wordpress 主机

Recently one of our users contacted us about a notice they received from their hosting provider about upgrading to a new version of PHP.


WordPress is written in the PHP programming language. It is a server-side language, which means it runs on your web hosting server to dynamically generate WordPress pages.

WordPress是用PHP编程语言编写的。 它是一种服务器端语言,这意味着它可以在您的网络托管服务器上运行以动态生成WordPress页面。

In this article, we will explain how PHP updates by your web host impact your WordPress sites. We will also discuss the things you can do to avoid any conflicts or downtime on your website.

在本文中,我们将解释您的Web主机进行PHP更新如何影响您的WordPress网站。 我们还将讨论您可以采取的措施,以避免网站上的任何冲突或停机。

A PHP update by your web host is supposed to go smoothly, but it can also go terribly wrong. It all depends on your web host, and how they configure their servers.

您的Web主机进行PHP更新应该可以顺利进行,但也可能会出错。 这完全取决于您的Web主机以及它们如何配置服务器。

This is why we recommend our users to choose the best WordPress hosting, so they know that there are top-notch engineers who are looking after those servers.

这就是为什么我们建议用户选择最好的WordPress托管的原因 ,因此他们知道有些顶级工程师在照顾这些服务器。

Choosing an unreliable web host for your WordPress site can cause unexpected downtime during or after the update and there is pretty much nothing you can do about it except switching to a better host.


WordPress和PHP更新 (WordPress and PHP Updates)

WordPress is developed using open-source programming language PHP. At the time of writing this article, WordPress requires at least PHP version 5.6.20 or greater. The current stable version available for PHP is 7.3.8.

WordPress是使用开源编程语言PHP开发的 。 在撰写本文时,WordPress至少需要PHP 5.6.20或更高版本。 当前可用于PHP的稳定版本是7.3.8。

Most shared hosting providers are currently offering PHP version 7.0.+ installed on their servers.

大多数共享主机提供商当前都提供在其服务器上安装PHP 7.0。+版本。

Some web hosts may even allow you to change your PHP version from their control panel. There are various reasons for not using the bleeding edge and the newest stable versions of PHP by web hosts, but the most common reason is that the latest versions can sometimes break some PHP applications.

某些网络主机甚至可能允许您从其控制面板更改PHP版本。 不使用网络主机使用最新技术和最新稳定版本PHP有多种原因,但是最常见的原因是,最新版本有时会破坏某些PHP应用程序。

However, they also don’t want to stay far behind. Currently PHP 5.6.+ is the minimum required version and php 7.0+ is generally recommended.

但是,他们也不想落后。 目前最低要求版本为PHP 5.6。+,通常建议使用php 7.0+。

主机更新PHP时需要做的事情 (Things You Need To Do When Your Host Updates PHP)

Your web host is probably already hosting thousands of WordPress site. They will take every precaution they can to make sure that everything goes smoothly and customers don’t feel any glitch in the service.

您的网络托管商可能已经托管了数千个WordPress网站。 他们将竭尽所能,以确保一切顺利,客户在服务中不会感到任何毛刺。

The notice you have received allows you to be informed about the update and keep a look out to see if anything goes wrong. Although it is unlikely that this update will break things, it is always good to have a fallback plan.

收到的通知可让您了解有关更新的信息,并随时检查是否有任何问题。 尽管此更新不太可能破坏事情,但最好有一个后备计划。

First of all, we always recommend our users to regularly backup WordPress sites. If you do not have an automatic backup solution in place like BackupBuddy, VaultPress, or BackWPup, then it is time to install one of them or at least create a manual backup of your website.

首先,我们始终建议用户定期备份WordPress网站。 如果您没有像BackupBuddy , VaultPress或BackWPup这样的自动备份解决方案,那么现在是时候安装其中一个或至少创建网站的手动备份的时候了。

After backups, the next thing you need to do is to make sure that you are running the latest version of WordPress. Also make sure that all your plugins and themes are up-to-date.

备份后,接下来要做的就是确保您正在运行最新版本的WordPress。 另外,请确保您所有的插件和主题都是最新的。

Go to Updates screen and install any updates available.


WordPress itself and most popular WordPress plugins will not be affected by PHP update. However, it is possible that some plugin may stop working.

WordPress本身和大多数流行的WordPress插件都不会受到PHP更新的影响。 但是,某些插件可能会停止工作。

If a plugin on your site has stopped working due to a PHP update, then you need to contact the plugin author for support or find an alternative.


如果PHP更新破坏了您的WordPress网站怎么办? (What to Do if a PHP Update Breaks your WordPress Site?)

There are very little chances of a PHP update breaking your WordPress site. However, with the abundance of free and paid plugins, a single line of poor code can result into an error.

PHP更新破坏您的WordPress网站的可能性很小。 但是,由于有大量的免费插件和付费插件,单行不良代码会导致错误。

The first thing you need to do is make sure that it is not a plugin or theme causing this error. To do that deactivate all your WordPress plugins and switch to a default WordPress theme.

您需要做的第一件事是确保它不是导致此错误的插件或主题。 为此,请停用所有WordPress插件并切换到默认WordPress主题。

If this does not solve your issue, then contact your web host’s support team. There is a good chance that the issue you are facing will already be in their notice, and they will be able to assist you.

如果这不能解决您的问题,请与您的虚拟主机的支持团队联系。 您面临的问题很可能已经在他们的通知中,他们将能够为您提供帮助。

If your web host is unable to help you out, then try to install a fresh copy of WordPress and then restore your WordPress site from backup.

如果您的虚拟主机无法帮助您,请尝试安装WordPress的新副本,然后从backup还原WordPress网站 。

If none of this helps, then perhaps it is time to change your WordPress hosting.


We hope that this guide helped you understand how PHP updates by your web host impact your WordPress site. For feedback and questions please leave a comment below.

我们希望本指南可以帮助您了解虚拟主机PHP更新如何影响您的WordPress网站。 对于反馈和问题,请在下面发表评论。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-does-php-updates-by-your-web-host-impacts-your-wordpress-sites/

wordpress 主机

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