//  去除json参数注释方法
GlobalJsonMinify = function (json) {var tokenizer = /"|(\/\*)|(\*\/)|(\/\/)|\n|\r|\[|]/g,in_string = false,in_multiline_comment = false,in_singleline_comment = false,tmp, tmp2, new_str = [], ns = 0, from = 0, lc, rc,prevFrom;tokenizer.lastIndex = 0;while ( tmp = tokenizer.exec(json) ) {lc = RegExp.leftContext;rc = RegExp.rightContext;if (!in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) {tmp2 = lc.substring(from);if (!in_string) {tmp2 = tmp2.replace(/(\n|\r|\s)*/g,"");}new_str[ns++] = tmp2;}prevFrom = from;from = tokenizer.lastIndex;// found a " character, and we're not currently in// a comment? check for previous `\` escaping immediately// leftward adjacent to this matchif (tmp[0] === "\"" && !in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) {// limit left-context matching to only go back// to the position of the last token match//// see: https://github.com/getify/JSON.minify/issues/64lc.lastIndex = prevFrom;// perform leftward adjacent escaping matchtmp2 = lc.match(/(\\)*$/);// start of string with ", or unescaped " character found to end string?if (!in_string || !tmp2 || (tmp2[0].length % 2) === 0) {in_string = !in_string;}from--; // include " character in next catchrc = json.substring(from);}else if (tmp[0] === "/*" && !in_string && !in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) {in_multiline_comment = true;}else if (tmp[0] === "*/" && !in_string && in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) {in_multiline_comment = false;}else if (tmp[0] === "//" && !in_string && !in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) {in_singleline_comment = true;}else if ((tmp[0] === "\n" || tmp[0] === "\r") && !in_string && !in_multiline_comment && in_singleline_comment) {in_singleline_comment = false;}else if (!in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment && !(/\n|\r|\s/.test(tmp[0]))) {new_str[ns++] = tmp[0];}}new_str[ns++] = rc;return new_str.join("");
};pm.request.body.raw = GlobalJsonMinify(pm.request.body.raw)

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