
选项    描述
-h, --help    显示帮助信息
-v or --version    显示版本信息
-i hostname, --impalad=hostname    指定连接运行 impalad 守护进程的主机。默认端口是 21000。
-q query, --query=query    从命令行中传递一个shell 命令。执行完这一语句后 shell 会立即退出。
-f query_file, --query_file= query_file    传递一个文件中的 SQL 查询。文件内容必须以分号分隔
-o filename or --output_file filename    保存所有查询结果到指定的文件。通常用于保存在命令行使用 -q 选项执行单个查询时的查询结果。
-c    查询执行失败时继续执行
-d default_db or --database=default_db    指定启动后使用的数据库,与建立连接后使用use语句选择数据库作用相同,如果没有指定,那么使用default数据库
-r or --refresh_after_connect    建立连接后刷新 Impala 元数据
-p, --show_profiles    对 shell 中执行的每一个查询,显示其查询执行计划
-B(--delimited)    去格式化输出
--output_delimiter=character    指定分隔符
--print_header    打印列名

impala-shell -h:

[root@ai-etl-c2-13 ~]# impala-shell -h
Usage: impala_shell.py [options]Options:-h, --help            show this help message and exit-i IMPALAD, --impalad=IMPALAD<host:port> of impalad to connect to[default: ai-etl-c2-13:21000]-b KERBEROS_HOST_FQDN, --kerberos_host_fqdn=KERBEROS_HOST_FQDNIf set, overrides the expected hostname of theImpalad's kerberos service principal. impala-shellwill check that the server's principal matches thishostname. This may be used when impalad is configuredto be accessed via a load-balancer, but it is desiredfor impala-shell to talk to a specific impaladdirectly. [default: none]-q QUERY, --query=QUERYExecute a query without the shell [default: none]-f QUERY_FILE, --query_file=QUERY_FILEExecute the queries in the query file, delimited by ;.If the argument to -f is "-", then queries are readfrom stdin and terminated with ctrl-d. [default: none]-k, --kerberos        Connect to a kerberized impalad [default: False]-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file=OUTPUT_FILEIf set, query results are written to the given file.Results from multiple semicolon-terminated querieswill be appended to the same file [default: none]-B, --delimited       Output rows in delimited mode [default: False]--print_header        Print column names in delimited mode when pretty-printed. [default: False]--output_delimiter=OUTPUT_DELIMITERField delimiter to use for output in delimited mode[default: \t]-s KERBEROS_SERVICE_NAME, --kerberos_service_name=KERBEROS_SERVICE_NAMEService name of a kerberized impalad [default: impala]-V, --verbose         Verbose output [default: True]-p, --show_profiles   Always display query profiles after execution[default: False]--quiet               Disable verbose output [default: False]-v, --version         Print version information [default: False]-c, --ignore_query_failureContinue on query failure [default: False]-d DEFAULT_DB, --database=DEFAULT_DBIssues a use database command on startup[default: none]-l, --ldap            Use LDAP to authenticate with Impala. Impala must beconfigured to allow LDAP authentication.[default: False]-u USER, --user=USER  User to authenticate with. [default: root]--ssl                 Connect to Impala via SSL-secured connection[default: False]--ca_cert=CA_CERT     Full path to certificate file used to authenticateImpala's SSL certificate. May either be a copy ofImpala's certificate (for self-signed certs) or thecertificate of a trusted third-party CA. If not set,but SSL is enabled, the shell will NOT verify Impala'sserver certificate [default: none]--config_file=CONFIG_FILESpecify the configuration file to load options. Thefollowing sections are used: [impala],[impala.query_options]. Section names are casesensitive. Specifying this option within a config filewill have no effect. Only specify this as an option inthe commandline. [default: /root/.impalarc]--history_file=HISTORY_FILEThe file in which to store shell history. This mayalso be configured using the IMPALA_HISTFILEenvironment variable. [default: ~/.impalahistory]--live_summary        Print a query summary every 1s while the query isrunning. [default: False]--live_progress       Print a query progress every 1s while the query isrunning. [default: False]--auth_creds_ok_in_clearIf set, LDAP authentication may be used with aninsecure connection to Impala. WARNING: Authenticationcredentials will therefore be sent unencrypted, andmay be vulnerable to attack. [default: none]--ldap_password_cmd=LDAP_PASSWORD_CMDShell command to run to retrieve the LDAP password[default: none]--var=KEYVAL          Defines a variable to be used within the Impalasession. Can be used multiple times to set differentvariables. It must follow the pattern "KEY=VALUE", KEYstarts with an alphabetic character and containsalphanumeric characters or underscores. [default:none]-Q QUERY_OPTIONS, --query_option=QUERY_OPTIONSSets the default for a query option. Can be usedmultiple times to set different query options. It mustfollow the pattern "KEY=VALUE", KEY must be a validquery option. Valid query options  can be listed bycommand 'set'. [default: none]-t CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS, --client_connect_timeout_ms=CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MSTimeout in milliseconds after which impala-shell willtime out if it fails to connect to Impala server. Setto 0 to disable any timeout. [default: 60000]


选项    描述
help    显示帮助信息
explain <sql>    显示执行计划
profile (查询完成后执行)    查询最近一次查询的底层信息
shell <shell>    不退出impala-shell执行shell命令
version    显示版本信息(同于impala-shell -v)
connect    连接impalad主机,默认端口21000(同于impala-shell -i)
refresh <tablename>    增量刷新元数据库
invalidate metadata    全量刷新元数据库(慎用)(同于 impala-shell -r)
history    历史命令

[root@ai-etl-c2-13 ~]# impala-shell :help

[root@ai-etl-c2-13 ~]# impala-shell
Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication
Opened TCP connection to ai-etl-c2-13:21000
Connected to ai-etl-c2-13:21000
Server version: impalad version 3.2.0-cdh6.3.0 RELEASE (build 495397101e5807c701df71ea288f4815d69c2c8a)
Welcome to the Impala shell.
(Impala Shell v3.2.0-cdh6.3.0 (4953971) built on Thu Jul 18 10:24:11 PDT 2019)When pretty-printing is disabled, you can use the '--output_delimiter' flag to set
the delimiter for fields in the same row. The default is '\t'.
[ai-etl-c2-13:21000] default> help;Documented commands (type help <topic>):
compute   exit     history  rerun   shell  unset   version
connect   explain  profile  select  show   use     with
describe  help     quit     set     tip    valuesUndocumented commands:
alter   delete  drop    load    src      update
create  desc    insert  source  summary  upsert[ai-etl-c2-13:21000] default> 


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