1. 本文还对西苇水库放水洞进行了安全复核及加固方案研究,穿坝建筑物极易导致接触冲刷破坏,危及坝体安全。

Safty check and remediation design of offlet of XiWei reservoir are researched. The building crossed dam is easily failed and dangerous.

2. 为了进一步明确黄土高原坡沟系统侵蚀泥沙主要来源及其动态变化过程,该文利用室内概化坡沟系统模型,结合稀土元素示踪技术,采用放水冲刷试验,对黄土高原的坡沟系统侵蚀泥沙来源问题进行了研究。

In order to further clarify the main source of eroded sediment and dynamic changing process from the slope-gully systems in Loess Plateau, eroded sediment source from slope-gully systems was studied in Loess Plateau by using the indoor generalized slope-gully systems model and runoff scouring method, combining with rare-earth elements tracer technique.

3. 通过坡面放水模拟径流冲刷试验,研究了不同放水流量下草地减水减沙效应,并从起流历时、径流流速、径流深度等方面分析了草地调控水沙的机理。

The effect of forage grass on runoff and sediment reductions was studied by using different flows scouring experiment, and analyzed mechanism of regulating runoff in slope from the duration of producing runoff, velocity and depth of runoff.

4. 通过室内放水冲刷试验,分析了坡面侵蚀过程中跌坑产生与发育的机理,阐明了朔源侵蚀、边壁崩塌和细沟下切侵蚀之间的相互关系。

On the basis of scouring experiments indoors, the mechanism of the drop pit'genesis and development during the process of slope erosion is analyzed, and the relationship among headcut, bank landslip and downcut has been expounded.

5. 神府东胜煤田原生地面放水冲刷试验研究

Scouring experiment of on-sites on undisturbed lands of Shenfu-Dongsheng coalfield

6. 针对神府东胜矿区煤田开采所引发的严重的新增水土流失问题,本文利用放水冲刷试验,对神府东胜矿区弃土堆边坡的径流侵蚀特征及侵蚀过程进行了初步研究。

According to the severe newly increased soil and water loss caused by the mining exploitation in the Shenfu-Dongsheng coal mining area, the runoff erosion process and its characteristics on the discard soil heap slope in the Shenfu-Dongsheng coal mining area were studied by using the runoff scouring experiments.

7. 径流和土壤是引起水土流失的两个基本因子,采用原状土冲刷法和实地放水冲刷法对北京市八达岭林场油松林地进行土壤抗冲性研究。

The anti-scouring feature of forest land soil was examined by using the undisturbed soil sample washing experiment and the spot washing experiment.

8. 该文通过室内放水冲刷试验研究了黄土丘陵区坡沟系统坡面不同草被覆盖对坡面流流速变化过程及特征的影响。

The objective of this study is to reveal the changeable process and characteristics of overland flow velocity with different grass coverages in the slope-gully system on Loess Hilly Area.

9. 利用放水冲刷试验结合稀土元素(REE)示踪技术对坡面侵蚀产沙特征及其时空变化进行了研究。

Combined with the runoff scouring method and the rare earth element (REE) technology, the temporal and spatial variation laws of the sediment yield on slope are studied in this paper.

10. 黄土坡地放水冲刷试验产流过程研究&Ⅲ.坡地径流强度与放水流量动态变化关系

Research on the Runoff Generated Process of Field Pouring Water Scouring Experiment on the Loess Slope Land ──ⅲ. The Dynamic Relationship Between the Runoff Intensity with Pouring Water Discharge


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