本文代码运行环境:MySQL:5.1.26-rc-community,Windows 2003

无意中在 emule 的安装目录下看到了个 ip-to-country.csv 文件。 打开后,发现是世界各国及IP段对照的文件。格式如下:


真是个好东东!正好一个项目要用到,就准备把数据导入到 MySQL 数据库中。 首先在 MySQL 数据库中建立表结构:

use testdb;

create table ip_to_country(   ip1      int unsigned  not null  ,ip2      int unsigned  not null  ,cname1   varchar(10)   not null  ,cname2   varchar(10)   not null  ,cname3   varchar(50)   not null)  engine=innodb default charset=utf8;

我准备用 MySQL 导入工具:mysqlimport 来完成导入任务。 首先把数据文件 ip-to-country.csv copy 到 d:/,为了使其和 MySQL 中表名匹配, 重命名为 ip_to_country.csv。然后根据数据文件格式,编写并执行下面的 mysqlimport 脚本:

mysqlimport --local            --user=root            --password=123456            --delete            --default-character-set="gb2312"            --fields-terminated-by=","            --fields-enclosed-by=""            --fields-escaped-by=""            --lines-terminated-by="/r/n"            testdb            "d:/ip_to_country.csv"

注意:上面的 mysqlimport 参数应写成一行,为了便于阅读我有意分成多行。 执行上面的 mysqlimport 命令后,发现有 Warnings:

testdb.ip_to_country: Records: 65290  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 15

数据已经导入,不管那么多了, 先进 MySQL 数据库看下效果。 首先设置 character_set_results=gb2312; 然后查询 10 条记录出来看看,步骤如下:

mysql> set character_set_results=gb2312;

mysql> show variables like '%char%';+--------------------------+--------------------------+| Variable_name            | Value                    |+--------------------------+--------------------------+| character_set_client     | utf8                     || character_set_connection | utf8                     || character_set_database   | utf8                     || character_set_filesystem | binary                   || character_set_results    | gb2312                   || character_set_server     | utf8                     || character_set_system     | utf8                     || character_sets_dir       | D:/MySQL/share/charsets/ |+--------------------------+--------------------------+
mysql> select * from ip_to_country limit 10;

+-----------+-----------+--------+--------+--------+| ip1       | ip2       | cname1 | cname2 | cname3 |+-----------+-----------+--------+--------+--------+|  33996344 |  33996351 | GB     | GBR    | ?      ||  50331648 |  69956103 | US     | USA    |        ||  69956104 |  69956111 | BM     | BMU    |        ||  69956112 |  83886079 | US     | USA    |        ||  94585424 |  94585439 | SE     | SWE    |        || 100663296 | 121195295 | US     | USA    |        || 121195296 | 121195327 | IT     | ITA    |        || 121195328 | 152305663 | US     | USA    |        || 152305664 | 152338431 | GB     | GBR    | ?      || 152338432 | 167772159 | US     | USA    |        |+-----------+-----------+--------+--------+--------+

结果发现国家的中文名称都是乱码。奇怪,已经把 mysqlimport 的 default-character-set 参数设为:gb2312,为什么会有乱码? 最后不得以,只好在 MySQL 数据库中, 把表 ip_to_country 的字符集改为 gb2312。

mysql> alter table ip_to_country default character set gb2312;mysql> alter table ip_to_country convert to character set gb2312;

然后重新执行导入命令 mysqlimport,这时候发现 MySQL 乱码问题已解决, 中文国家名字可以正常显示:

mysql> select * from ip_to_country limit 10;

+-----------+-----------+--------+--------+------------+| ip1       | ip2       | cname1 | cname2 | cname3     |+-----------+-----------+--------+--------+------------+|  33996344 |  33996351 | GB     | GBR    | 英国         ||  50331648 |  69956103 | US     | USA    | 美国         ||  69956104 |  69956111 | BM     | BMU    | 百慕达群岛   ||  69956112 |  83886079 | US     | USA    | 美国         ||  94585424 |  94585439 | SE     | SWE    | 瑞典         || 100663296 | 121195295 | US     | USA    | 美国         || 121195296 | 121195327 | IT     | ITA    | 意大利       || 121195328 | 152305663 | US     | USA    | 美国         || 152305664 | 152338431 | GB     | GBR    | 英国         || 152338432 | 167772159 | US     | USA    | 美国         |+-----------+-----------+--------+--------+------------+

留下一个问题:mysqlimport 到底能不能把文本文件中的 gb2312 字符 转换成 utf8 导入到 MySQL 数据库中?

虽然问题看起来已经解决了,但我还想试下 MySQL load data 命令。 mysqlimport 虽然把数据导入数据库了,但还有 15 Warnings 在闹心。 我本想利用 mysqlimport 自身的功能来查看这些 Warnings 到底是怎么回事, 但翻翻手册,仍无计可施。MySQL 中有个 show warnings 给我一线希望。 我这样想:先在 MySQL 中执行 Load data,然后 show warnings 不就 可以找到问题所在了吗?

mysql> truncate table ip_to_country;

mysql>mysql> load data infile "d:/ip_to_country.csv"          replace into table ip_to_country          character set gb2312          fields terminated by "," enclosed by ""          lines terminated by "/r/n";

ERROR 1262 (01000): Row 6737 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns

晕,又出现个拦路虎:ERROR 1262 (01000): Row 6737 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns. 最后发现问题是 sql_mode 的问题。

mysql> show variables like '%sql_mode%';

+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+| Variable_name | Value                                                          |+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+| sql_mode      | strict_trans_tables,no_auto_create_user,no_engine_substitution |+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+

mysql> set sql_mode='no_auto_create_user,no_engine_substitution';

把 strict_trans_tables 从 sql_mode 中去掉,再次执行 MySQL Load data

mysql>  load data infile "d:/ip_to_country.csv"               replace into table ip_to_country               character set gb2312               fields terminated by "," enclosed by ""               lines terminated by "/r/n";

Query OK, 65290 rows affected, 15 warnings (0.63 sec)Records: 65290  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 15

接下来,用 MySQL show warnings 命令,来找警告的详细描述:

mysql> show warnings;

+---------+------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Level   | Code | Message                                                                       |+---------+------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Warning | 1262 | Row 6737 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns  || Warning | 1262 | Row 6817 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns  || Warning | 1262 | Row 6914 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns  || Warning | 1262 | Row 6916 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns  || Warning | 1262 | Row 6918 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns  || Warning | 1262 | Row 6988 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns  || Warning | 1262 | Row 7028 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns  || Warning | 1262 | Row 7226 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns  || Warning | 1262 | Row 7569 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns  || Warning | 1262 | Row 7791 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns  || Warning | 1262 | Row 47856 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns || Warning | 1262 | Row 47885 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns || Warning | 1262 | Row 49331 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns || Warning | 1262 | Row 49539 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns || Warning | 1262 | Row 49547 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns |+---------+------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

根据行号 Row 6737 到 ip_to_country.csv 中查看,发现果然有问题,国家中文名中间多了个逗号 “,”


看来,需要在表 ip_to_country 中再增加一列,来存放多出的内容。于是修改表结构:

mysql> alter table ip_to_country add column cname4 varchar(50) null;

再次执行 mysql load data,数据顺利导入。这时仍有警告,这些警告是因为 文件中的大部分数据行只有 5 列,而表中有 6 列,因此 MySQL 才 Warning。

把表 ip_to_country 的字符集改为 utf8,看有没有乱码:

truncate table ip_to_country;alter table ip_to_country default character set utf8;alter table ip_to_country convert to character set utf8;

再次,执行 MySQL Load data 命令:

mysql>  load data infile "d:/ip_to_country.csv"            replace into table ip_to_country            character set gb2312            fields terminated by "," enclosed by ""            lines terminated by "/r/n";

Query OK, 65290 rows affected, 65275 warnings (0.64 sec)Records: 65290  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 65275


mysql> select * from ip_to_country where cname4 is not null limit 10;

+------------+------------+--------+--------+----------+--------+| ip1        | ip2        | cname1 | cname2 | cname3   | cname4 |+------------+------------+--------+--------+----------+--------+| 1089579216 | 1089579223 | VI     | VIR    | 维京群岛 | 美国   || 1093062144 | 1093062399 | VI     | VIR    | 维京群岛 | 美国   || 1097896192 | 1097897215 | VI     | VIR    | 维京群岛 | 美国   || 1097947136 | 1097949183 | VI     | VIR    | 维京群岛 | 美国   || 1097951232 | 1097953279 | VI     | VIR    | 维京群岛 | 美国   || 1101625344 | 1101625407 | VI     | VIR    | 维京群岛 | 美国   || 1101971072 | 1101971079 | VI     | VIR    | 维京群岛 | 美国   || 1113864768 | 1113864783 | VI     | VIR    | 维京群岛 | 美国   || 1119428608 | 1119432703 | VI     | VIR    | 维京群岛 | 美国   || 1123590144 | 1123594239 | VI     | VIR    | 维京群岛 | 美国   |+------------+------------+--------+--------+----------+--------+

可见,MySQL load data infile 指令,可以实现不同字符集之间的转换。


show warnings;是不错的方法


SET character_set_database=gbk是更不错的方法


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