Ubuntu 18.04中的apt-get版本为1.6.8。 如果你使用的ubuntu版本较低,apt版本低于1.5,可使用简单的方法配置本地源。简单方法见第二部分。



一 创建目录:mkdir repository

二 拷贝deb文件到目录 cp /path/to/*.deb repository/

三 进入目录生成索引文件及Release文件

cd repository

apt-ftparchive packages . > Packages

apt-ftparchive release . > Release

四 生成签名

gpg --clearsign -o InRelease Release


root@serverdeb:/media/debs# gpg --clearsign -o InRelease Release
gpg: no default secret key: Unusable secret key
gpg: Release: clear-sign failed: Unusable secret key


1. gpg --gen-key


如果生成签名卡住(原因详见:https://www.cnblogs.com/styshoo/p/6415939.html),执行如下命令:rng -r /dev/urandom    /// 前提是安装:apt-get install rng-tools

2. gpg -a --export pub_id | apt-key add -

root@server10:/media/debs# apt-get update
Get:1 file:/media/debs  InRelease [1912 B]
Get:1 file:/media/debs  InRelease [1912 B]
Err:1 file:/media/debs  InRelease                                              
  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5789843F6B61B0B4
Hit:2 http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt xenial-pgdg InRelease            
Reading package lists... Done

gpg -a --export 5789843F6B61B0B4 | apt-key add -     ///其中pub key可用gpg --list-keys查到

五 gpg -abs -o Release.gpg Release

最后执行apt-get update的输出如下 :

root@server10:/media/debs# apt-get update
Get:1 file:/media/debs  InRelease [1912 B]
Get:1 file:/media/debs  InRelease [1912 B]
Get:2 file:/media/debs  Packages [74.1 kB]                                      
Hit:3 http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt xenial-pgdg InRelease             
Reading package lists... Done


第二部分 无签名本地源制作

apt 版本低于1.5,无须签名的本地源生成方法:


sudo rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/*


sudo apt-get -d install <包名>


cp -r /var/cache/apt/archives  /yout-path


chmod 777 -R /your-path


sudo touch /your-path/Packages.gz
    sudo dpkg-scanpackages /your-path/ /dev/null  | gzip > /your-path/Packages.gz


deb file:///var/debs/ /

(7)执行sudo apt-get update,之后就可以直接使用apt-get install 包名 来安装了

The repository 'file:/media debs/ Release' does not have a Release file.
可用apt-get update --allow-insecure-repositories,这个时侯错误就会变成警告,也能正常安装软件。
1. 为何apt-get 1.5版本后需要签名
man apt-secure
Starting with version 0.6, APT contains code that does signature checking of the Release file for all repositories. This ensures that data like packages in the archive can't be
       modified by people who have no access to the Release file signing key. Starting with version 1.1 APT requires repositories to provide recent authentication information for
       unimpeded usage of the repository. Since version 1.5 changes in the information contained in the Release file about the repository need to be confirmed before APT continues to
       apply updates from this repository.
2. 签名的方法出处
man apt-secure
If you want to provide archive signatures in an archive under your maintenance you have to:

·   Create a toplevel Release file, if it does not exist already. You can do this by running apt-ftparchive release (provided in apt-utils).

·   Sign it. You can do this by running gpg --clearsign -o InRelease Release and gpg -abs -o Release.gpg Release.

·   Publish the key fingerprint, so that your users will know what key they need to import in order to authenticate the files in the archive. It is best to ship your key in its
           own keyring package like Ubuntu does with ubuntu-keyring to be able to distribute updates and key transitions automatically later.

·   Provide instructions on how to add your archive and key. If your users can't acquire your key securely the chain of trust described above is broken. How you can help users
           add your key depends on your archive and target audience ranging from having your keyring package included in another archive users already have configured (like the default
           repositories of their distribution) to leveraging the web of trust.

Whenever the contents of the archive change (new packages are added or removed) the archive maintainer has to follow the first two steps outlined above.


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