

Error getting IP address: ssh command error:
command : ip addr show
err     : exit status 255






Here is what I did:Deleted all docker VMs (default, my-default etc.)Removed all "Host-only Networks" from VirtualBox -> Preferences -> NetworkUninstalled VirtualBoxDownloaded the latest VirtualBox installation file i.e. "VirtualBox-5.0.20-106931-Win.exe"Installed VirtualBox by running following command from Windows terminal:C:\Users\Home\Downloads>VirtualBox-5.0.20-106931-Win.exe -msiparams NETWORKTYPE=NDIS5Completed the VirtualBox installation by following the promptsRan Docker Quickstart Terminal which finally created and started the "default" VM successfully.




折腾完,输入docker run hello-world,我决定还是回家用linux慢慢学...


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