How to Read the Newspaper Quickly and Efficiently


You want to stay informed about the world but you have such a hectic life that's it's easy to only dwell on your own daily responsibilities without giving the news a thought. But just because you have a busy schedule doesn't mean you can't take a few minutes to learn about what's happening across the country and the rest of the globe. Sometimes you can turn on the TV or hop on the Internet but other times, the good ol' printed daily delivered to your doorstep is the only option available (and probably the most consistently reliable and factually correct, too). Here are tips for reading the newspaper in the fastest, most efficient way possible:

Scan the headlines: Headlines usually declare what the story's about upfront but every now and then you may stumble upon one that's more cryptic. Generally speaking, though, the headline presents the gist of the story so you can skip over some stories and read others. Remember that some stories will directly affect you while others may not. Use your best judgment in determining which stories you want to read based on their headlines. Topics that will likely impact you in one way or another include politics (pay particular attention to the mention of new laws, taxes, and elections) as well as consumer reports and the national economy. Things that probably won't have an immediate impact on your life include celebrity news and high fashion. Keep in mind that the Internet usually provides more up-to-date information about celebrities and the very latest fashion trends than newspapers do, but newspapers often provide the most in-depth coverage and analysis of politics, business, and the economy.

Read the first three paragraphs: Most newspaper stories are written in a format called "inverted pyramid," which basically means that the article presents the most crucial information (the who, what, where, why, when, and how) early on and gradually reveals less and less imperative details. In other words, you can read the first one to five paragraphs or so and really already know the meat of the story. Anything you read after that is extra-maybe interesting but not essential quotes from people involved in the story, for example.

Read the photo captions: If you're really in a hurry but you want a little bit more information than what the headline provides, skip the story and go straight to the photo caption. Photo captions often serve as an intermediate between the headline and the actual story because they give you some detail but not everything. If you want thorough headlines, check out The Washington Post for starters. Keep in mind, though, that not all photo captions are created equal. While some may give you a synopsis of the story behind the photograph, others are much more vague.

Look at the graphics: Search for bar graphs, pie charts, polls, and other visuals that show you what you need to know by the numbers in a flash. Often you don't even have to hunt; the graphics are prominently displayed and perhaps even in color. While graphics alone rarely, if ever, provide much deep insight into a story, they do give you a snapshot of what makes a certain story so intriguing. USA TODAY does an excellent job of printing catchy graphics.

Carry the paper in your bag: American families traditionally read the newspaper at breakfast before heading to work or school. Now that's becoming less and less common. Chances are, you have places to be in the morning, especially on a weekday, and don't have half an hour for a leisurely breakfast. Don't worry. Just fold the newspaper up and put it in your bag so you can sneak a peek at it during any free moment in your day: during your bus or Metro ride, during the commercials on TV, while you're waiting in line, etc. Most newspapers aren't too heavy and bend easily so you can conveniently read them even standing up.

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