This article is part of the series GloballyDynamic: Dynamic delivery everywhere. For a brief introduction on GloballyDynamic, head over to the main article or the website.

本文是“ 全球动态:无处不在的动态交付 ”系列的一部分。 有关GloballyDynamic的简要介绍,请转到主要文章或网站 。

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This article will build upon the previous two articles in this series and illustrate how a project can be configured to use multiple dynamic delivery platforms without having to provide individual integrations for their respective client libraries. If you haven’t already, I suggest you give the previous two articles a quick scan before proceeding:

本文将以本系列的前两篇文章为基础,并说明如何将项目配置为使用多个动态交付平台,而不必为其各自的客户端库提供单独的集成。 如果您还没有的话,建议您在进行以下操作之前先快速浏览一下前两篇文章:

  • GloballyDynamic: Dynamic delivery during development


  • GloballyDynamic: Dynamic delivery with Firebase App Distribution

    GloballyDynamic:通过Firebase App Distribution动态交付

When I say Multi-platform in this context, it does not refer to Kotlin Multiplatform, but rather multiple dynamic delivery platforms, such as Play Feature Delivery or Dynamic Ability.

在这种情况下,当我说多平台时,它不是指Kotlin多平台 ,而是指多个动态交付平台,例如Play Feature Delivery或Dynamic Ability 。

The Android library, which is introduced in the first article of the series, provides an abstraction layer on top of different dynamic delivery client APIs, you can therefore write your Kotlin/Java code once, and have it run with every underlying platform.

该系列的第一篇文章中介绍的Android库在不同的动态交付客户端API之上提供了一个抽象层,因此您可以编写一次Kotlin / Java代码,并使其在每个基础平台上运行。

The library comes in different flavours, one for each underlying platform. The currently available ones are:

该库具有不同的风格,每个基础平台一个。 当前可用的是:

  • Google Play Store (Play Feature Delivery):

    Google Play商店( Play功能交付 ): : :

  • Huawei App Gallery (Dynamic Ability):

    华为App Gallery( 动态能力 ): : :

  • Self-hosted with GloballyDynamic Server (Firebase App Distribution, local development etc):

    使用GloballyDynamic Server自托管(Firebase应用程序分发,本地开发等): : :

All of these flavours expose an identical API, while delegating operations to their respective underlying platforms. The way in which you configure what platform to be delegated to is through build flavours.

所有这些样式都公开了相同的API,同时将操作委派给了各自的基础平台。 您可以通过构建方式来配置要委派给哪个平台的方法。

The remainder of this article will go through an example on how to configure a project to use dynamic delivery with 4 different environments:


  • Local development
  • Google Play
    Google Play
  • Huawei App Gallery
    华为App Gallery
  • Firebase App Distribution

1)添加本地开发配置 (1) Adding a local development configuration)

This is covered in depth in the first article of this series, however, in this article we will incorporate the development setup into a multi-platform one:


android {    globallyDynamicServers {        studioEmbedded {            throttleDownloadBy 5000            applyToBuildVariants 'debug'        }    }}repositories {    mavenCentral()}dependencies {    debugImplementation ''}

2)添加Google Play配置 (2) Adding a Google Play configuration)

Since Google Play Store already supports dynamic delivery natively, configuring the library to delegate operations to Play Core is straightforward — we merely create a product flavour called gplay, and declare the corresponding dependency for it, like so:

由于Google Play商店已经原生支持动态交付,因此配置库以将操作委派给Play Core的过程非常简单-我们仅创建一个名为gplay的产品gplay ,并gplay声明相应的依赖项,如下所示:

android {    flavorDimensions 'platform'    productFlavors {        gplay {            dimension 'platform'        }    }    globallyDynamicServers {        studioEmbedded {            throttleDownloadBy 5000            applyToBuildVariants 'gplayDebug'        }    }}repositories {    mavenCentral()    google()}configurations {    gplayReleaseImplementation {}}dependencies {    debugImplementation '    gplayReleaseImplementation ''}

Note: the configurations {} block is necessary when declaring a dependency that is specific to both a build type and a product flavour, this is because the Android Gradle Plugin creates the combined configurations later in the build pipeline, you therefore have to declare placeholder configurations. More on that here.

注: configurations {}声明依赖特定于两个构建类型和产品风味当块是必要的,这是因为Android的Gradle插件在构建流水线后创建相结合的配置,你因此必须声明占位符配置。 在这里更多。

If you’d rather like to use Internal App Sharing during development for Google Play, you can just remove the gplayDebug directive from applyToBuildVariants, and also change gplayReleaseImplementation to gplayImplementation.

如果您想在Google Play开发期间使用内部应用程序共享 ,则只需从applyToBuildVariants删除gplayDebug指令,然后将gplayReleaseImplementation更改为gplayImplementation

3)添加华为App Gallery配置 (3) Adding a Huawei App Gallery configuration)

The story is the same for Huawei App Gallery as with Google Play Store; it support dynamic delivery natively. Hence configuring for operations to be delegated to Dynamic Ability is also straightforward:

华为App Gallery的故事与Google Play商店的故事相同。 它本地支持动态交付。 因此,配置要委派给动态能力的操作也很简单:

android {    flavorDimensions 'platform'    productFlavors {        gplay {            dimension 'platform'        }        huawei {            dimension 'platform'        }    }    globallyDynamicServers {        studioEmbedded {            throttleDownloadBy 5000            applyToBuildVariants 'gplayDebug', 'huaweiDebug'        }    }}repositories {    mavenCentral()    google()    maven { url '' }}configurations {    gplayReleaseImplementation {}    huaweiReleaseImplementation {}}dependencies {    debugImplementation '    gplayReleaseImplementation '    huaweiReleaseImplementation ''}

4)添加Firebase App Distribution配置 (4) Adding a Firebase App Distribution configuration)

Enabling dynamic delivery for Firebase App Distribution is covered in depth in the second article in this series, in this article we’re incorporating that setup into this multi-platform one. As illustrated below, we’ll now have to configure two different globallyDynamicServers:

在本系列的第二篇文章中将深入介绍为Firebase App Distribution启用动态交付,在本文中,我们将该设置整合到了这个多平台的产品中。 如下图所示,我们现在必须配置两个不同的globallyDynamicServers

android {    flavorDimensions 'platform'    productFlavors {        gplay {            dimension 'platform'        }        huawei {            dimension 'platform'        }        firebase {            dimension 'platform'            firebaseAppDistribution {                apkPath "${buildDir}/outputs/universal_apk/firebaseRelease/universal.apk"                                }        }     }    globallyDynamicServers {        studioEmbedded {            throttleDownloadBy 5000            applyToBuildVariants 'gplayDebug', 'huaweiDebug', 'firebaseDebug'        }        firebase {            serverUrl 'http://<ip-to-server>:8080'            username 'johndoe'            password 'my-secret-password'            applyToBuildVariants 'firebaseRelease'        }    }}repositories {    mavenCentral()    google()    maven { url '' }}configurations {    gplayReleaseImplementation {}    huaweiReleaseImplementation {}    firebaseReleaseImplementation {}}dependencies {    debugImplementation '    gplayReleaseImplementation '    huaweiReleaseImplementation '    firebaseReleaseImplementation ''}

5)放在一起 (5) Putting it all together)

Phew, that’s it as far as configuration goes. While the configuration becomes fairly meaty and involved when working with this many platforms, it allows you to only write the actual Kotlin/Java code once — as you switch between build variants you can use your same calls toGlobalSplitInstallManager.startInstall(...), without needing to modify anything.

ew,仅此而已。 尽管配置变得相当繁琐,并且在许多平台上使用时涉及到配置,但它只允许您编写一次实际的Kotlin / Java代码-在构建变体之间切换时,您可以对GlobalSplitInstallManager.startInstall(...)使用相同的调用,而无需修改任何内容。

A complete version of these steps are coalesced into the gist below, which also contains all plugin definitions you need:


buildscript {repositories {google()mavenCentral()}dependencies {classpath ''classpath ""classpath 'com.jeppeman.globallydynamic.gradle:plugin:1.0.0'}
}apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'com.jeppeman.globallydynamic'android {flavorDimensions 'platform'productFlavors {gplay {dimension 'platform'}huawei {dimension 'platform'}firebase {dimension 'platform'                firebaseAppDistribution {apkPath "${buildDir}/outputs/universal_apk/firebaseRelease/universal.apk"                    }}}globallyDynamicServers {studioEmbedded {throttleDownloadBy 5000applyToBuildVariants 'gplayDebug', 'huaweiDebug', 'firebaseDebug'}firebase {serverUrl 'http://<ip-to-server>:8080'username 'johndoe'password 'my-secret-password'applyToBuildVariants 'firebaseRelease'}}
}repositories {google()mavenCentral()maven { url '' }
}configurations {gplayReleaseImplementation {}huaweiReleaseImplementation {}firebaseReleaseImplementation {}
}dependencies {debugImplementation ''gplayReleaseImplementation ''huaweiReleaseImplementation ''firebaseReleaseImplementation ''

With that we’ve reached the conclusion of this series of articles — for more information on the subject, such as how to publish an app on Amazon App Store or Samsung Galaxy Store with dynamic delivery, head over to the website. You can also have a look at my example project which is published on various platforms with dynamic delivery enabled.

到此为止,我们已经得出了本系列文章的结论-有关该主题的更多信息,例如如何以动态交付方式在Amazon App Store或Samsung Galaxy Store上发布应用程序,请访问该网站 。 您还可以查看我的示例项目 ,该示例项目在启用了动态交付的各种平台上发布。

有用的链接 (Useful links)

  • Play Feature Delivery


  • Dynamic Ability


  • Firebase App Distribution


  • GloballyDynamic




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