section 43 hard

1. Of all her works, this play is the most dependent on the dramatic conventions of the author’s day: it was both the least _____ (这里并列并不能选出什么,主要看前面)of her plays and the most commercially successful.

2. Carmen’s affection for her sister, though not _____, was plainly too great to permit a painless departure.


3. It can be (i)_____ to read Margaret Fuller’s travel writing, as she produced accounts of her travel that (ii)_____ conventions of bourgeois travel narrative, often capitulating to the most well-worn clichés of the genre at precisely the moments when she sought most energetically to cast them off in favor of some new, more passionate mode of discernment.


5. Unquestionably, the particular forms that folly and cruelty take in Jane Austen’s novels are (i)_____ the character’s social milieu, which was also Austen’s own; but to realize that one’s society motivates people in unfortunate ways is not necessarily to (ii)_____ it, for the alternatives, though different(这里就是尽管不同,也一样), might be no more (不更怎样)(iii)_____.前者不一定要谴责,后者也不一定有益

6. While some commentators suggest that abstraction and complexity in scientific research are signs that a given direction is misguided, Lisa Randall, a professor of physics at Harvard, counters that these qualities instead reflect the success of human ingenuity in这里是面对挑战 (i)_____ the increasingly (ii)_____ challenges that nature presents. They can, however(注意这里的转折,某种意义上让步了), make it more (iii)_____ to communicate scientific developments, even to colleague.



7. Because movie studios, under pressure to generate international sales, have favored big-budget pictures with fantasy plots, the representation of everyday domestic life has largely been _____ other media, such as television and literature.


如果是另一种媒介做主语,就是取代。。 然后

section 44 hard

1. The science of astronomy was begun by amateurs and today remains dependent on their contributions, which are incisive by virtue of being _____ by the a priori assumptions that often vitiate the work of professional research scientists.


3. The (i)_____ to disseminate the vast scientific knowledge of our time to nonscientists shows real (ii)_____ the extent of achievements humanity is capable of, like allowing a great work of art to molder in a warehouse.


pretentious regarding 这个是不是过多的考虑

4. Unlike the elected branches of the United States government, where making personal connection with citizens is (i)_____ and almost (ii)_____ political efficacy, the United States Supreme Court continues to maintain that its members should communicate with the public almost exclusively through formal opinions(这里是对应的第一个空)—and even then through ceremonial rituals that date back to the nineteenth century.


6. It is possible for human to go 40 or more hours without sleep and still be able to (i)_____(这里disgorge 表示的是一种能够流利的说出的感觉) information acquired at the beginning of the sleepless period. Thus, when we are considering a role for sleep in human memory consolidation, we are referring to a possible role in the (ii)_____ encoding of information and optimizing of recall, not a (iii)_____ of sleep for recalling events of the prior day.

7. Communicating articulately is typically regarded as an aggressive, persuasive talent, but it can also be protective: it allows a certain _____ closeness, conveying proximity while actually maintaining distance.这里应该是跟实际上反

9. Although the essayist’s arguments did not _____ her most perceptive readers, the extreme subtlety of the paints she made explains why she was misinterpreted by most critics of her day.


section 45 hard

3. Argument may be an overly (i)_____ word to apply to the gossamer contrivance(这里来选吧,这里可能体现不出strength vigor) that is A Summer of Humming birds. In what seems a self-conscious (ii)_____ of its mascot the book flits from one subject or moment in history to another, following the various whims of its author.

如果是说imprecise 就没有说出此处的特点

10. Even though his opponent is currently trying to portray him as a wild-eyed radical, voters will likely reject this charge because it does not _____ his moderate political record.

section 46 hard

1. Neuroscientists are excited by technological progress that facilitates brain mapping, the most _____ of them comparing their growing abilities to tremendous advances that led to unimaginable success of the Human Genome Project.


4. For decades, economic ideas have been (i)_____(这里如果explored for 就体现不出这两者之间的关系) political purpose. Economists, for example, have peddled their theories as a way of gaining public prominence or political appointment, while politicians have (ii)_____ economic doctrines as possible solutions to the nation’s social problems.




5. Several studies (i)_____ the assumption that paper cups, because they were made of natural products, were more environmentally (ii)_____ than cups made of plastic (polystyrene). Indeed, these studies indicated that the environmental (iii)_____ of producing and recycling paper cups were similar to, if not more than, those related to the production, disposal, and recycling of polystyrene cups.


7. In noting that critical and popular opinions about Li’s art coincided, Chuang _____ the existence of an exception to her general theory of art criticism, which posits that critics’ views do not intersect with those of the general public.

9. As a historical genre, biography is best when _____, a careful reconstruction of the past in all its unfamiliar particularity.

section 47 hard

1.The science community’s perennial lament over inadequate budgets has come to seem increasing _____, because government support for science and engineering has never been greater.


8. The critic claims that, contrary to its reputation for _____, the novelist’s prose is full of opaque language games.

9. Not only is the advent of bookless or largely bookless libraries too large and powerful a change to be _____, it also offers too many real advantages for it to be considered a tragedy.这里是说这种advent 的必然性

section 48 hard

3. The description of humans as having an internal clock is not a (i)_____. Or rather, it is—you do not have a tiny watch in your cerebellum—but it also refers to (ii)_____, a specialized bundle of cells that regulates cyclical processes.


4. The author of this biography gives an accurate and (i)_____ account of the subject’s life story, but all the carefully assembled detail(这里的指代) fails to compensate for the general lack of (ii)_____ in her writing.

5. Firebaugh and Beck contend that economic development improves the overall well-being of people within developing countries. However, other scholars emphasize the (i)_____(下文首先承认,又提出不足所以是局限,如果仅仅是说arbitrary就不会承认。。) of this view, empirically demonstrating that while economic development does in fact contribute to the wellbeing of the population of developing countries, the magnitude of development’s positive effects on well-being has (ii)_____.(下一个空的decouple对应这里的decrease) In other words, these scholars suggest that (iii)_____ economic development and human well-being is taking place in developing countries.

8. A clever form of diplomacy involves subtly inducing(这里诱使对方说自己的观点,自然自己是同意的) the other party to propose your preference so that your _____ their requests appears as the granting of concession.

section 49 hard

1.In one theory, as people learn things throughout the day, connections between neurons get strengthened, but during sleep then all synapses are weakened, tenuous connections are _____ and only the strongest bonds could remain.


Sever 连接断这很合理

3. Although she admitted that her airport expansion plan had recently collapsed, the governor (i)_____ the significance of the failure, pointing out that competing economic development proposals are now more (ii)_____.(这里说现在更难,就把failure的significance 降低了)选别的没什么逻辑

5. The research on otters’ environmental requirements is surprisingly (i)_____. One reason for this has to do with the estimation of how much they use different areas. Doing so may be (ii)_____ in some kinds of terrain, such as Shetland where the Eurasian otters are active in daytime and have clear individual markings. There it is possible to identify the individuals over stretches of coast of a few kilometers and to see what kinds of coast they use. However, the field conditions are (iii)_____.


10. In noting that critical and popular opinions about Li’s art coincided, Chuang _____ the existence of an exception to her general theory of art criticism, which posits that critics’ views do not intersect with those of the general public.

section 50 hard

9. Individuals, governments, and companies show ample ability to _____ themselves by setting goals based on current conditions and then blindly following them even when those conditions change drastically.


10. The cat known to researchers as M-120—beefy, audacious, and apparently smart enough to spot a free lunch—is perhaps the world’s least _____ lynx: the scientists catch him several times a year.


Furtive 这个侧重不为人知

evasive elusive 这两个都有evade 的意思

section 51 easy

3. There are far too many (i)_____ in the report, such as incorrect date (albeit on (ii)_____ points), inconsistency between the text and related tables, and discrepancies between the citations and the references.

4. The physical (i)_____ seen in the remains of soldiers who fought in the fifteenth-century battle of Towton is unsurprising, given the (ii)_____ origins of the men who took the battlefield that day.


6. Campus-wide discussion on academic integrity can be (i)_____ by the fact that faculty and students tend to define cheating in (ii)_____ ways. Even when they concur on what cheating means, faculty and students often assign different levels of severity to specific violations. These differences can serve as a major (iii)_____ the creation of a commonly accepted set of standards of integrity that are consistently applied to all academic work within the campus community.

Obscure 是让某些不清楚了

Indictment 是要表现一种disapproval

section 52 easy

5. Compared to Earth over most of its 4 to 6-billion-year history, the world we live in today is quite (i)_____. Of course, it is human nature to regard the world that we are used to as (ii)_____. The oceans, prairies, and mountain chains—even the air we breathe—seem the norm and therefore (iii)_____.


6. Leo Tolstoy wrote many works of nonfiction (这里写的多,所以第一个层次,对于这个是有偏好的)and professed (i)_____ these explorations of ethics and religion compared with his novels and short stories. The fiction writer in him, however, (这里提到了fiction 对这个人是什么情况,也很好)was hard to (ii)_____. Handi Murdd is a short novel with the breadth and power of an epic, with vivid characterization and intense storytelling(这个例子是来表现fiction对于他的重要性) that sweep the reader away. While the reader senses the moral concerns of the tale’s creator,(这里的while 就诚然了一下然后对应了一下上面的点) the novel is a far cry from the (iii)_____ of Tolstoy’s nonfiction.

section 53 easy

9. The potential reduction in water lost from the proposed reservoir from evaporation is _____ inconsequential: even the minimum projected reduction would save enough water to furnish the needs of a Denver-sized municipality.

Scarcely hardly这两个表示certainly not

Rarely 表示not often

section 54 easy

2. The automation of many of the functions performed at the factory, although initially inspiring _____ in many of the company’s employees, has had none of the deleterious effects forecast either within and beyond the organization.

5. Even though intelligence may be quite (i)_____, and even though scientists may have made frustratingly (ii)_____(这里修饰这个词,只有进展稀微才证明是难的) progress in understanding it, many experts on intelligence still think that the potential (iii)_____ of the quest to understand intelligence make it worth continuing. For instance, a brain-based understanding of intelligence may help teachers design strategies for educating children more effectively.

6. While the Prime Minister’s long-standing reputation for (i)____ practical power may (ii)_____(这是两个不同方向的,所以会有doubt, 如果这里选render 显然不行,inevitably只是修饰) his recently stated willingness to devolve real power to regional assemblies and local governments, it certainly does not (iii)_____ his doing it.

10. Travel writers have a special burden of forming _____ story—that is, one with a beginning, middle, and end—out of the unformed moments that make up the act of traveling.


Compelling 还是在讲证据的时候convincing

section 55 easy

4. Any number of mysteries to which individual scholars of Athenian history have devoted whole careers are addressed by Ober, and mostly successfully. This will cause some (i)_____ among scholars who have worked for years on a particular problem only to see another scholar suddenly (ii)_____ it.


5. Wolosky claims that Ella Wheeler Wilcox joined other women poets such as Julia Ward Howe, Frances Harper, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman in critiquing materialism and possessive individualism. Wolosky’s description (i)_____ the poetry of Gilman, Howe, and Harper, but it is not entirely (ii)_____ in the case of Wilcox, who hardly (这里的点还是要对应一下)(iii)_____ the materialism of her time. Rather, Wilcox seems to have embraced the amassing of private property.

7. There are many ways in which rat brains and human brains are _____. Indeed, rat brains are often used as generalized models for all mammalian brains, including our own.

Analogous comparable 这两个都是表示similar


section 56 easy

2. Baker set a new standard for explaining difficult art in language the public could understand; consequently, her books remain exemplars of _____ in art-historical analysis.这里强调的点不是standard 而是

3. He was a leader about whom the country’s people felt (i)_____: both (ii)_____ and reviling him.


这样就不能选ignore 既然revile 就显然注意到了

7. Although the four microclimates, observed over the three years, show very similar overall trends, suggesting spatial _____ in the rock surface temperature regime, relative humidity and surface wetness data show clear differences.


8. Because chemistry’s position as one of the natural sciences has long seemed _____, historians have generally treated the foundation of chemical professorship as an inevitable component of the progression of universities.


Relevant 一种学科可能与另一个相关

10. For parents, the pleasure of letting children choose which book to read aloud together is not always _____: I well remembered my inner groans when my child would constantly pick my least favorite book from the shelf.


section 57 easy

4. Recent years have seen a disheartening string of revelations in which everyday items once considered (i)_____ are found to contain (ii)_____ chemicals.

Benign可能更适合形容人,气候 或是良性的

6. Those who took Clark’s old-mannered compliance for obsequiousness (i)_____ him: his apparent (ii)_____ veiled(这里是破题点,前后反) a fervent (iii)_____ of the authority that others exercised over him, one that he occasionally expressed by discreetly sabotaging their most important projects.


7. In Schaller’s contradictory introduction to the book, she alternately applauds and _____ humankind’s role in animal conservation.



10. Although evolutionary psychologists do not seem quite(只表示程度,注意与quiet区分) as imperialist(中心词) in their intellectual ambitions as their sociobiologist forebears of the 1970s, they tend, in some critics’ view, to be no less _____ in their claims.

section 58 easy

3. The scientist’s motivation for (i)_____ a ban on the addictive food cannot be called (ii)_____. He himself had a patent(核心词) for the substitution for the addictive food.

5. To many newspapers readers now, this book published in 1953 is (i)_____. It is filled with references to some people(引用应该是引用当时的名人) whose ideas seemed (ii)_____ at that time, but are rarely viewed as (iii)_____ persons now.


8. The concept of increasing complexity of organisms has _____ history among evolutionary biologists, and yet many laypeople would unhesitatingly(可能另一个要hesitate) say that the pattern applies to the history of life on Earth.

9. The story lines of silent dramas may often have been _____, yet within those basic narrative outlines, the true artists among silent-film actors could express emotional shadings that have no analogue in spoken language.


section 59 easy

2. We often regard natural phenomena like rainfall as mysterious and unpredictable; although for short time spans and particular places they appear so(如此), in fact on a truly global scale, nature has been a model of _____.主句 注意一下句子结构


6. Biologists have little (i)_____ drawing the link between the success of humanity and human (ii)_____. Indeed(这个递进是赞扬这个attribute), many biologists claim that this attribute, the ability to (iii)_____, or, to put it more sharply, to make individuals subordinate their self-interest to the needs of the group, lies at the root of human achievement.


consensus regarding如果是这个选项,递进一下就是多么的意见不同

justification for,这个就是多么不合理

换句话说因为little 然后前后取一下反就行


9. The medical researchers replied to the charge that their proposed new treatment was _____ by demonstrating that it in fact observed standard medical practices.


section 60 easy

3. As the pace of the trial (i)_____, the wait at the beginning of the day became less interminable, and the attorneys’ requests to suspend proceeding for private conferences with the judge, almost invariably granted(这里是被许可) early on, were routinely (ii)_____.

5. A bird’s feathers would seem to be a (i)_____ design for protecting a bird from attack by microscopic organisms. They create a warm, moist space next to the skin that could be an ideal incubator for spores. Wild birds rarely (ii)_____ skin diseases, however.(这个不经意的转折,说明了前面是一个不利条件) The chemicals in the sebum include an array of antibacterial and antifungal agents that allow the bird’s skin to (iii)_____.

section 61 easy

2. The pupil had a reputation for obduracy, but the teacher found her to be, on the contrary, quite _____.

3. Because reading on the Web entails quickly scanning and sorting through a deluge of information, many wonder if our level of engagement with the text (i)_____ or if the ability to read closely and carefully is one(这里还是指的这种ability) that can be (ii)_____ if we simply spend more time immersed in a book.

这里的or 并列了两种情况

6. Although Uruk in southern Mesopotamia has been (i)_____(这一个空填establish是指这个城邦建立,注意present 侧重于展示一样东西) as being both the first city and the model for later cones, at least two sites in northern Mesopotamia have yielded clear evidence of urbanization long before the existing evidence from Uruk, and other discoveries indicate that some of the (ii)_____ early urbanism were invented not in southern Mesopotamia but in the north.

section 62 easy

2. Due to the many _____ in his committee presentation, Mark’s advisor suggested that he revise his work and practice in front of a mirror before presenting it to the entire department.




3. From time to time, all scientific disciplines encounter observations that do not fit the theories of the day. At first(这里表现的最初是对observations不好的态度) such observations tend to be treated as (i)_____, but(这里就是讲的另一种态度) those scientists (ii)_____ them sometimes discover that they have to abandon established principles in order to account for the new findings.

unable to acknowledge还是和第一个空是一致的

5. The motives of many major investors in Pop Art have arguably been to a large extent, (i)_____. These collectors demonstrate and enhance their power over the art market by establishing seemingly arbitrary works of art as priceless(这里是第一个空的意思). This phenomenon reveals that (ii)_____ is not (iii)_____ of truth or beauty, but simply a trick of investment capital.


10. He was one of the most powerful chess players over and one of the most _____; at the height of his fame he all but dropped out of chess, entering into a self-imposed exile.


section 63 median

2. Although New York exhilarated him, even at first Leger’s reaction to it was not _____:(这半句应该是不好的方向,有not,所以选一个好的方向) he was initially bothered by its stunning verticality.

Unqualified 无限制,是好的



Unspontaneous 这个没什么感情,客观

Unintentional 也是客观的描述,与上反义

3. While in their consideration of the unique way athletics and academics are combined in United States universities, Markovits and Rensmann do not (i)_____ Gumbrecht’s idealizing vision of the compatibility of college athletics with the intellectual missions of institutions of higher learning, neither do they regard college athletics as (ii)_____: they believe that big-time sports have a rightful place in university life.


6. Movement from bottom to top, from poor to rich, was rare, even movement from poor to middle class was (i)_____. (第一个空看好主干就行)Statistical analysis of trends in occupation, income, and property ownership, Thernstrom wrote, “yielded rather (ii)_____ conclusions about social mobility in nineteenth-century America.” So we might expect Thernstrom to be suspicious(对某事怀疑的感觉)(这个词是转折了) how of claims that differences in class could be (iii)_____ if only the public schools did a better job.

7. A small degree of _____ is always desirable in a published diary. A sense of authenticity is seldom worth(这里理解为等同于) the diarist’s questionable grammar or careless phrasing.


9. Criticized for decades of overproduction in their signature line of derivative goods, Rectangle Record has satiated the market with a _____ of repackaged old CDs, which interferes with its ability to innovate and produce new albums.

Glut surfeit 这两个都是过多

Abundance profusion 只是量多

10. His political view, harking back to the turmoil in the 1934, is a _____ with no bearing on the present.

have bearing on有影响

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