1、安装Anaconda  ;
2、打开Anaconda Prompt,输入  conda create -n test -c cantera cantera ipython matplotlib  ,出现提时,输入  y  (如果你不是第一次下载,只需要找到Anaconda下对应的Anaconda Prompt即可);

3、检查是否安上cantera,输入 activate test   按回车,输入  conda  list  ,查看是否有cantera(这一步本人以为可以省略);

4、打开Anaconda,把Applications on 换成test  ,点击Spayder的install(是为了下载此种情况下的spyder,如果已经有了,即为launch状态,直接打开即可);


import cantera as ct
import numpy as np  
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

gas = ct.Solution('gri30.yaml')
initial_state = 1200, 5 * ct.one_atm, 'CH4:0.35, O2:1.0, N2:3.76'

# Run a simulation with the full mechanism
gas.TPX = initial_state
r = ct.IdealGasConstPressureReactor(gas)
sim = ct.ReactorNet([r])

tt = []
TT = []
t = 0.0
# Rmax is the maximum relative reaction rate at any timestep
Rmax = np.zeros(gas.n_reactions)
while t < 0.02:
    t = sim.step()
    tt.append(1000 * t)
    rnet = abs(gas.net_rates_of_progress)
    rnet /= max(rnet)
    Rmax = np.maximum(Rmax, rnet)

plt.plot(tt, TT, label='K=53, R=325', color='k', lw=3, zorder=100)

# Get the reaction objects, and sort them so the most active reactions are first

R = sorted(zip(Rmax, gas.reactions()), key=lambda x: -x[0])

# Test reduced mechanisms with different numbers of reactions
C = plt.cm.winter(np.linspace(0, 1, 5))
for i, N in enumerate([40, 50, 60, 70, 80]):
    # Get the N most active reactions
    reactions = [r[1] for r in R[:N]]

# find the species involved in these reactions. At a minimum, include all
    # species in the reactant mixture
    species_names = {'N2', 'CH4', 'O2'}
    for reaction in reactions:

# Get the species objects
    species = [gas.species(name) for name in species_names]

# create the new reduced mechanism
    gas2 = ct.Solution(thermo='IdealGas', kinetics='GasKinetics',
                       species=species, reactions=reactions)

# Re-run the ignition problem with the reduced mechanism
    gas2.TPX = initial_state
    r = ct.IdealGasConstPressureReactor(gas2)
    sim = ct.ReactorNet([r])

t = 0.0

tt = []
    TT = []
    while t < 0.02:
        t = sim.step()
        tt.append(1000 * t)

plt.plot(tt, TT, lw=2, color=C[i],
             label='K={0}, R={1}'.format(gas2.n_species, N))
    plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
    plt.ylabel('Temperature (K)')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.title('Reduced mechanism ignition delay times\n'
              'K: number of species; R: number of reactions')
    plt.xlim(0, 20)



2、beidou111 的 安装cantera并且运行一个官方示例,网址安装cantera并且运行一个官方示例_beidou111的博客-CSDN博客_cantera安装


3、代码是官网的,网址mechanism_reduction.py | Cantera



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