//// 摘要://     Plays video content onto a target.[NativeHeader("Modules/Video/Public/VideoPlayer.h")][RequireComponent(typeof(Transform))][RequiredByNativeCode]public sealed class VideoPlayer : Behaviour{public VideoPlayer();//// 摘要://     Maximum number of audio tracks that can be controlled. (Read Only)可以控制的最大音轨数。(只读)public static ushort controlledAudioTrackMaxCount { get; }//// 摘要://     Whether playback is paused. (Read Only)播放是否暂停。(只读)public bool isPaused { get; }//// 摘要://     Whether current time can be changed using the time or timeFrames property. (Read//     Only)是否可以使用time或timeFrames属性更改当前时间(只读)public bool canSetTime { get; }//// 摘要://     The presentation time of the currently available frame in VideoPlayer.texture.在VideoPlayer.texture中当前可用帧的显示时间。[NativeName("SecPosition")]public double time { get; set; }//// 摘要://     The clock time that the VideoPlayer follows to schedule its samples. The clock//     time is expressed in seconds. (Read Only)视频播放器所遵循的时钟时间来安排它的样本。时钟时间用秒表示。(只读)public double clockTime { get; }//// 摘要://     Returns true if the VideoPlayer can step forward through the video content. (Read//     Only)如果视频播放器可以在视频内容中前进,则返回true(只读)(可不可以跳到后面)public bool canStep { get; }//// 摘要://     Whether the playback speed can be changed. (Read Only)播放速度是否可以改变。(只读)public bool canSetPlaybackSpeed { get; }//// 摘要://     Factor by which the basic playback rate will be multiplied.基本播放速率乘以的因数。(改变播放速度)public float playbackSpeed { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Determines whether the VideoPlayer restarts from the beginning when it reaches//     the end of the clip.确定视频播放器到达时是否从头重新播放视频。[NativeName("Loop")]public bool isLooping { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Whether the time source followed by the VideoPlayer can be changed. (Read Only)是否可以更改视频播放器后面的时间源。(只读)public bool canSetTimeSource { get; }//// 摘要://     [NOT YET IMPLEMENTED] The source used used by the VideoPlayer to derive its current//     time.(还没有实现)视频播放器用来获得当前时间的源。public VideoTimeSource timeSource { get; set; }//// 摘要://     The clock that the Video.VideoPlayer observes to detect and correct drift.闹钟响了。视频播放器通过观察来检测和纠正偏移(没看懂)public VideoTimeReference timeReference { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Reference time of the external clock the Video.VideoPlayer uses to correct its//     drift.参考时间的外部时钟的视频。视频播放器用来纠正它漂移。(???)public double externalReferenceTime { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Whether frame-skipping to maintain synchronization can be controlled. (Read Only)是否可以控制跳帧来保持同步。(只读)(这是能不能跳到视频后面的判断)public bool canSetSkipOnDrop { get; }//// 摘要://     Whether the VideoPlayer is allowed to skip frames to catch up with current time.是否允许视频播放器跳过当前帧以赶上当前时间。public bool skipOnDrop { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Number of frames in the current video content. (Read Only)当前视频内容中的帧数。(只读)public ulong frameCount { get; }//// 摘要://     The frame rate of the clip or URL in frames/second. (Read Only)以帧/秒为单位的剪辑或URL的帧速率。(只读)public float frameRate { get; }//// 摘要://     The length of the VideoClip, or the URL, in seconds. (Read Only)视频的长度,或者URL,以秒为单位。(只读)[NativeName("Duration")]public double length { get; }//// 摘要://     The width of the images in the VideoClip, or URL, in pixels. (Read Only)在VideoClip或URL中图像的宽度(以像素为单位)(只读)public uint width { get; }//// 摘要://     The height of the images in the VideoClip, or URL, in pixels. (Read Only)//在VideoClip或URL中图像的高度(以像素为单位)。(只读)public uint height { get; }//// 摘要://     Numerator of the pixel aspect ratio (num:den) for the VideoClip or the URL. (Read//     Only)像素长宽比的分子(num:den)为视频或URL。(只读)public uint pixelAspectRatioNumerator { get; }//// 摘要://     Denominator of the pixel aspect ratio (num:den) for the VideoClip or the URL.//     (Read Only)//像素长宽比的分子(num:den)为视频嘴唇或URL。(只读)public uint pixelAspectRatioDenominator { get; }//// 摘要://     Number of audio tracks found in the data source currently configured. (Read Only)在当前配置的数据源中找到的音频轨数。(只读)public ushort audioTrackCount { get; }//// 摘要://     Number of audio tracks that this VideoPlayer will take control of.这个视频播放器将控制的音轨数。public ushort controlledAudioTrackCount { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Destination for the audio embedded in the video.目标音频嵌入到视频。public VideoAudioOutputMode audioOutputMode { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Whether direct-output volume controls are supported for the current platform//     and video format. (Read Only)当前平台和视频格式是否支持直接输出音量控制。(只读)public bool canSetDirectAudioVolume { get; }//// 摘要://     Enables the frameReady events.启用frameReady事件。public bool sendFrameReadyEvents { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Whether content is being played. (Read Only)是否播放内容。(只读)public bool isPlaying { get; }//// 摘要://     Whether the content will start playing back as soon as the component awakes.组件一开启,内容是否立即开始播放。public bool playOnAwake { get; set; }//// 摘要://     The frame index of the currently available frame in VideoPlayer.texture.在VideoPlayer.texture中当前可用帧的帧索引。[NativeName("FramePosition")]public long frame { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Whether the VideoPlayer has successfully prepared the content to be played. (Read//     Only)视频播放器是否成功地准备了要播放的内容。(只读)public bool isPrepared { get; }//// 摘要://     The source that the VideoPlayer uses for playback.视频播放器用于回放的源。public VideoSource source { get; set; }//// 摘要://     The file or HTTP URL that the VideoPlayer reads content from.视频播放器读取内容的文件或HTTP URL。[NativeName("VideoUrl")]public string url { get; set; }//// 摘要://     The clip being played by the VideoPlayer.视频播放器播放的视频。[NativeName("VideoClip")]public VideoClip clip { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Where the video content will be drawn.视频内容将被绘制到哪里。public VideoRenderMode renderMode { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Camera component to draw to when Video.VideoPlayer.renderMode is set to either//     Video.VideoRenderMode.CameraFarPlane or Video.VideoRenderMode.CameraNearPlane.摄像元件可在录影时绘制。渲染模式设置为视频。VideoRenderMoCameraFarPlane或Video.VideoRenderMode.CameraNearPlane。[NativeHeader("Runtime/Camera/Camera.h")]public Camera targetCamera { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Determines whether the VideoPlayer will wait for the first frame to be loaded//     into the texture before starting playback when Video.VideoPlayer.playOnAwake//     is on.确定视频播放器是否将等待加载第一帧当Video.VideoPlayer.playOnAwake开始播放之前,进入纹理public bool waitForFirstFrame { get; set; }//// 摘要://     RenderTexture to draw to when Video.VideoPlayer.renderMode is set to Video.VideoTarget.RenderTexture.渲染纹理绘制到视频播放器。渲染模式设置为Video.VideoTarget.RenderTexture。[NativeHeader("Runtime/Graphics/RenderTexture.h")]public RenderTexture targetTexture { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Material texture property which is targeted when Video.VideoPlayer.renderMode//     is set to Video.VideoTarget.MaterialOverride.材质纹理属性,当使用Video.VideoPlayer.renderMode时可以使用设置为Video.VideoTarget.MaterialOverride。public string targetMaterialProperty { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Defines how the video content will be stretched to fill the target area.定义如何拉伸视频内容以填充目标区域。public VideoAspectRatio aspectRatio { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Overall transparency level of the target camera plane video.目标摄像机平面视频的整体透明度水平。public float targetCameraAlpha { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Type of 3D content contained in the source video media.源视频媒体中包含的3D内容类型。public Video3DLayout targetCamera3DLayout { get; set; }//// 摘要://     Internal texture in which video content is placed. (Read Only)放置视频内容的内部纹理。(只读)[NativeHeader("Runtime/Graphics/Texture.h")]public Texture texture { get; }//// 摘要://     Renderer which is targeted when Video.VideoPlayer.renderMode is set to Video.VideoTarget.MaterialOverride渲染器的目标是当视频。渲染模式设置为Video.VideoTarget.MaterialOverride[NativeHeader("Runtime/Graphics/Renderer.h")]public Renderer targetMaterialRenderer { get; set; }public event EventHandler started;public event EventHandler frameDropped;public event ErrorEventHandler errorReceived;public event TimeEventHandler clockResyncOccurred;public event EventHandler seekCompleted;public event EventHandler loopPointReached;public event FrameReadyEventHandler frameReady;public event EventHandler prepareCompleted;//// 摘要://     Enable/disable audio track decoding. Only effective when the VideoPlayer is not//     currently playing.启用/禁用音轨解码。只有在视频播放器不能播放时才有效当前播放。// 参数://   trackIndex://     Index of the audio track to enable/disable.要启用/禁用的音轨的索引。//   enabled://     True for enabling the track. False for disabling the track.启用音轨是true的。禁用音轨为False。public void EnableAudioTrack(ushort trackIndex, bool enabled);//// 摘要://     The number of audio channels in the specified audio track.指定音轨中的音频通道数。//// 参数://   trackIndex://     Index for the audio track being queried.正在查询的音轨的索引。// 返回结果://     Number of audio channels.音频通道的数量。public ushort GetAudioChannelCount(ushort trackIndex);//// 摘要://     Returns the language code, if any, for the specified track.返回指定音轨的语言代码(如果有)// 参数://   trackIndex://     Index of the audio track to query.要查询的音轨的索引。// 返回结果://     Language code.语言码public string GetAudioLanguageCode(ushort trackIndex);//// 摘要://     Gets the audio track sampling rate in Hertz.获取音频轨道采样率(以赫兹为单位)// 参数://   trackIndex://     Index of the audio track to query.要查询的音轨的索引。// 返回结果://     The sampling rate in Hertz.采样率(赫兹)public uint GetAudioSampleRate(ushort trackIndex);//// 摘要://     Gets the direct-output audio mute status for the specified track.获取指定音轨的直接输出音频静音状态。// 参数://   trackIndex:public bool GetDirectAudioMute(ushort trackIndex);//// 摘要://     Return the direct-output volume for specified track.返回指定音轨的直接输出音量。// 参数://   trackIndex://     Track index for which the volume is queried.指定音轨的跟踪索引。// 返回结果://     Volume, between 0 and 1.音量,在01之间。public float GetDirectAudioVolume(ushort trackIndex);//// 摘要://     Gets the AudioSource that will receive audio samples for the specified track//     if Video.VideoPlayer.audioOutputMode is set to Video.VideoAudioOutputMode.AudioSource.获取将接收指定音轨的音频样本的AudioSource如果Video.VideoPlayer。audioOutputMode设置为  Video.VideoAudioOutputMode.AudioSource。// 参数://   trackIndex://     Index of the audio track for which the AudioSource is wanted.需要音源的音轨的索引。// 返回结果://     The source associated with the audio track.与音轨相关联的源。[NativeHeader("Modules/Audio/Public/AudioSource.h")]public AudioSource GetTargetAudioSource(ushort trackIndex);//// 摘要://     Whether decoding for the specified audio track is enabled. See Video.VideoPlayer.EnableAudioTrack//     for distinction with mute.是否启用指定音轨的解码。看到Video.VideoPlayer。EnableAudioTrack与静音的区别。// 参数://   trackIndex://     Index of the audio track being queried.正在查询的音轨的索引。// 返回结果://     Returns true if decoding for the specified audio track is enabled.如果已启用指定音轨的解码,则返回truepublic bool IsAudioTrackEnabled(ushort trackIndex);//// 摘要://     Pauses the playback and leaves the current time intact.暂停播放并保持当前时间不变。public void Pause();//// 摘要://     Starts playback.开始播放。public void Play();//// 摘要://     Initiates playback engine preparation.启动播放引擎准备。public void Prepare();//// 摘要://     Set the direct-output audio mute status for the specified track.设置指定音轨的直接输出音频静音状态。// 参数://   trackIndex://     Track index for which the mute is set.为其设置静音的跟踪索引。//   mute://     Mute on/off.沉默 on/off。public void SetDirectAudioMute(ushort trackIndex, bool mute);//// 摘要://     Set the direct-output audio volume for the specified track.设置直接输出音频音量为指定的轨道。// 参数://   trackIndex://     Track index for which the volume is set.需要设置的跟踪索引。//   volume://     New volume, between 0 and 1.音量 01之间public void SetDirectAudioVolume(ushort trackIndex, float volume);//// 摘要://     Sets the AudioSource that will receive audio samples for the specified track//     if this audio target is selected with Video.VideoPlayer.audioOutputMode.设置将接收指定音轨的音频样本的AudioSource如果这个音频目标是用Video.VideoPlayer.audioOutputMode选择的。// 参数://   trackIndex://     Index of the audio track to associate with the specified AudioSource.将音轨的索引与指定的音源关联。//   source://     AudioSource to associate with the audio track.音源与音轨相关联。public void SetTargetAudioSource(ushort trackIndex, AudioSource source);//// 摘要://     Advances the current time by one frame immediately.立即将当前时间提前一帧。public void StepForward();//// 摘要://     Stops the playback and sets the current time to 0.停止播放并将当前时间设置为0public void Stop();//// 摘要://     Delegate type for VideoPlayer events that carry a frame number.带有帧号的视频播放器事件的委托类型。// 参数://   source://     The VideoPlayer that is emitting the event.发出事件的视频播放器。//   frameNum://     The current frame of the VideoPlayer.视频播放器的当前帧。//   frameIdx:这大概是播放到指定帧调用者委托public delegate void FrameReadyEventHandler(VideoPlayer source, long frameIdx);//// 摘要://     Delegate type for all parameterless events emitted by VideoPlayers.视频播放器发出的所有无参数事件的委托类型。  // 参数://   source://     The VideoPlayer that is emitting the event.发出事件的视频播放器。public delegate void EventHandler(VideoPlayer source);//// 摘要://     Delegate type for VideoPlayer events that contain an error message.包含错误消息的视频播放器事件的委托类型。// 参数://   source://     The VideoPlayer that is emitting the event.发出事件的视频播放器。//   message://     Message describing the error just encountered.描述刚刚遇到的错误的消息。public delegate void ErrorEventHandler(VideoPlayer source, string message);//// 摘要://     Delegate type for VideoPlayer events that carry a time position.带有时间位置的视频播放器事件的委托类型。// 参数://   source://     The VideoPlayer that is emitting the event.发出事件的视频播放器。//   seconds://     Time position.时间的位置。public delegate void TimeEventHandler(VideoPlayer source, double seconds);}



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