来源: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_60a751620100k2hj.html

Brodmann areas Name 中文名 Function
1 Somatosensory Cortex 体感皮层 somatic sensory sensations
2 same to above 同上 same to above
3 same to above 同上 same to above
4  Primary Motor Cortex  初级运动皮层  motor execution
5  Somatosensory Association Cortex  体感联合皮层  spatial orientation, among other parietal associational functions
6 Pre-Motor and Supplementary Motor Cortex 前运动皮层  motor planning and execution
7  Somatosensory Association Cortex  体感联合皮层  spatial orientation, among other parietal associational functions
8  Includes Frontal Eye Field  包括额叶眼动区(Frontal eye field)  governance of eye movements (contains "frontal eye fields")
9  Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex  背外侧前额叶皮层  prefrontal associational integration
10  Frontopolar area (most rostral part of superior and middle frontal gyri)  额极区(上额回和中额回最前侧的部分)  same to above
11  Orbitofrontal area (orbital and rectus gyri, plus part of the rostral part of the superior frontal gyrus)  眶额区(眶回,直回和上额回前侧的一部分)  same to above
12 Orbitofrontal area (used to be part of BA11, refers to the area between the superior frontal gyrus and the inferior rostral sulcus) 眶额区(上额回和下前回之间的区域)  same to above
13  Insular cortex  脑岛  associational cortex
17  Primary Visual Cortex  初级视皮层  visual information
18  Visual Association Cortex  视觉联合皮层  same to above
19  Visual Association Cortex  视觉联合皮层  same to above
20  Inferior Temporal gyrus  颞下回  same to above
21  Middle Temporal gyrus  颞中回  processing visual information, among other temporal associational functions
22  Superior Temporal Gyrus, of which the rostral part participates to Wernicke's area  颞上回,其前侧部分属于韦尼克区  auditory processing and language reception
23  Ventral Posterior cingulate cortex  腹后扣带皮层  participates in limbic associational integration
24  Ventral Anterior cingulate cortex  腹前扣带皮层  emotional and cognitive processing
25  Subgenual cortex   膝下皮层  prefrontal associational integration
26  Ectosplenial area   压外区(Ectosplenial area)  limbic associational integration
28  Posterior Entorhinal Cortex  后内嗅皮层  olfaction and hippocampal processing
29  Retrosplenial cingular cortex  压后扣带皮层  limbic associational integration
30  Part of cingular cortex  扣带皮层的一部分  same to above
31  Dorsal Posterior cingular cortex  背侧后扣带皮层  limbic and parietal associational integration
32  Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex  背侧前扣带皮层  emotional and cognitive processing
34  Anterior Entorhinal Cortex (on the Parahippocampal gyrus)  前嗅皮层,位于海马旁回  olfaction and hippocampal processing
35  Perirhinal Cortex (on the Parahippocampal gyrus)  旁嗅皮层,位于海马旁回  in hippocampal associational functions
36  Parahippocampal cortex (on the Parahippocampal gyrus)  海马旁皮层  visual and hippocampal associational functions
37  Fusiform gyrus  梭状回  visual recognition
38  Temporopolar area (most rostral part of the superior and middle temporal gyri  颞极区  limbic associational integration
39  Angular gyrus, part of Wernicke's area  角回,韦尼克区的一部分  processing language, spatial orientation and semantic representation
40  Supramarginal gyrus part of Wernicke's area  缘上回,韦尼克区的一部分  spatial orientation and semantic representation
41  Primary Auditory Cortex  初级听觉皮层 auditory information
42  Primary Association Cortex  听觉联合皮层 same to above
43  Subcentral area (between insula and post/precentral gyrus)  中央下区(Subcentral area)  sensorimotor representation and taste processing
44  pars opercularis Broca's area  岛盖部,布洛卡区的一部分  language production and participates in prefrontal associational integration
45  pars triangularis, part of Broca's area  三角部,布洛卡区的一部分  language production
46  Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex  背外侧前额叶  participates in prefrontal associational integration
47  Inferior prefrontal gyrus  额下回  same to above
48  Retrosubicular area (a small part of the medial surface of the temporal lobe)  下脚后区,颞叶内侧的一小部分   
52  Parainsular area (at the junction of the temporal lobe and the insula)  脑岛旁皮质  



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