







clear all
Xf=X(:,1); %图像横坐标,表示像素

Cx=640;  %Cx,Cy是像平面中心像素位置,即U0,V0

[R, T, f, k1] = Tsai(Xf, Yf, xw, yw, zw, Ncx, Nfx, dx, dy, Cx, Cy, sx);


% [R, T, f, k1] = Tsai (Xf, Yf, xw, yw, zw, Ncx, Nfx, dx, dy, Cx, Cy, sx)
% **********************************************************************************************
% *******         Calibrating a Camera Using a Monoview Coplanar Set of Points           *******
% **********************************************************************************************
%                              6/2004   Simon Wan 
%                              simonwan@hit.edu.cn
% Note:        Xf, Yf, xw, yw, zw are all column vectors
% (xw, yw, zw) is the 3D coordinate of the object point P in the 3D world coordinate system 
% (x, y, z)    is ths 3D coordinate of the object point P in the 3D camera coordinate system
% (X, Y)       is the image coordinate system centered at Oi where is the intersection of the optical center axis z and the front plane
% (Xu, Yu)     is the image coordinate of (x, y, z) if a perfect pinhole
% camera model is used(利用相机坐标表示的图像坐标)
%              Xu = f * x / z                                      (4a)
%              Yu = f * y / z                                      (4b)
% (Xd, Yd)     is the actual image coordinate which differs from (Xu, Yu)
% due to lens distortion实际的图像坐标(加了畸变)
% (Xf, Yf)     is the coordinate used in the computer, is the number of
% pixels for the discrete image in the frame memory(像素坐标)
% R            is the 3*3 rotation matrix 
%              = [r1, r2, r3; r4, r5, r6; r7, r8, r9];             (2)
%              [x, y, z]' = R * [xw, yw, zw]' + T                  (1)
% T            is the translation vector
%              = [Tx, Ty, Tz]'                                     (3)
% f            is the effective focal length 是有效的焦距
% Dx           = Xd*( k1*r^2 + k2*r^4 + ... )                      P327
%              Xd+Dx=Xu                                            (5a)
% Dy           = Yd*( k1*r^2 + k2*r^4 + ... )                      P327
%              Yd+Dy=Yu                                            (5b)
% r            = (Xd^2 + Yd^2)^(0.5)                               P327
% k1           is the distortion coeffient
%              Xf  = sx * dxp^(-1) * Xd + Cx                      (6a)
%              Yf  = dy^(-1) * Yd + Cy                            (6b)
%              dxp = dx * Ncx / Nfx                               (6d)
% dx           is the center to center distance between adjacent sensor elements in X (scan line) diretion是X(扫描线)方向上相邻传感器元件之间的中心距离
% dy           is the center to center distance between adjacent CCD sensor in the Y direction是相邻CCD传感器在Y方向上的中心距离
% Ncx          is the number of sensor elements in the X direction是X方向上的传感器元件的数量,平面像素的采样频率
% Nfx          is the number of pixels in a line as sampled by the computer是计算机采样的行中像素数,表明平面像素的采样频率
% sx           is the uncertainty image scale factor是不确定性图像比例因子,相当于误差项,也设置为1
% X            = (Xd * Nfx) / (dx * Ncx)                          P328
% X            = Xf - Cx                                          P328
% Y            = Yf - Cy                                          P328
%              sx^(-1)*dxp*X + sz^(-1)*dxp*X*k1*r^2 = f*x/z       (7a)
%              dxp*Y + dy*Y*k1*r^2 = f*y/z                        (7b)
%              r = ( ( sx^(-1)*dxp*X )^2 + (dx*Y)^2 )^(0.5)        
%              sx^(-1)*dxp*X + sx^(-1)*dxp*X*k1*r^2 = f*(r1*xw + r2*yw + r3*zw +
%              Tx) / (r7*xw + r8*yw + r9*zw +Tz)                  (8a)
%              dy*Y + dy*Y*k1*r^2 = f*(r1*xw + r2*yw + r3*zw + 
%              Tx) / (r7*xw + r8*yw + r9*zw +Tz)                  (8b)
% Since the calibration points are on a common plane, the (xw, yw, zw) coordinate system can be chosen such that zw=0 and the 
% corigin is not lose to the center of the view or y axis of the camera coordinate system. Since the (xw, yw, zw) is user-defined 
% and the origin is arbitrary, it is no problem setting the origin of (xw, yw, zw) to be out of the field of view and not close 
% to the y axis. the purpose for the latter is to make sure that Ty is not exactly zero.
% REF:    "A versatile camera calibration technique for high-accuracy 3D machine
%         vision metrology using off-the-shelf TV cameras and lens"
%         R.Y. Tsai, IEEE Trans R&A RA-3, No.4, Aug 1987, pp 323-344.
function [R, T, f, k1] = Tsai(Xf, Yf, xw, yw, zw, Ncx, Nfx, dx, dy, Cx, Cy, sx)
% Stage 1 --- Compute 3D Orientation, Position (x and y):
% a) Compute the distored image coordinates (Xd, Yd) Procedure:
    dxp = dx * Ncx / Nfx;

X = Xf - Cx;
    Y = Yf - Cy;
% b) Compute the five unknowns Ty^(-1)*r1, Ty^(-1)*r2, Ty^(-1)*Tx, Ty^(-1)*r4, Ty^(-1)*r5
% r1p=Ty^(-1)*r1;
% r2p=Ty^(-1)*r2;
% Txp=Ty^(-1)*Tx;
% r4p=Ty^(-1)*r4;
% r5p=Ty^(-1)*r5;
    A=[Yd.*xw Yd.*yw Yd -Xd.*xw -Xd.*yw];
    clear A B C;
% c) Compute (r1,...,r9,Tx,Ty) from (Ty^(-1)*r1, Ty^(-1)*r2, Ty^(-1)*Tx, Ty^(-1)*r4, Ty^(-1)*r5):
% 1) Compute |Ty| from (Ty^(-1)*r1, Ty^(-1)*r2, Ty^(-1)*Tx, Ty^(-1)*r4, Ty^(-1)*r5):
    C=[r1p, r2p; r4p, r5p];
    Sr=r1p^2 + r2p^2 + r4p^2 + r5p^2;
    if rank(C)==2
        Ty2=( Sr - (Sr^2-4*(r1p*r5p-r4p*r2p)^2)^(0.5) )/(2*(r1p*r5p-r4p*r2p)^2);
        z = C(abs(C) > 0);
        Ty2 = 1.0 / (z(1)^2 + z(2)^2);
    Ty = sqrt(Ty2);
    clear C Sr Ty2 z
% 2) Determine the sign of Ty:
    [ymax i] = max(Xd.^2 + Yd.^2);
    r1 = r1p*Ty;
    r2 = r2p*Ty;
    r4 = r4p*Ty;
    r5 = r5p*Ty;
    Tx = Txp*Ty;
    x = r1*xw(i) + r2*yw(i) + Tx;
    y = r4*xw(i) + r5*yw(i) + Ty;
%     if (sign(x) == sign(Xf(i))) & (sign(y) == sign(Yf(i))),
    if (sign(x) == sign(X(i))) && (sign(y) == sign(Y(i))),    
        Ty = Ty;
        Ty = -Ty;
    clear ymax i x y 
% 3) Compute the 3D rotation matrix R, or r1, r2,...,r9
    r1 = r1p*Ty;
    r2 = r2p*Ty;
    r4 = r4p*Ty;
    r5 = r5p*Ty;
    Tx = Txp*Ty;
    s = -sign(r1*r4 + r2*r5);
    R=[r1, r2, (1-r1^2-r2^2)^(0.5); r4, r5, s*(1-r4^2-r5^2)^(0.5)];
    R = [R(1:2,:); cross(R(1,:), R(2,:))];
    r7 = R(3,1);
    r8 = R(3,2);
    r9 = R(3,3);
    y = r4*xw+r5*yw+Ty;
    w = r7*xw+r8*yw;
    z = [y -dy*Y] \ [dy*(w.*Y)];
    f = z(1);
    if f < 0
        R(1,3) = -R(1,3);
        R(2,3) = -R(2,3);
        R(3,1) = -R(3,1);
        R(3,2) = -R(3,2);
    r3 = R(1,3);
    r6 = R(2,3);
    r7 = R(3,1);
    r8 = R(3,2);
    clear s y w z 
% 2) Stage 2 --- Compute Effective Focal Length, Distortion Coefficients, and z Position:
% d) Compute an approximation of f and Tz by ignoring lens distortion:
    y = r4*xw+r5*yw+Ty;
    w = r7*xw+r8*yw;
    z = [y -dy*Y] \ [dy*(w.*Y)];
    f = z(1);
    Tz = z(2);
% Compute the exactly solution for f, Tz, k1:
    params_const = [r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 dx dy sx Ty];
    params = [f, Tz, 0];        % add initial guess for k1
    [x,fval,exitflag,output] = fminsearch( @Tsai_8b, params, [], params_const, xw, yw, zw, X, Y);
    f = x(1);
    Tz = x(2);
    k1 = x(3);
    T=[Tx, Ty, Tz]';
    % fval the value of the objective function fun at the solution x.
    % exitflag that describes the exit condition of fminsearch
    % >0 Indicates that the function converged to a solution x.
    % 0  Indicates that the maximum number of function evaluations was exceeded.
    % <0 Indicates that the function did not converge to a solution.
    % output that contains information about the optimization
    % output.algorithmThe algorithm used
    % output.funcCountThe number of function evaluations
    % output.iterationsThe number of iterations taken


% f = Tsai_8b(params, params_const, xw, yw, zw, X, Y)
% **********************************************************************************************
% *******         Calibrating a Camera Using a Monoview Coplanar Set of Points           *******
% **********************************************************************************************
%                              6/2004   Simon Wan 
%                              simonwan@hit.edu.cn
% Note:    This is not called directly but as a function handle from the "fminsearch "
function f = Tsai_8b(params, params_const, xw, yw, zw, X, Y)
% unpack the params
    f  = params(1);
    Tz = params(2);
    k1 = params(3);
% unpack the params_const
    r4 = params_const(1);
    r5 = params_const(2);
    r6 = params_const(3);
    r7 = params_const(4);
    r8 = params_const(5);
    r9 = params_const(6);
    dx = params_const(7);
    dy = params_const(8);
    sx = params_const(9);
    Ty = params_const(10);
    rsq = (dx*X).^2 + (dy*Y).^2;
    res = (dy*Y).*(1+k1*rsq).*(r7*xw+r8*yw+r9*zw+Tz) - f*(r4*xw+r5*yw+r6*zw+Ty);
    f = norm(res, 2);




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