
Introduction of Visual Basic6.0

Visual Basic, Listed VB, Microsoft Corporation to launch a Windows application development tool. Is the world's most widely used programming language, it was generally acknowledged to be the most efficient programming of a programming method. Whether the development of powerful, reliable performance of the business software, or can be prepared to deal with the practical problems of small practical procedures Visual Basic6.0 is the quickest, most convenient way.

What is Visual Basic6.0? "Visual" refers to the use of visualization of the development of graphical user interface (GUI), generally do not need to prepare a large number of code interface elements to describe the appearance and location, and as long as necessary to drag and drop controls on the screen to the corresponding location will be; "Basic" refers to the BASIC language, Visual Basic6.0 is because the original BASIC language developed on the basis of that so far includes hundreds of phrases Function and keywords, and many Windows GUI are directly related. Professionals can use Visual Basic6.0 to any other Windows programming language function, you beginners and several Keywords can establish practical application.

Visual Basic6.0 provides a learning version, Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition to meet the needs of different developers. Learning version enables programmers to easily develop Windows and Windows NT applications; Professional Edition for professional programmers to provide the complete functions of development tools; Enterprise Edition allows professionals to form the group to create a strong distributed applications.



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