gray">#808080</color><color name="Brown">#A52A2A</color><color name="Black">#000000</color><color name="Red">#FF0000</color><color name="Light Orange">#FFA07A</color><color name="IndianRed">#CD5C5C</color><color name="Green">#00FF00</color><color name="Very Light Yellow">#FAFAD2</color><color name="Beige">#FFDAB9</color><color name="Yellow">#FFD700</color><color name="Blue">#0000FF</color><color name="Very Light Blue">#E6E6FA</color><color name="Light Purple">#D8BFD8</color><color name="Violet">#EE82EE</color><color name="Purple">#800080</color><color name="Pink">#FF69B4</color><color name="Orange">#FFA500</color><color name="Tomato">#FF6347</color></color-palette></preferences>

  • 8. Click on the right Longitude field in the Columns shelf and select  Dual Axis.

You created your first layered map! Each country's color represents the types of goods they ship. The dots indicate the cities for train, ship, plane, or truck transport:

After completing the first basic exercise, we will move on to a more complex one, using the newer map layering functionality.

Adding map layers

We want to visualize the transport routes with a line from the start to the destination city. We also want to show the time to delivery as well as the weight of the shipment. We will continue using the freight[freɪt]货运列车 dataset from before; we just need to do some adjustments:

  • 1. The freight dataset does not have longitudes or latitudes, which are crucial for some of Tableau's spatial calculated fields, like MAKEPOINT, which we will need later on. Open Google Maps and type in a city from the dataset, for example, Lisbon. In the URL, you will be able to find the longitude and latitude:https://www.google.com/maps/place/Lisbon,+Portugal/@38.7436057,-9.2302427,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0xd19331a61e4f33b:0x400ebbde49036d0!8m2!3d38.7222524!4d-9.1393366 
  • 2. Copy them and add them to a separate Excel sheet, as shown in the following screenshot, and call it latlong:
  • 3. We needed to use a new Excel sheet because we have to create a spatial field for destinations as well as the origin. Since some cities are an origin as well as a destination, we will create 2 inner joins; both times the initial freight Excel sheet will connect to the recently created latlong Excel sheet:   
  • 4. The only difference will be that the first join is made on Origin and City and the second on Destination and City. Rename the latlong data sources by double-clicking on the name, to avoid confusion:
       rename fieldname   
  • 5. Open a new worksheet and name it 4-layer map . Create a calculated field called Line, with the following code:
    MAKELINE( MAKEPOINT( [Lat (Origin)], [Long (Origin)] ),MAKEPOINT( [Lat (Destination)], [Long (Destination)] ))

  • 6. The Tableau description shows that to make a point based on a spatial location, Tableau needs the longitude and latitude, or coordinates
    • MakePoint(latitude, longitude)
           Converts data from latitude and longitude columns into spatial objects.
    • MakePoint(coordinatesX, coordinatesY, SRID)
           Converts data from projected geographic coordinates into spatial objects将投影地理坐标中的数据转换为空间对象. SRID is a Spatial Reference Identifier that uses ESPG reference system codes to specify coordinate systems. If SRID is not specified, WGS84 is assumed and parameters are treated as latitude/longitude in degrees. This function can only be created with a live connection and will continue to work when a data source is converted to an extract.
  • 7. Create another calculated field called Days to delivery, with the following code:
  • 8. Double-click on City from the Origin file and a map will appear, but you will encounter 12 unknown. Click on the error and then Edit Locations…:
  • 9. You will see that Tableau uses United Kingdom (might be different for you) as a default country to find every city, but Tableau is unsuccessful because we have cities all over Europe in our dataset. Instead of a Fixed location, use the From field option and select Origin Country. Now this field will be used as a country per city in our dataset:
  • 10. Tableau automatically adds Origin Country to the view on the Detail shelf and displays the cities correctly now. You can also achieve the previous step by placing Origin Country on the Detail shelf directly:
  • 11. Since one of our goals is to draw lines between the Origin and Destination cities, it only makes sense to also add Destination, correct? Double-click on City from Destination file to add it to the visualization.
  • 12. We now have all Origin and Destination cities in our view, but we won't be able to distinguish between them because they are all on the same layer. Therefore, remove City (Destination) from detail shelf and then drag the City (Destination) field to the upper-left corner of your view, until the Add a Marks Layer sign appears:
  • 13. You will now see that the Marks card shows two layers:
  • 14. Change the City (Destination) from color to detail, add Destination Country to detail shelf
  • 15. Add another layer (Drag Line to the upper-left corner of your view, until the Add a Marks Layer sign appears), this operation will add Line to Detail shelf as well, and Convert Days to Delivery to dicrete and dimension and then add Days to Delivery to Colour and convert to . Name this layer Line and select the Automatic type from the Marks card dropdown:
  • 16. Add another layer called Destination Country, and change Destination Country from color to Detail and add Weight to Color shelf:
  • 17.Sort the layers in the following order: Line, City, City (Destination), Destination Country. Your worksheet should now look as follows:
  • 19. In order to make the viz a bit easier to interpret, put Origin on the Filters shelf and select only a few origins of your choosing.
  • 20. And to distinguish the Origin from the Destination, open the City and City (Destination) map layers and change City and City (Destination) respectively from Detail to Shape. Select one shape for the Origin and another for the Destination, for example, filled Star for Origin and Circle for Destination. You can also give the shapes color by clicking on the Colour shelf:

Now, let's look at what we have created. We can see that

  • goods are being transported from every star to a circle city.
  • Both cities are connected by a yellow-to-red range colored line.
    • More yellow-toned means that the delivery was fast,
    • more red-toned means that the delivery took longer.
  • The destination country is colored in a [ˈtɜːrkwɔɪz]蓝绿色turquoise-to-dark blue color range. The darker the color, the more weight has been transported there.
  • We can easily spot that Italy received the heaviest transport, coming from Istanbul and being delivered within 6 days.
    The slowest delivery was from Warsaw to Budapest, which took 26 days.

I hope that this exercise showed you the benefits of layered maps. Each layer allows you to use Colour, Shape, Size, Label, and other Marks in its unique way, opening new paths for your analysis. But if this is not enough, in the next section we will go even further and use external technology for maps in Tableau.

Extending Tableau mapping with other technology

Next, we will consider how to extend Tableau's mapping capabilities with other tools. Tableau developers were careful to create a mapping interface that is readily extensible. Some areas of this extensibility, such as connecting to a Web Map Service (WMS) server, are available directly from the interface.

Using custom maps with a Web Map Service

The easiest way to bring a custom map into Tableau is directly from Desktop. We need a properly formatted URL that points to a WMS server. Tableau Desktop can connect to any WMS server that supports the WMS 1.0.0, 1.1.0, or 1.1.1 standards.

A good place to find a list of such URLs is https://directory.spatineo.com/, which provides information for a ton of different mapping services.

The following exercise was inspired by Jeffrey A. Shaffer's article Building weather radar in Tableau in under 1 minute, which can be accessed here: https://www.dataplusscience.com/TableauWeatherRadar.html. However, we will include a
different map and our source is the NASA earth observation data (https://neo.gsfc.nasa.gov/). In this exercise, we will see that by plotting additional data—in the form of background images—underneath your dataset, you will be able to make better decisions for your business. For example, if your sales figures销售数据 are dependent on good (or bad) weather or your production is at risk of close-by wildfires面临附近[ˈwaɪldfaɪər]野火的风险, you will be able to see this all in one Tableau dashboard:

  • 1. Open the workbook associated with this chapter and navigate to the WMS Server worksheet via the desktop.
  • 2. Select the Superstore data source.
  • 3. Place State on the Detail shelf.
  • 4. Copy the URL: https://neo.gsfc.nasa.gov/wms/wms, then in Tableau, navigate to Map | Background Maps | Add WMS Map. Paste the URL and click OK:
  • 5. In the Marks card, set the view type to Map.
  • 6. Click on the Colour shelf to turn on Border, set the color to white, and set Opacity to 0%:
  • 7. You can now see the active fires from the last month. But, by clicking on Map | Backgraound Layers, more options will appear. Take a look at the left-hand side on your screen and select any other info domain you are interested in; how about Average Land Surface Temperature? AVERAGE LAND SURFACE TEMPERATURE [DAY] (1 MONTH)https://neo.gsfc.nasa.gov/view.php?datasetId=MOD_LSTD_CLIM_M&date=2001-12-01
         The colors on these maps represent temperature patterns of the top millimeter (or “skin”) of the land surface — including bare land, snow or ice cover, urban[ˈɜːrbən] areas城市地区, and cropland[ˈkrɑːpˌlænd]农田 or forest canopy[ˈkænəpi]森林树冠  — as observed by MODIS in clear-sky conditions晴空条件下 for the time period indicated. Yellow shows the warmest temperatures (up to 45°C) and light blue shows the coldest temperatures (down to -25°C). Black means “no data.”

    Or Cloud Fraction (don't forget to first deselect a map before you select a new one):
    Cloud fraction is the portion of each pixel that is covered by clouds. Colors range from blue (no clouds) to white (totally cloudy完全多云). From month to month, a band of clouds girdles围绕,束腰带 the equator赤道.

This feature will give you endless ways to analyze data related to geographic locations. Let's say you own an online store. You could check if the sale of specific products is higher in specific areas, for example, umbrellas in rainy areas and sun protection in hotter regions. You can then continue to analyze if the market is already satisfied or if it makes sense to invest in marketing for those regions. Or maybe you want to move stock to regions where more sales are expected due to a weather change. Feel free to share your findings on Tableau Public and make sure to use the tag #MasteringTableau

Before we proceed, here's a note on tiling and zooming平铺和缩放. Since high-resolution maps may be many gigabytes, it's impractical to require you to download an entire map in order to zoom in on one small area. Tiles solve this problem by enabling multiple zoom levels. A zoom level of 0 results in a single tile图块 (often a 256 x 256-pixel PNG image) that displays the entire map. As the zoom levels increase随着缩放级别的增加, the number of map tiles increases exponentially. Also, a proportionally smaller section of the map displays; that is, as the zoom level increases, the area of the entire map that displays decreases显示区域会减少 and the total number of tiles required to fill the display remains constant. This helps control the amount of data downloaded at any given time.

Exploring Mapbox

Mapbox provides custom maps and integrates natively with Tableau. To learn how to build your own custom maps, you can check out their website here: https://www.mapbox.com/ . Starting with Tableau 2019.3, multiple Mapbox styles are even available by default:

Next to that, Mapbox itself provides an extended mapping service with an accompanying web application that enables users to customize maps. This customizability encompasses fonts, colors, background images, and more. Mapbox provides basic services free of charge but, of course, more maps and greater bandwidth needs will require an upgrade with an accompanying fee.

This exercise will show you how to connect to Mapbox:

  • 1. Navigate to https://www.mapbox.com/ and create an account.
  • 2. After completing the signup and logging into Mapbox, click on the Studio link:
  • 3. Click New Style and start creating a map. I chose Monochrome | Dark | Customize Monochrome.
  • 4. The Mapbox editor should open. Adjust the map based on your needs:
  • 5. Click Share (top-right corner) once you are done. Select Third Party | Tableau and copy the URL: https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/liqinglin54951/cl3lwctm2001115qfuxlzyu0n.html?title=true&access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoibGlxaW5nbGluNTQ5NTEiLCJhIjoiY2wzbHZ4Y2h2MGRpYjNmbDQ0b2JtMmprYSJ9.ocmdamhUW6JAxqVecin1Aw#9.0/37.780000/-122.424100/0
  • 6. In the workbook associated with this chapter, navigate to the Mapbox Classic worksheet and select Map | Background Maps | Add Mapbox Map.
  • 7. Add a Style Name (I used MasteringTableau) and paste the URL. Click OK.
  • 8. Select the Superstore data source, double-click on State, and select the MasteringTableau map style via the Map | Background Maps | MasteringTableau path:

As you can see, Tableau makes use of the map we previously created in Mapbox. Great! So, this means you can customize your map just the way you like it.

A manual on how to create custom maps and everything else you need to know about Mapbox can be found here: https://docs.mapbox.com/studio-manual/guides/

Swapping maps工作表交换

We will now create a dashboard that allows the end user to choose between the various maps we just discussed. The technique used for this exercise is known as sheet swapping. However, a deeper dive into this technique is presented in Chapter11, Visualization Best Practices and Dashboard Design. However, a deeper dive into this technique is presented in Chapter11, Visualization Best Practices and Dashboard Design.

Let's look at the necessary steps:

  • 1. Navigate to the sheet MapSwap in the workbook associated with this chapter. Double-click on State Set the Marks card view to Map, click on Colour, set Opacity to 0%, and lastly set Border to Automatic:
  • 2. Duplicate the MapSwap sheet twice
  • 3. Select the MapSwap sheet and navigate to Map | Background Maps | Normal
  • 4. Select the MapSwap (2) sheet and navigate to Map | Background Maps | Dark
  • 5. Select the MapSwap (3) sheet and navigate to Map | Background Maps | Satellite.
  • 6. Create a parameter called Show Sheet like so:
  • 7. Right-click on the parameter Show Sheet in the Data pane and select Show Parameter Control.
  • 8. Create a calculated field called Show Sheet Filter like the following:
    [Show Sheet]

  • 9. Select the MapSwap worksheet and place Show Sheet Filter on the Filters shelf. Select Select from list and Normal:
  • 10. Select the MapSwap (2) worksheet and place Show Sheet Filter on the Filters shelf. This time select Dark from Show Sheet parameter Control:
  • 11. Repeat the previous step on the MapSwap (3) sheet and This time select Dark from Show Sheet parameter Control.
  • 12. Create a dashboard and call it db_MapSwap. Place a vertical container on the dashboard.
  • 13. Place all 3 MapSwap sheets in the vertical container, and hide their titles.
         Add MapSwap worksheet, then hide the title
         drag MapSwap (2) worksheet to touch bottom edge of blue rectangle,then hide the title
    drag MapSwap (3) worksheet to touch bottom edge of blue rectangle,then hide the title
  • 14. Select a different map style and see how your map changes:

You might have seen a feature like dark/light or day/night background on your own computer or maybe on websites like YouTube or IDEs like PyCharm. With the MapSwap function, you can now offer the same comfort to your users on your Tableau dashboards.


In this chapter, we explored how to extend Tableau's mapping capabilities without leaving the interface by capturing Tableau-generated latitude and longitude data and how to look this up on Google. We created polygons and a heatmap for Texas based on a .shp file as well as a dashboard with a dual map axis and another dashboard with 4 map layers. Next, we explored various ways to extend Tableau's mapping using other technology. We connected to a WMS server and then explored the Mapbox offering, followed by an excursion to the world of polygons.

In the next chapter, we will explore using Tableau for presentations. Specifically, we will look at how to get the best images out of Tableau, how to effectively and efficiently use Tableau with PowerPoint, and how to use Tableau directly for presentations without relying on third-party tools.

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