

part 1

Dear teacher:


My name is XX, from XX middle school. I hope that through your independent enrollment to achieve my dream of learning in your school.

My junior high school was at XX high school. During the study, I pay attention to the balanced development of morality, cultivate self-study ability, actively participate in various activities organized by the school, won the XX award or honor. In my opinion, physical exercise can not only make people have a strong physique, but also have a strong will.

Through the hard work of teachers and personal unremitting efforts, I successfully entered the XX middle school to continue to learn, and in to obtain the XX provincial high school mathematics competition three prize and XX high school mathematics competition, such as the two prize.

I am cheerful, hard to learn, strong interest in the natural sciences, especially love mathematics. I am interested in a wide range of astronomy, geography, domestic and international situation will cause me great interest and concern. (zuciwang.com) I love to participate in various activities organized by the school, love writing, singing, doing campus Gala host, these hobbies, let me not only in learning, but also made progress in many aspects.

Hope to be able to enter their favorite universities to continue their studies, especially in your school. I imagine that after entering the university is dedicated to the study of the theory of natural science frontier and the actual application, specializing in mechanical and electronic engineering disciplines, to develop more energy saving and environmental protection, safe and reliable, highly intelligent electromechanical products. Therefore, the application for admission to your school to participate in the independent admission examination, and earnestly hope to be admitted to your school.

part 2

Good morning professors.Thank you for providing me with such a chance to introduce myself and I hope I can make a good performance today. My name is Zang Yinfeng ,a boy who is from Xing Yue Middle School and has dreamed of entering your school.The strong desire for knowledge has promoted my progress in subjects.I am a hard working student. In the past years,I have won several awards in the competions of English and Computer.Owning strong organizational ablities is my another advantage.I once served as monitor,announcer and so on. English is always my favorite subject and I am good at English .English is my favorite subject, because it’s such a widely used language.

In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. In addition to reading, I also like to play basketball. I have been trained in the school basketball team.I think playing basketball not only builds up my body,but also helps me to learn to work in a team. That’s all.Thank you.

part 3

My name is ---. I'm--- years old. I come from +某地.I'm in Class--- ,Grade ---.I'm a sunny girl or boy. I love my teachers ,classmates and my family.

There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my brother and I. My father is a teacher .He works in a middle school .My mother is a doctor.She works in the hospital. They love their work. They work very hard. My brother is a student too . We study in the same middle school. He studies very hardly.

My favorite sport is palying football .After school, I often play football with my friends. Also I like to make friends with all of you. If you like , you can call me and send email to me, my mailbox is …….@163.com.

That’s all. Thank you!



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