
help/Makefile.am:21: error: USE_NLS does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1




help/Makefile.am:21: error: USE_NLS does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL相关推荐

  1. Caffe编译踩坑(一):/usr/include/boost/system/error_code.hpp:233:21: error: looser throw specifier

    近期在尝试跑LiteFlowNet,需要编译caffe,因为服务器上已经安装了CUDA11.3,其采用的环境是CUDA8.0+Cudnn5.1,因此安装了CUDA8.0的相关文件,并安装了gcc-4. ...

  2. nodejs error Windows_NT 6.1.7601 21 error code ELIFECYCLE 22 error angular-adminlte-plugin@0.1.0

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  4. ..\SYSTEM\usart\usart.c(21): error: #260-D: explicit type is missing (“int“ assumed)

    #include "sys.h" #include "usart.h" #if SYSTEM_SUPPORT_OS #include "include ...

  5. TensorRT升级错误,plugins/poly_layer.h:19:21: error: looser throw specifier for ‘virtual int nvinfer1::

    在将tensorrt由7升级到8的过程中,遇到了如下错误 In file included from plugins/poly_layer.cpp:1:0: plugins/poly_layer.h: ...

  6. make: *** [Makefile:1161: vmlinux] Error 137

    问题描述 今天在编译linux内核的时候出现了这样的情况: 我有点不敢相信,继续进行了之前的命令4次,结果确实会在这个地方killed: 然后一行提示说: make: *** [Makefile:11 ...

  7. PUM-main makefile报错 #error -- unsupported GNU version gcc versions later than 6 are not supported

    在配CVPR2021-Probabilistic Modeling of Semantic Ambiguity for Scene Graph Generation这篇论文的环境时,遇到了这个问题: ...

  8. makefile(9) : fatal error U1052: 未找到文件Win32.Mak

    这种Nmake工具使用很 easy 直接搜索win32.mak的路径然后在makefile中添加. 然后指定makefile路径 nmake -f makefile nmake 没有错误就ojbk了. ...

  9. C2181在c语言错误中怎么改,为啥说1.cpp(21) : error C2181: illegal else without matching if

    #include int fun(int n) { int i,s; for(i=2;i { if(n%i==0) s=s+i; } return(s); } void main() { int a; ...

  10. make[1]: *** [objs/Makefile:445: objs/src/core/ngx_murmurhash.o] Error

    执行完make以后报错 make[1]: *** [objs/Makefile:445: objs/src/core/ngx_murmurhash.o] Error 1 make[1]: Leavin ...


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