
  • Hit UFO
    • 一、游戏规则
    • 二、gitee
    • 三、程序实现
      • 3.1 SSDirector.cs
      • 3.2 SSAction.cs
      • 3.3 SSActionManager.cs
      • 3.4 SequenceAction.cs
      • 3.5 Interface.cs
      • 3.6 Singleton.cs
      • 3.7 UFOFlyAction.cs
      • 3.8 DiskFactory.cs
      • 3.9 FirstController.cs
      • 3.10 ScoreRecorder
      • 3.11 UserGUI
    • 四、效果展示
    • 五、编写一个简单的自定义 Component



  1. 点击飞碟来摧毁它
  2. 当飞碟飞出屏幕时,损失生命值,生命值归零时游戏结束
  3. 摧毁飞碟会获得点数,随着点数的升高,游戏难度加大
  4. 可以通过Easy,Normal,Hard选项手动调节基础游戏难度(也就是倍速)
  5. 通过Pause暂停游戏;
  6. 通过Start,Restart按钮开始和重置游戏





3.1 SSDirector.cs


public class SSDirector : System.Object
{private static SSDirector _instance;                  public ISceneController CurrentScenceController { get; set; }public static SSDirector GetInstance(){if (_instance == null){_instance = new SSDirector();}return _instance;}

3.2 SSAction.cs


public class SSAction : ScriptableObject
{public bool enable = true;                      public bool destroy = false;                    public GameObject gameobject;                   public Transform transform;                     public ISSActionCallback callback;              public virtual void Start(){throw new System.NotImplementedException();}public virtual void Update(){throw new System.NotImplementedException();}

3.3 SSActionManager.cs


public class SSActionManager : MonoBehaviour, ISSActionCallback
{private Dictionary<int, SSAction> actions = new Dictionary<int, SSAction>();    private List<SSAction> waitingAdd = new List<SSAction>();                      private List<int> waitingDelete = new List<int>();                                             protected void Update(){foreach (SSAction ac in waitingAdd){actions[ac.GetInstanceID()] = ac;                                    }waitingAdd.Clear();foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SSAction> kv in actions){SSAction ac = kv.Value;if (ac.destroy)         {waitingDelete.Add(ac.GetInstanceID());}else if (ac.enable){ac.Update();}}foreach (int key in waitingDelete){SSAction ac = actions[key];actions.Remove(key);Destroy(ac);}waitingDelete.Clear();}public void RunAction(GameObject gameobject, SSAction action, ISSActionCallback manager){action.gameobject = gameobject;action.transform = gameobject.transform;action.callback = manager;waitingAdd.Add(action);action.Start();}public void SSActionEvent(SSAction source, SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.Competeted,int intParam = 0, string strParam = null, Object objectParam = null){}

3.4 SequenceAction.cs


public class SequenceAction : SSAction, ISSActionCallback
{public List<SSAction> sequence;    public int repeat = -1;            public int start = 0;              public override void Update(){if (sequence.Count == 0) return;if (start < sequence.Count && Time.timeScale != 0){sequence[start].Update();    }}public void SSActionEvent(SSAction source, SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.Competeted,int intParam = 0, string strParam = null, Object objectParam = null){source.destroy = false;   this.start++;if (this.start >= sequence.Count){this.start = 0;if (repeat > 0) repeat--;if (repeat == 0){this.destroy = true;this.callback.SSActionEvent(this); }}}public override void Start(){foreach (SSAction action in sequence){action.gameobject = this.gameobject;action.transform = this.transform;action.callback = this;            action.Start();}}}

3.5 Interface.cs


public interface ISceneController
{void LoadResources();
}public interface IUserAction
{void Hit(Vector3 pos);int GetScore();void GameOver();void ReStart();void BeginGame();
public enum SSActionEventType : int { Started, Competeted }
public interface ISSActionCallback
{void SSActionEvent(SSAction source, SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.Competeted,int intParam = 0, string strParam = null, Object objectParam = null);

3.6 Singleton.cs


public class Singleton<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoBehaviour
{protected static T instance;public static T Instance{get{if (instance == null){instance = (T)FindObjectOfType(typeof(T));if (instance == null){Debug.LogError("An instance of " + typeof(T)+ " is needed in the scene, but there is none.");}}return instance;}}

3.7 UFOFlyAction.cs


  • 实现飞碟的类抛物线运行方式;
  • 调用update来实现飞碟的实际运动
    public override void Update(){Debug.Log("UPdate, time.scale = "+ Time.timeScale);if (Time.timeScale == 0) return;time += Time.fixedDeltaTime;gravity_vector.y = gravity * time;transform.position += (start_vector + gravity_vector) * Time.fixedDeltaTime;current_angle.z = Mathf.Atan((start_vector.y + gravity_vector.y) / start_vector.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;transform.eulerAngles = current_angle;if (this.transform.position.y < -10){this.destroy = true;this.callback.SSActionEvent(this);}}

3.8 DiskFactory.cs


    public GameObject GetDisk(int round){int choice = 0;int scope1 = 1, scope2 = 4, scope3 = 7;           float start_y = -10f;                             string tag;disk_prefab = null;if (round == 1){choice = Random.Range(0, scope1);}else if(round == 2){choice = Random.Range(0, scope2);}else{choice = Random.Range(0, scope3);}if(choice <= scope1){tag = "disk1";}else if(choice <= scope2 && choice > scope1){tag = "disk2";}else{tag = "disk3";}for(int i=0;i<free.Count;i++){if(free[i].tag == tag){disk_prefab = free[i].gameObject;free.Remove(free[i]);break;}}if(disk_prefab == null){if (tag == "disk1"){disk_prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/disk1"), new Vector3(0, start_y, 0), Quaternion.identity);disk_prefab.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.green;}else if (tag == "disk2"){disk_prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/disk2"), new Vector3(0, start_y, 0), Quaternion.identity);disk_prefab.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.blue;}else{disk_prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/disk3"), new Vector3(0, start_y, 0), Quaternion.identity);disk_prefab.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;}float ran_x = Random.Range(-1f, 1f) < 0 ? -1 : 1;disk_prefab.GetComponent<DiskData>().direction = new Vector3(ran_x, start_y, 0);disk_prefab.transform.localScale = disk_prefab.GetComponent<DiskData>().scale;}used.Add(disk_prefab.GetComponent<DiskData>());return disk_prefab;}public void FreeDisk(GameObject disk){for(int i = 0;i < used.Count; i++){if (disk.GetInstanceID() == used[i].gameObject.GetInstanceID()){used[i].gameObject.SetActive(false);free.Add(used[i]);used.Remove(used[i]);break;}}}

3.9 FirstController.cs


  • 首先还是和之前的相似,在start加载初始元素
   void Start (){SSDirector director = SSDirector.GetInstance();     director.CurrentScenceController = this;             disk_factory = Singleton<DiskFactory>.Instance;score_recorder = Singleton<ScoreRecorder>.Instance;action_manager = gameObject.AddComponent<FlyActionManager>() as FlyActionManager;user_gui = gameObject.AddComponent<UserGUI>() as UserGUI;}
  • 之后再update中根据是否点击了开始,来选择加载开始界面或者是游戏界面
 void Update (){if(game_start){if (game_over){CancelInvoke("LoadResources");}if (!playing_game){InvokeRepeating("LoadResources", 1f, speed);playing_game = true;}SendDisk();if (score_recorder.score >= score_round2 && round == 1){round = 2;speed = speed - 0.6f;CancelInvoke("LoadResources");playing_game = false;}else if (score_recorder.score >= score_round3 && round == 2){round = 3;speed = speed - 0.5f;CancelInvoke("LoadResources");playing_game = false;}}}
  • sendDisk函数用于随机发射飞碟:
private void SendDisk(){float position_x = 16;                       if (disk_queue.Count != 0){GameObject disk = disk_queue.Dequeue();disk_notshot.Add(disk);disk.SetActive(true);float ran_y = Random.Range(1f, 4f);float ran_x = Random.Range(-1f, 1f) < 0 ? -1 : 1;disk.GetComponent<DiskData>().direction = new Vector3(ran_x, ran_y, 0);Vector3 position = new Vector3(-disk.GetComponent<DiskData>().direction.x * position_x, ran_y, 0);disk.transform.position = position;float power = Random.Range(10f, 15f);float angle = Random.Range(15f, 28f);action_manager.UFOFly(disk,angle,power);}for (int i = 0; i < disk_notshot.Count; i++){GameObject temp = disk_notshot[i];if (temp.transform.position.y < -10 && temp.gameObject.activeSelf == true){disk_factory.FreeDisk(disk_notshot[i]);disk_notshot.Remove(disk_notshot[i]);user_gui.ReduceBlood();}}}
  • Hit使用Ray射线来进行击中飞碟的判断
 public void Hit(Vector3 pos){Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(pos);RaycastHit[] hits;hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray);bool not_hit = false;for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++){RaycastHit hit = hits[i];if (hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<DiskData>() != null){for (int j = 0; j < disk_notshot.Count; j++){if (hit.collider.gameObject.GetInstanceID() == disk_notshot[j].gameObject.GetInstanceID()){not_hit = true;}}if(!not_hit){return;}disk_notshot.Remove(hit.collider.gameObject);score_recorder.Record(hit.collider.gameObject);StartCoroutine(WaitingParticle(0.08f, hit, disk_factory, hit.collider.gameObject));break;}}}

3.10 ScoreRecorder


public class ScoreRecorder : MonoBehaviour
{public int score;                   //分数void Start (){score = 0;}public void Record(GameObject disk){int temp = disk.GetComponent<DiskData>().score;score = temp + score;}

3.11 UserGUI


 void OnGUI (){bold_style.normal.textColor = new Color(1, 0, 0);bold_style.fontSize = 16;text_style.normal.textColor = new Color(0,0,0, 1);text_style.fontSize = 16;score_style.normal.textColor = new Color(1,0,1,1);score_style.fontSize = 16;over_style.normal.textColor = new Color(1, 0, 0);over_style.fontSize = 25;if (game_start){Debug.Log("Time scale:" + Time.timeScale);//用户射击if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")){Vector3 pos = Input.mousePosition;action.Hit(pos);}GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 5, 200, 50), "分数:" + action.GetScore().ToString(), text_style);if (action.GetScore() < 10){GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 55, 200, 50), "Round: 1" , text_style);}else if (action.GetScore() >=  10 && action.GetScore() <20){GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 55, 200, 50), "Round: 2", text_style);}else{GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 55, 200, 50), "Round: 3", text_style);}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 100, 20, 50, 50), "Pause")){Time.timeScale = 0;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 30 , 20, 50, 50), "Easy")){Time.timeScale = 0.5f;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 + 40, 20, 50, 50), "Normal")){Time.timeScale = 1;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 + 100, 20, 50, 50), "Hard")){Time.timeScale = 2;}GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 120, 5, 50, 50), "生命:" + life, text_style);//游戏结束if (life == 0){high_score = high_score > action.GetScore() ? high_score : action.GetScore();GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 20, Screen.width / 2 - 250, 100, 100), "Game Over", over_style);GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 10, Screen.width / 2 - 200, 50, 50), "Rank:"+ action.GetScore(), text_style);//GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 + 50, Screen.width / 2 - 200, 50, 50), high_score.ToString(), text_style);if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 20, Screen.width / 2 - 150, 100, 50), "Restart")){life = 6;action.ReStart();return;}action.GameOver();}}else{GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 30, Screen.width / 2 - 350, 100, 100), "Hit UFO!", over_style);GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 -10, Screen.width / 2 - 300, 400, 100), "Rule:", text_style);GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 50, Screen.width / 2 - 280, 400, 100), "Use mouse hit the UFO", text_style);GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 60, Screen.width / 2 - 260, 400, 100), "Button Pause to stop Game", text_style);GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 160, Screen.width / 2 - 240, 400, 100), "Button Easy to change into easy game, UFO speed = 0.5x", text_style);GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 165, Screen.width / 2 - 220, 400, 100), "Button Normal to change into Normal game, UFO speed = 1x", text_style);GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 165, Screen.width / 2 - 200, 400, 100), "Button Normal to change into Hard game, UFO speed = 2x", text_style);if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 20, Screen.width / 2-150, 100, 50), "Start")){game_start = true;action.BeginGame();}}}


五、编写一个简单的自定义 Component

  • 实现自定义组件,编辑并赋予飞碟一些属性





public class DiskData : MonoBehaviour
{public int score;                               public Color color = Color.blue;                   public Vector3 direction;                           public Vector3 scale;


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