



struct VIn
{float4 p    : POSITION;float3 n    : NORMAL;float3 t    : TANGENT;float2 uv   : TEXCOORD0;
};struct VOut
{float4 p    : POSITION;float2 uv   : TEXCOORD0;float4 wp   : TEXCOORD1;float3 n    : TEXCOORD2;float3 t    : TEXCOORD3;float3 b    : TEXCOORD4;float4 lp   : TEXCOORD5;float3 sdir : TEXCOORD6;
};struct PIn
{float2 uv   : TEXCOORD0;float4 wp   : TEXCOORD1;float3 n    : TEXCOORD2;float3 t    : TEXCOORD3;float3 b    : TEXCOORD4;float4 lp   : TEXCOORD5;float3 sdir : TEXCOORD6;
};void ambient_vs(VIn IN,uniform float4x4 wvpMat,out float4 oPos : POSITION,out float2 oUV : TEXCOORD0)
{oPos = mul(wvpMat, IN.p);oUV = IN.uv;
}float4 ambient_ps(in float2 uv : TEXCOORD0,uniform float3 ambient,uniform float4 matDif,uniform sampler2D dMap,uniform sampler2D aoMap): COLOR0
{return tex2D(dMap, uv) * tex2D(aoMap, uv) *float4(ambient, 1) * float4(matDif.rgb, 1);
}VOut diffuse_vs(VIn IN,uniform float4x4 wMat,uniform float4x4 wvpMat,uniform float4x4 tvpMat,uniform float4 spotlightDir)
{VOut OUT;OUT.wp = mul(wMat, IN.p);OUT.p = mul(wvpMat, IN.p);OUT.uv = IN.uv;OUT.n = IN.n;OUT.t = IN.t;OUT.b = cross(IN.t, IN.n);OUT.sdir = mul(wMat, spotlightDir).xyz; // spotlight dir in world spaceOUT.lp = mul(tvpMat, OUT.wp);return OUT;
}float4 diffuse_ps(PIn IN,uniform float3 lightDif0,uniform float4 lightPos0,uniform float4 lightAtt0,uniform float3 lightSpec0,uniform float4 matDif,uniform float4 matSpec,uniform float matShininess,uniform float3 camPos,uniform float4 invSMSize,uniform float4 spotlightParams,uniform float4x4 iTWMat,uniform sampler2D diffuseMap : TEXUNIT0,uniform sampler2D specMap : TEXUNIT1,uniform sampler2D normalMap : TEXUNIT2): COLOR0
{// directionfloat3 ld0 = normalize(lightPos0.xyz - (lightPos0.w * IN.wp.xyz));half lightDist = length(lightPos0.xyz - IN.wp.xyz) / lightAtt0.r;// attenuationhalf ila = lightDist * lightDist; // quadratic falloffhalf la = 1.0 - ila;float4 normalTex = tex2D(normalMap, IN.uv);float3x3 tbn = float3x3(IN.t, IN.b, IN.n);float3 normal = mul(transpose(tbn), normalTex.xyz * 2 - 1); // to object spacenormal = normalize(mul((float3x3)iTWMat, normal));float3 diffuse = max(dot(ld0, normal), 0);// calculate the spotlight effectfloat spot = (spotlightParams.x == 1 &&spotlightParams.y == 0 &&spotlightParams.z == 0 &&spotlightParams.w == 1 ? 1 : // if so, then it's not a spot lightsaturate((dot(ld0, normalize(-IN.sdir)) - spotlightParams.y) /(spotlightParams.x - spotlightParams.y)));float3 camDir = normalize(camPos - IN.wp.xyz);float3 halfVec = normalize(ld0 + camDir);float3 specular = pow(max(dot(normal, halfVec), 0), matShininess);float4 diffuseTex = tex2D(diffuseMap, IN.uv);float4 specTex = tex2D(specMap, IN.uv);float3 diffuseContrib = (diffuse * lightDif0 * diffuseTex.rgb * matDif.rgb);float3 specularContrib = (specular * lightSpec0 * specTex.rgb * matSpec.rgb);float3 light0C = (diffuseContrib + specularContrib) * la * spot;return float4(light0C, diffuseTex.a);

其中VIn表示的是顶点输入的结构体,VOut表示的是顶点输出的结构体,PIn表示的是片段着色器的输入结构体,在下面的函数实现中首先实现的是ambient  occlusion mapping也包括顶点和片段处理。最后是diffuse的顶点和片段处理也就是高光specluar和法线normal的处理,这样整个Shader就完成了。


material base_material
{set $diffuseCol "1 1 1 1"set $specularCol "1 1 1"set $shininess "32"technique{pass{illumination_stage ambientambient 1 1 1 1diffuse $diffuseColspecular 0 0 0 0emissive 0 0 0 0vertex_program_ref ambient_vs{}fragment_program_ref ambient_ps{}texture_unit diffuseMap{texture white.png}texture_unit aoMap{texture white.png}}pass{illumination_stage per_lightscene_blend add
//            iteration once_per_light   not needed while   illumination_stage per_light   is usedvertex_program_ref diffuse_vs{}fragment_program_ref diffuse_ps{}diffuse $diffuseColspecular $specularCol $shininessambient 0 0 0 0texture_unit diffuseMap{texture white.png}texture_unit specMap{texture white.png}texture_unit normalMap{texture flat_n.png}}}
}// examples (require the appropriate [[textures]], all found in the Ogre samples)material rockwall : base_material
{set_texture_alias diffuseMap rockwall.tgaset_texture_alias specMap rockwall.tgaset_texture_alias normalMap rockwall_NH.tga
}material metal : base_material
{set_texture_alias diffuseMap RustedMetal.jpgset_texture_alias specMap RustedMetal.jpg
}material ogre : base_material
{set_texture_alias diffuseMap GreenSkin.jpgset_texture_alias specMap GreenSkin.jpgset_texture_alias normalMap NMHollyBumps.png

该文件实现了一个基材质 base_material其它材质可以继承,这个对于开发者来说非常灵活。另外还需要一个program程序文件用于shader和图片的配置,代码如下所示:

vertex_program diffuse_vs cg
{source general.cgprofiles vs_1_1 arbvp1entry_point diffuse_vsdefault_params{param_named_auto wMat world_matrixparam_named_auto wvpMat worldviewproj_matrixparam_named_auto tvpMat texture_viewproj_matrix 0param_named_auto spotlightDir light_direction_object_space 0}
}vertex_program ambient_vs cg
{source general.cgprofiles vs_1_1 arbvp1entry_point ambient_vsdefault_params{param_named_auto wvpMat worldviewproj_matrix}
}fragment_program ambient_ps cg
{source general.cgprofiles ps_2_0 arbfp1entry_point ambient_psdefault_params{param_named_auto ambient ambient_light_colourparam_named_auto matDif surface_diffuse_colour}
}fragment_program diffuse_ps cg
{source general.cgprofiles ps_2_x arbfp1entry_point diffuse_psdefault_params{param_named_auto lightDif0 light_diffuse_colour 0param_named_auto lightSpec0 light_specular_colour 0param_named_auto camPos camera_positionparam_named_auto matShininess surface_shininessparam_named_auto matDif surface_diffuse_colourparam_named_auto matSpec surface_specular_colourparam_named_auto lightPos0 light_position 0param_named_auto lightAtt0 light_attenuation 0param_named_auto iTWMat inverse_transpose_world_matrixparam_named_auto spotlightParams spotlight_params 0}

以上就完成了高光,法线以及ambient Shader的实现,当然学习Shader编程不能仅限于功能实现,还需要举一反三,比如我们上面封装的base_material。还是可以继续去扩展的,代码如下所示:

 material some_material : base_material
{// any of these maps can be left out if you don't have oneset_texture_alias diffuseMap some_dif.pngset_texture_alias specMap some_spec.pngset_texture_alias normalMap some_norm.pngset_texture_alias aoMap some_ao.png// diffuse colour multiplier (for example, green-ish)set $diffuseCol "0.1 1 0.1"// specular colour multiplier (for example, red-ish)set $specularCol "1 0.1 0.1"// specular power (shininess) (the higher, the sharper the highlights)set $shininess "128"// once again, you can leave any of these configurables out if you don't need them



struct VIn
{float4 p    : POSITION;float3 n    : NORMAL;float4 t    : TANGENT; // <- this was changedfloat2 uv   : TEXCOORD0;


struct VOut
{float4 p    : POSITION;float2 uv   : TEXCOORD0;float4 wp   : TEXCOORD1;float3 n    : TEXCOORD2;float4 t    : TEXCOORD3; //<- this was changedfloat3 b    : TEXCOORD4;float4 lp   : TEXCOORD5;float3 sdir : TEXCOORD6;


VOut diffuse_vs(VIn IN,uniform float4x4 wMat,uniform float4x4 wvpMat,uniform float4x4 tvpMat,uniform float4 spotlightDir)
{VOut OUT;OUT.wp = mul(wMat, IN.p);OUT.p = mul(wvpMat, IN.p);OUT.uv = IN.uv;OUT.n = IN.n;OUT.t = IN.t;OUT.b = cross(IN.t.xyz, IN.n) * IN.t.w; //<-this was changedOUT.sdir = mul(wMat, spotlightDir).xyz; // spotlight dir in world spaceOUT.lp = mul(tvpMat, OUT.wp);return OUT;


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