这两个版本都包括了Toad、Sql Optimizer、Data Modeler、Toad DataAnalysi、Konwledges等基本软件。DBA版又增加了Spotlight On Oracle单机版,Development版则增加了Benchmark for Oracle和Code Tester这两个软件。可以认为DBA版和开发版是不同的打包方式。(以上内容来源于网络)


Toad™ DBA Suite for Oracle is a comprehensive set of Oracle DBA tools that enable you to become more proactive. These Oracle administration tools automate maintenance, ensure optimal performance, and mitigate the risk of change. The suite helps you resolve issues before they impact production. And, since routine tasks are automated, you’re assured of accuracy as never before. You can also greatly reduce the risks associated with performance bottlenecks, database vulnerability, patches, upgrades, and more.

Toad™ Development Suite for Oracle® ensures you’re employing PL/SQL development best practices. This comprehensive set of Oracle® database development tools helps guarantee application success through improved code quality, performance, and maintainability. You can use these Oracle developer tools to reduce the risks associated with bugs, performance validation, inconsistent coding standards, dispersed teams with varying skill levels, and more. Toad Development Suite for Oracle also reduces the impact of inefficient coding on productivity, future development cycles, and application performance and availability. Plus, it seamlessly integrates with the Toad World™ user community, empowering you to get answers from industry experts, interact with 3 million of your peers, and access a wealth of platform information—all without leaving Toad.

另有Toad for Oracle Commercial,安装文件大小比DBA与Development都小。

toad dba suite for oracle 12,Toad DBA Suite 和Toad Development Suite的区别相关推荐

  1. toad dba suite for oracle 12.1,Toad for Oracle 12.1下载地址

    32 位版: http://us-downloads.quest.com/Repository/support.quest.com/Toad for Oracle/12.1/Software/Toad ...

  2. Toad DBA Suite for Oracle 12.6 64-bit Commercial 简单连接

    注意:Toad DBA Suite for Oracle 12.6 64-bit Commercial安装包推荐去官网下载,中文版的最好不要使用绿色免安装版,不然连接会报各种错误 1.安装:双击下载好 ...

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    2011数据库薪酬调查 Oracle DBA收入最高 JPG,623x330,231KB,471_250 Oracle DBA薪资待遇分析 JPG,549x315,231KB,436_250 2011 ...

  4. toad for oracle12.11,Toad for Oracle 12.11 - 发行版本说明

    发行说明 Toad™ for Oracle® 12.11 发行说明 修订 2017/10/17 关于 Toad Toad for Oracle 为各种技能和经验水平的数据库专业人员提供了一种直观有效的 ...

  5. toad for oracle 12卡,Toad for Oracle 12.12 - Toad 版本安装指南

    安装指南 如果您使用 32 位 Oracle 客户端,则安装 32 位版 Toad.如果您使用 64 位 Oracle 客户端,则安装 64 位版 Toad. Toad 版本安装程序包含 32 位和 ...

  6. oracle和dba,oracle db、dba和rdba

    一.DB(Data Block) 1.dumping data blocks SYS@ tsid > select 2dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) R ...

  7. oracle db、dba和rdba

    一.     DB(Data Block) 1.dumping data blocks SYS@ tsid > select 2  dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(r ...

  8. oracle读书笔记之Oracle 11g R2 DBA操作指南(前三章)

    Oracle 11g R2 DBA操作指南是我学习的第一本讲述oracle数据库知识的书籍,在此记录下自己的学习笔记,对于书中的知识点本人通过实际操作进行验证. 1.Oracle数据库基础 1.1.关 ...

  9. 添加非oracle用户到dba, oinstall组

    oracle用户所拥有的权限比较大,因此有些时候需要使用非oracle用户来完成相关数据库管理工作.尤其是多个人维护系统或数据库时,有必要为其添加不同的用户,然后将这些用户添加到dba组.同时这些用户 ...


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