Josh Long
July 03, 2013

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we’ve got a lot to cover so let’s get to it!

Spring and Cloud Foundry ninja Jennifer Hickey has announced the availability of Spring Data Redis 1.1 M1 and 1.0.5. Check it out!
Spring Security lead (and ninja) Rob Winch has announced the initial availability of the Spring Security Java configuration support. Rob also just posted a very nice post (the first of four) on the new Spring Security Java configuration support. The first post addresses where you can find the new Spring Security Java configuration support.
Join us on July 18th for the webinar, "Functional Programming without Lambas" which introduces ways to use functional programing in Java right now (instead of waiting for Java 8!) using Guava, LambaJ, and Functional Java.
Corby Page has written a very nice post on ways to extend your REST APIs ability with his project, Yoga. In particular, it supports something called a selector which can be used to extract sub-views of the REST response to be sent back to the client. This can also be used to support what Lez Hazelwood aptly describes as entity expansions.
The Crunchify blog has a nice post on how to upload multiple files with Spring MVC.
SpringSource has added a new Live Online Core Spring class to the schedule for September .
The Spring LDAP project has gone social and moved to GitHub!
Our pal XueFeng Ding (who you may remember helped put together the blog "Spring at China Scala") has just recently given a very nice presentation on building REST APIs with Spring. I think his deck's pretty cool, so check it out!
Sergey Shcherbakov recently gave a nice talk introducing a whole slew of cool things. I think his sample code is particularly worth a look. The code features Spring 4 WebSockets, XML-less Spring Batch, Reactor and AngularJS examples. Nice job, Sergey!
Johnathan Mark Smith has put together a nice blog on how to use Spring Data with MongoDB. Nice job!
Nicolas Frankel has put together a very nice post on some of the compelling features in Spring 3.2. Nice job, Nicolas!
Nick Williams submitted a pull-request to support using Java configuration with Spring WS's MessageDispatcherServlet so that it can be configured within a ServletContextListener or a ServletContainerInitializer. Nice job, Nick!
This is not specific to Spring, or Spring Batch, per-se, but the Technology AMIS blog has an interesting look at how to use the Batch JSR (which is based on Spring Batch, and designed in cooperation with the Spring Batch team) to build a download manager. (Don't worry, you don't have to use GlassFish to work with the Batch JSR!) Pretty cool! If you know Spring Batch, then a lot of this will look familiar and, as Spring Batch will also implement the JSR, should prove a very nice on-ramp for anyone who wants to use Spring Batch in the future.

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Spring and Cloud Foundry忍者Jennifer Hickey宣布了Spring Data Redis的可用性1.1款M1和1.0.5条. 过来看!
SpringSecurityLead(和ninja)RobWinch已经宣布了SpringSecurityJava配置支持的初始可用性。Rob还发布了一篇关于新的SpringSecurityJava配置支持的非常好的文章(四篇文章中的第一篇)。第一篇文章介绍了新的Spring Security Java配置支持。
7月18日,加入我们的网络研讨会“无Lambas的函数式编程”,它介绍了如何在Java中使用函数式编程(而不是等待Java 8!)使用番石榴、LambaJ和函数式Java。
Corby Page写了一篇很好的文章,介绍了如何通过他的项目Yoga扩展restapi的能力。特别是,它支持一个称为选择器的东西,该选择器可用于提取REST响应的子视图,并将其发送回客户机。这也可以用来支持Lez-Hazelwood恰当地描述为实体扩展。
crunchifblog有一篇关于如何用Spring MVC上传多个文件的好文章。
Spring LDAP项目已经社交化并迁移到GitHub!
我们的朋友XueFeng Ding(您可能还记得他曾帮助撰写了博客“Spring at China Scala”)最近刚刚就用Spring构建restapi做了一个非常好的演示。我觉得他的甲板很酷,看看吧!
谢尔盖·谢尔巴科夫最近做了一个很好的演讲,介绍了一系列很酷的东西。我认为他的示例代码特别值得一看。该代码具有Spring 4 WebSockets、无XML的Spring Batch、Reactor和AngularJS示例。干得好,谢尔盖!
Johnathan Mark Smith为如何使用MongoDB提供了一个不错的博客。干得好!
Nicolas Frankel在春季发布了一篇关于一些引人注目的特性的文章3.2款. 干得好,尼古拉斯!
Nick Williams提交了一个pull请求,以支持将Java配置与Spring WS的MessageDispatcherServlet一起使用,从而可以在ServletContextListener或servletcontainerininitializer中配置它。干得好,尼克!
这并不是特定于Spring或Spring批处理本身,但是Technology AMIS博客对如何使用Batch JSR(它基于Spring批处理,并与Spring批处理团队合作设计)来构建下载管理器进行了有趣的研究。(别担心,您不必使用GlassFish来处理批处理JSR!)很酷!如果您了解Spring批处理,那么很多内容看起来都很熟悉,而且由于Spring批处理还将实现JSR,因此对于将来想使用Spring批处理的任何人来说,这应该是一个非常好的入口。

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