

Hello, everyone. Today, I used vue+element to realize the effect of rotating lights, which is similar to the wheel cast diagram, and can slide an image.


Let me show you how to use it and solve the problems you encounter.

The first is the way it's written in element's official documentation.

(Element - The world's most popular Vue UI framework)

<!-- carousel走马灯 --><el-carousel:interval="3000"type="card"height="300px"><el-carousel-item v-for="item in 4" :key="item"><h3 class="medium">{{ item }}</h3></el-carousel-item></el-carousel>
/* 走马灯样式 */
.el-carousel__item h3 {color: #475669;font-size: 14px;opacity: 0.75;line-height: 200px;margin: 0;
}.el-carousel__item:nth-child(2n) {background-color: #99a9bf;
}.el-carousel__item:nth-child(2n + 1) {background-color: #d3dce6;


This is the initial way of writing, and the effect is shown below:


It looks similar to swipter, so at that time I wanted to directly turn the running light into a wheel.


<el-carousel-item v-for="item in list" :key="item">


I'm going to replace 4 with list, store the array, and then I'm going to create a new array.



I changed the parentheses after data to: and the parentheses after return to:, which resulted in my list being undefined.


Then you render the data with a difference expression.

 <el-carousel-item v-for="item in list" :key="item"><img :src="item.img" ></el-carousel-item>


The difference between src, which is parsed as a string, and :src, which is parsed as a variable.


The effect is shown as follows:


In this way, a swipter rotcast graph is implemented.


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