1、设计一个成绩管理系统。包括 添加(insert),修改(update),删除(delete),查找(SQL)四个功能 成绩管理系统3个表 :学生(学号,姓名,性别);课程(课程号,课程名);成绩(学号,课程号,分数) 学生.学号与成绩.学号关联,课程.课程号与成绩.课程号关联。数据库相关知识点:表结构的操作 表记录的操作 表的查询


#pragma once                 //student.h
using namespace std;
class Student                                                         //定义student类 ,其中有学号、名字、性别的数据成员
{public:int studentID;string name, sex;int LessonNumber;string LessonName;int score;Student(int sID,string na,string se ,int LNum,string LNa ,int sco );void showsth();};


#pragma once
using namespace std;
#define FILENAME "stuFile.txt"class StudentScore
public:StudentScore();void Show_Menu();//菜单void ExitSystem();//退出int m_StuNum;//学生人数Student** m_StuArray;void Add_Stu();//添加//保存文件void save();//判断是否为空bool m_FileIsEmpty;//统计人数int get_StuNum();//初始化学生void init_Stu();//显示学生//删除学生void Del_Stu();//判断有无int IsExist(int studentId);//修改学生void Mod_Stu();//查找学生void Find_Stu();~StudentScore();};


using namespace std;
#include"student.h"Student::Student(int sID, string na, string se, int LNum, string LNa, int sco)
{this->studentID = sID;this->name = na;this->sex = se;this->LessonNumber = LNum;this->LessonName = LNa;this->score = sco;
void Student::showsth()
{cout << "学号" << this->studentID<< "\t名字" << this->name<< "\t性别" << this->sex<< "\t课程号" << this->LessonNumber<< "\t课程名" << this->LessonName<< "\t分数" << this->score;


{//文件不存在ifstream ifs;ifs.open(FILENAME, ios::in);if (!ifs.is_open()){//测试代码cout << "文件不存在" << endl;this->m_StuNum = 0;this->m_StuArray = NULL;this->m_FileIsEmpty = true;ifs.close();return;}//文件存在,但为空。char ch;ifs >> ch;if (ifs.eof()){//测试代码cout << "文件为空" << endl;this->m_StuNum = 0;this->m_StuArray = NULL;this->m_FileIsEmpty = true;ifs.close();return;}//初始化//文件存在,有内容int num = this->get_StuNum();//测试代码cout << "现在有" << num << "人" << endl;this->m_StuNum = num;this->m_StuArray = new Student * [this->m_StuNum];this->init_Stu();//测试代码/*for (int i = 0; i < this->m_StuNum; i++){cout << "学号:" << this->m_StuArray[i]->studentID<< " 名字:" << this->m_StuArray[i]->name<< " 性别:" << this->m_StuArray[i]->sex<< " 课程号:" << this->m_StuArray[i]->LessonNumber<< " 课程名:" << this->m_StuArray[i]->LessonName<< " 分数:" << this->m_StuArray[i]->score << endl;}*/}//文件添加
void StudentScore::Add_Stu()
{cout << "请输入添加的学生数量:" << endl;int addNum = 0;cin >> addNum;if (addNum > 0){//添加//计算添加新空间的大小int newSize = this->m_StuNum + addNum;//开辟新空间Student** newSpace = new Student * [newSize];if (this->m_StuArray != NULL){for (int i = 0; i < this->m_StuNum; i++){newSpace[i] = this->m_StuArray[i];}}for (int i = 0; i < addNum; i++){int studentID;string name, sex;int LessonNumber;string LessonName;int score;cout << "请输入第" << i+1 << "个的学号" << endl;cin >> studentID;cout << "请输入第" << i + 1 << "个的名字" << endl;cin >> name;cout << "请输入第" << i + 1 << "个的性别" << endl;cin >> sex;cout << "请输入第" << i + 1 << "个的课程号" << endl;cin >> LessonNumber;cout << "请输入第" << i + 1 << "个的课程名" << endl;cin >> LessonName;cout << "请输入第" << i + 1 << "个的分数" << endl;cin >> score;Student* student = NULL;student =new Student(studentID,  name, sex,  LessonNumber,  LessonName,  score);newSpace[this->m_StuNum + i] = student;}delete [] this->m_StuArray;this->m_StuArray = newSpace;this->m_StuNum = newSize;this->m_FileIsEmpty = false;cout << "成功添加" << addNum << "名"<<endl;this->save();}else {cout << "输入有误" << endl;}system("pause");system("cls");
void StudentScore::save()
{ofstream ofs;ofs.open(FILENAME, ios::out);for (int i = 0; i < this->m_StuNum; i++){ofs << this->m_StuArray[i]->studentID << " "<< this->m_StuArray[i]->name << " "<< this->m_StuArray[i]->sex << " "<< this->m_StuArray[i]->LessonNumber << " "<< this->m_StuArray[i]->LessonName << " "<< this->m_StuArray[i]->score << endl;}ofs.close();
int StudentScore::get_StuNum()
{ifstream ifs;ifs.open(FILENAME, ios::in);int studentID;string name, sex;int LessonNumber;string LessonName;int score;int num = 0;while (ifs >> studentID && ifs >> name && ifs >> sex && ifs >> LessonNumber && ifs >> LessonName && ifs >> score){num++;//统计人数}return num;
void StudentScore::init_Stu()
{ifstream ifs;ifs.open(FILENAME, ios::in);int studentID;string name, sex;int LessonNumber;string LessonName;int score;int index=0;while (ifs >> studentID && ifs >> name && ifs >> sex && ifs >> LessonNumber && ifs >> LessonName && ifs >> score){Student* student = NULL;student = new Student(studentID, name, sex, LessonNumber, LessonName, score);this->m_StuArray[index] = student;index++;}ifs.close();
void StudentScore::Del_Stu()
{if (this->m_FileIsEmpty){cout << "不存在" << endl;}else{cout<<"请输入学号" << endl;int studentID = 0;cin >> studentID;int index = this->IsExist(studentID);if (index != -1){ for (int i = index; i < this->m_StuNum - 1; i++){this->m_StuArray[i] = this->m_StuArray[i + 1];}this->m_StuNum--;this->save();cout << "删除成功" << endl;}else{cout<<"删除失败,无该学号" << endl;}}system("pause");system("cls");
int StudentScore::IsExist(int studentId)
{int index = -1;for (int i = 0; i < this->m_StuNum; i++){if (this->m_StuArray[i]->studentID == studentId){index = i;break;}}return index;
void StudentScore::Mod_Stu()
{if (this->m_FileIsEmpty){cout << "不存在" << endl;}else{cout << "请输入修改学号" << endl;int studentID = 0;cin >> studentID;int ret = this->IsExist(studentID);if (ret != -1){delete this->m_StuArray[ret];int newstudentID;string newname, newsex;int newLessonNumber;string newLessonName;int newscore;cout << "请输入该的学号" << endl;cin >> newstudentID;cout << "请输入该的名字" << endl;cin >> newname;cout << "请输入该的性别" << endl;cin >> newsex;cout << "请输入该的课程号" << endl;cin >> newLessonNumber;cout << "请输入该的课程名" << endl;cin >> newLessonName;cout << "请输入该的分数" << endl;cin >> newscore;Student* student = NULL;student = new Student(newstudentID, newname, newsex, newLessonNumber, newLessonName, newscore);this->m_StuArray[ret] = student;cout << "修改成功" << endl;this->save();}else{cout << "查无此人" << endl;}}system("pause");system("cls");
void StudentScore::Find_Stu()
{if (this->m_FileIsEmpty){cout << "不存在" << endl;}else{cout << "输入查找方式:" << endl;cout << "1.学号查找" << endl;cout << "2.名字查找" << endl;int select = 0;cin >> select;if (select == 1){int studentID=0;cout << "请输入学号" << endl;cin >> studentID;int ret = IsExist(studentID);if (ret != -1){cout << "查找成功,如下:" << endl;this->m_StuArray[ret]->showsth();studentID = 0;ret = 0;}else{cout << "查找失败" << endl;}}else if (select==2 ){string name;cout << "请输入名字:" << endl;cin >> name;bool flag = false;for (int i = 0; i <m_StuNum;i++){if (this->m_StuArray[i]->name == name){cout << "查找成功" << endl;flag = true;this->m_StuArray[i]->showsth();}}if (flag == false){cout << "查找失败" << endl;}}else{cout << "输入有误" << endl;}}system("pause");system("cls");
void StudentScore::Show_Menu()
{cout << "欢迎使用成绩管理系统:" << endl<< "0.退出" << endl<< "1.添加学生信息" << endl<< "2.修改学生信息" << endl<< "3.删除学生信息" << endl<< "4.查找学生信息" << endl;}
void StudentScore::ExitSystem()
{cout << "欢迎下次使用" << endl; system("pause");exit(0);
{if (this->m_StuArray != NULL){delete[]this->m_StuArray;this->m_StuArray = NULL;}

主源文件 :成绩管理系统.cpp

using namespace std;
int main()
{/*Student* student = NULL;student = new Student(123, "zhangsan", "nan", 1234, "yuwen", 100);student->showsth();*/StudentScore ss;int choice=0;while (true){ss.Show_Menu();cout << "请输入你的选项" << endl;cin >> choice;switch (choice){case 0:ss.ExitSystem();break;case 1:ss.Add_Stu();break; case 2:ss.Mod_Stu();break;case 3:{/*int ret = ss.IsExist(1);if (ret != -1){cout << "存在该学号" << endl;}else{cout << "不存在该学号" << endl;}*/ss.Del_Stu();break;}case 4:ss.Find_Stu();break;default:system("cls");break;}}system("pause");return 0;


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