tor 和tor浏览器

Surf with anonymity using the Tor browser. Here’s how to install Tor on a Linux desktop. Ubuntu users beware: The Tor project recommends not installing Tor from Ubuntu’s regular software repositories.

使用Tor浏览器匿名浏览。 这是在Linux桌面上安装Tor的方法。 Ubuntu用户请注意:Tor项目建议不要从Ubuntu的常规软件存储库中安装Tor。

什么是Tor? (What Is Tor?)

In casual speech, we use the terms “internet” and “web” interchangeably. But actually, the web and the internet are two very different things. If websites were premises—shops, factories, entertainment centers—the internet would be the roads and highways linking them together.

在休闲演讲中,我们将术语“互联网”和“网络”互换使用。 但是实际上,网络和互联网是两个截然不同的事物。 如果网站是商店,工厂,娱乐中心的场所,那么互联网就是将它们连接在一起的道路和高速公路。

The internet supports many services. The world wide web is just one of them. Other services like email, RDP, DNS, NNTP are delivered over the internet, and none of these are websites.

互联网支持许多服务。 万维网只是其中之一。 其他服务(例如电子邮件, RDP , DNS , NNTP)是通过Internet提供的,而这些都不是网站。

Overlay networks also make use of the internet. The Tor (The Onion Router) network is one such overlay network. It provides anonymity and privacy to users. With Tor, if you use it effectively, no one can trace your activity back to your IP address.

覆盖网络也利用互联网。 Tor( 洋葱路由器 )网络就是这样一种覆盖网络。 它为用户提供匿名和隐私。 使用Tor,如果您有效地使用它,则没有人可以将您的活动追溯到您的IP地址。

The traffic that passes along the Tor network is encrypted. Whilst this helps preserve the anonymity of the people using it, the encryption causes a networking problem. The regular routing and switching elements of the internet cannot work with Tor network traffic.

沿Tor网络传输的流量已加密。 尽管这有助于保留使用它的人员的匿名性,但加密会引起网络问题。 Internet的常规路由和交换元素无法与Tor网络流量一起使用。

A network of Tor relays, hosted and maintained by volunteers, performs the switching and routing instead. The Tor relays intentionally bounce your connection between multiple relays, even if that routing is not required to reach your destination. This “bouncing” is another reason Tor makes it virtually impossible to back-track and identify the person at the far end.

由志愿者托管和维护的Tor中继网络将执行交换和路由。 即使不需要该路由才能到达目的地,Tor中继也会有意地弹跳多个中继之间的连接。 这种“弹跳”是Tor几乎无法回溯和识别远端人员的另一个原因。

It is the strength of that anonymity that has lead to the Tor network being used to host many web sites that engage in criminal activity. The Tor network forms a large part of the dark web. It’s not all illegal activity on the Tor network, however. Dissidents in repressive regimes, anonymous press sources, whistleblowers, activists, and the military all use Tor for legitimate reasons.

这种匿名性的优势导致Tor网络被用来托管许多从事犯罪活动的网站。 Tor网络构成了暗网的很大一部分。 但是,这并不是Tor网络上的所有非法活动。 镇压政权中的持不同政见者,匿名媒体,举报人,活动家和军方均出于正当理由使用Tor。

The trouble is, precisely what makes it an attractive proposition for those people also makes it an attractive proposition for the bad guys.


Tor hidden services have addresses ending in the “.onion” suffix. They won’t show up on Google, and they cannot be viewed or accessed using a normal internet browser. You must use the Tor browser to visit those sites, but you can also use it to access normal websites with additional anonymity.

Tor隐藏服务的地址以“ .onion”后缀结尾。 它们不会显示在Google上,也无法使用常规的互联网浏览器查看或访问。 您必须使用Tor浏览器来访问那些网站,但是您也可以使用它来访问具有匿名性的常规网站。

如何安装Tor浏览器 (How to Install the Tor Browser)

Note that the Tor Project advises against installing pre-packaged versions of the Tor browser from the Ubuntu repositories, saying they “have not reliably been updated” by the Ubuntu community in the past. Only install it from the official Tor Project website. The Tor Project also offers official repositories for Ubuntu and Debian, but the following manual instructions will work on any Linux distribution.

请注意,Tor Project建议不要从Ubuntu存储库中安装 Tor浏览器的预打包版本 ,并说Ubuntu社区过去“尚未可靠地对其进行更新”。 仅可从Tor Project官方网站上安装。 Tor项目还提供了Ubuntu和Debian的官方存储库 ,但是以下手册说明可在任何Linux发行版上使用。

Browse to the Tor project download page and click on the penguin.

浏览到Tor项目下载页面 ,然后单击企鹅。

If your browser offers to open or save the file, choose the save file option.


Let’s assume the file is saved to the Downloads directory.


When future versions of the Tor browser are released the version numbers in the filename will change. Also, part of the filename indicates the language.  In this example, “en-US” means English, US.

当发布Tor浏览器的将来版本时,文件名中的版本号将更改。 另外,文件名的一部分表示语言。 在此示例中,“ en-US”表示英语,美国。

If you’ve downloaded a different language version, or you’re following these instructions at a point in the future where the browser version has changed, substitute the file names and directory names that you are actually working with for the file names and directory names used in these instructions.


The downloaded file is a .tar.xz file. We need to uncompress and untar it so that we can use its contents.

下载的文件是.tar.xz文件。 我们需要解压缩并解压缩它,以便可以使用其内容。

There are several ways to do this. If you right-click on the file, a context menu will appear. Select “Extract Here” from the menu.

有几种方法可以做到这一点。 如果右键单击该文件,将显示一个上下文菜单。 从菜单中选择“此处提取”。

If your context menu does not have an “Extract Here” option, close it and double-click the downloaded file. Your file manager might extract the file contents for you.

如果上下文菜单没有“此处提取”选项,请关闭它并双击下载的文件。 您的文件管理器可能会为您提取文件内容。

If that doesn’t work, open a terminal window in your Downloads directory and use the following command. Note that the “J” in xvJf is in uppercase.

如果这不起作用,请在“下载”目录中打开一个终端窗口,然后使用以下命令。 请注意, xvJf中的“ J”为大写。

tar -xvJf tor-browser-linux64-8.5.1_en-US.tar.xz

So, one way or another, the file will be uncompressed and untarred for you. A new directory will be created in the Downloads folder.

因此,无论哪种方式,文件都会为您解压缩和解压缩。 将在“下载”文件夹中创建一个新目录。

Double-click the new directory so that the file manager changes into that directory. Like Russian dolls, there’s another directory inside the first one.

双击新目录,以便文件管理器切换到该目录。 像俄罗斯娃娃一样,第一个里面还有另一个目录。

从目录运行还是安装系统? (Run From the Directory or Do a System Install?)

You have a choice here.


Now that you have downloaded and extracted the Tor browser, you can go ahead and use it, with no further installation steps. Or you can perform a tighter level of integration with a system level installation.

既然您已经下载并解压缩了Tor浏览器,则可以继续使用它,而无需进一步的安装步骤。 或者,您可以与系统级别的安装进行更紧密的集成。

The operation of the Tor browser is identical in both cases, and security updates and bug fix patches will find and update the browser either way.


You may prefer the Tor browser to have as light a touch on your computer as possible. If you feel happier without embedding the Tor browser into your system that’s perfectly fine. You will be every bit as anonymous and protected when you use it directly from this directory as you are when you use it after a system level installation. If this is your preferred approach, follow the instructions in the section titled Using the Tor Browser From the Tor Directory.

您可能希望Tor浏览器尽可能轻触计算机。 如果您在不将Tor浏览器嵌入系统中的情况下感到更快乐,那将是很好的选择。 直接从该目录使用它时,您将像匿名用户一样受到保护,就像在系统级安装后使用它时一样。 如果这是您的首选方法,请按照标题为“从Tor目录中使用Tor浏览器”中的说明进行操作。

If you’d like the Tor browser to be recognized as an installed application by your desktop environment and have it appear in the application menus and application searches, follow the instructions in the section titled System Level Integration.


从Tor目录中使用Tor浏览器 (Using the Tor Browser From the Tor Directory)

To start the Tor browser directly from the directory, open a terminal window at this location and issue the following command:


./tor-browser_en-US/Browser/start-tor-browser &

You can now skip ahead in this article to the section titled How to Configure the Tor Browser.


系统级集成 (System Level Integration)

Open a terminal window at this location. To install the Tor browser into a system folder, you’ll need to move this directory, tor-browser_en-US, into the /opt directory. This is the usual location for user installed programs in Linux. We can do this with the following command. Note that you need to use sudo and you’ll be prompted for your password.

在此位置打开一个终端窗口。 要将Tor浏览器安装到系统文件夹中,您需要将此目录tor-browser_en-US移至/opt目录。 这是Linux中用户安装的程序的通常位置。 我们可以使用以下命令执行此操作。 请注意,您需要使用sudo并且系统会提示您输入密码。

sudo mv tor-browser_en-US /opt

The folder will move to the new location and will vanish from the file manager window.  In the terminal window change directory so that you are in the /opt/tor-browser_en-US directory.

该文件夹将移动到新位置,并将从文件管理器窗口中消失。 在终端窗口中,更改目录,以便您位于/opt/tor-browser_en-US目录中。

cd /opt/tor-browser_en-US

Using ls to list the contents of this directory we see another directory and a file with a “.desktop” extension. We need to run the “.desktop” file to register the application with your desktop environment.

使用ls列出此目录的内容,我们可以看到另一个目录和一个带有“ .desktop”扩展名的文件。 我们需要运行“ .desktop”文件以在桌面环境中注册该应用程序。

./start-tor-browser.desktop --register-app

如何启动Tor浏览器 (How to Launch the Tor Browser)

The installation sequence described above was tested on the current Ubuntu, Fedora, and Manjaro Linux distributions. Pressing the Super key (the one between the left hand Ctrl and Alt keys) and typing “tor” brought up the Tor Browser icon in all cases.

上述安装顺序已在当前的Ubuntu,Fedora和Manjaro Linux发行版中进行了测试。 在所有情况下,按超级键(左Ctrl和Alt键之间的一个)并键入“ tor”都将显示Tor浏览器图标。

Clicking the icon launches the Tor browser.


如何配置Tor浏览器 (How to Configure the Tor Browser)

The first time the Tor browser is launched a dialog window appears.


If you access the internet through a proxy, or if you are located in a country that tries to censor the use of tools like Tor, you should click the “Configure” button.


If neither of those applies to you, click the “Connect” button.


Clicking the “Configure” button allows you to set a proxy or to configure a “bridge” to let you use Tor in countries where its use is restricted.


We’ll look at the censorship options first.


Select the “Tor is Censored in My Country” checkbox. A set of three options will appear.

选中“我的国家/地区中存在被审查的版权”复选框。 出现三个选项。

These options give you different ways to configure a “bridge.” Bridges are alternative entry-points into the Tor network. They are not listed publicly. Using a bridge makes it much more difficult for your internet service provider to detect that you are using Tor.

这些选项为您提供了不同的方式来配置“网桥”。 桥接器是Tor网络的替代入口点 。 它们没有公开列出。 使用网桥会使您的Internet服务提供商更难检测到您正在使用Tor。

The first option allows you to select a built-in bridge. Click on the “Select a Built-in Bridge” radio button, and choose one of the bridges from the “Select a Bridge” dropdown menu.

第一个选项允许您选择内置桥。 单击“选择内置桥”单选按钮,然后从“选择桥”下拉菜单中选择一个桥。

The second option is to request an alternative bridge.


Click on the “Request a Bridge From” radio button, and click the “Request a New Bridge” button.


When you click the “Request a New Bridge” button, you will be asked to complete a Captcha to prove you’re a human.

当你点击“申请一个新的桥”按钮,你会被要求填写一个验证码 ,以证明你是一个人。

The third option is for when you already have the details of a bridge that you trust and have used before, and you wish to use that bridge again.


Click the “Provide a Bridge I Know” radio button and enter the details of the bridge you wish to use.


When you have configured your bridge using one of these options, click the “Connect” button to launch the Tor browser.


配置代理 (Configuring a Proxy)

If you connect to the internet through a proxy, you need to provide the proxy details to the Tor browser.


Click on the “I Use a Proxy to Connect to the Internet” radio button. A new set of options will appear.

单击“我使用代理连接到Internet”单选按钮。 将会出现一组新的选项。

If you have set up your own proxy, you will know the connection details for it. If you are on a corporate network or someone else set up the proxy, you will need to get the connection details from them.

如果您设置了自己的代理,则将知道其连接详细信息。 如果您在公司网络上或其他人设置了代理,则需要从他们那里获取连接详细信息。

You will need to provide the IP address or the network name of the device acting as the proxy, and which port to use. If the proxy requires authentication, you must also provide a username and password.

您将需要提供充当代理的设备的IP地址或网络名称,以及要使用的端口。 如果代理要求身份验证,则还必须提供用户名和密码。

Click on the “Select a Proxy Type” button to select the proxy type from the dropdown menu, then complete the other fields.


When you have configured your proxy, click the “Connect” button to launch the Tor browser.


如何使用Tor浏览器 (How to Use the Tor Browser)

You will see a progress bar as the connection to the Tor network is established.


Soon you will see the Tor browser main window.


If it looks a lot like Firefox, that’s because it is Firefox, tweaked and configured to work on the Tor network.


But be careful. Just because you are familiar with Firefox don’t adjust any of the configuration settings. And don’t install any add-ons. Doing either of these will affect the ability of the Tor browser to mask your identity. And if you do that there’s hardly any point to using the Tor browser in the first place.

但小心点。 只是因为您熟悉Firefox,所以不要调整任何配置设置。 并且不要安装任何附加组件。 采取上述任何一种措施都会影响Tor浏览器掩盖您的身份的能力。 而且,如果您这样做的话,首先使用Tor浏览器几乎毫无意义。

You can put any web site address in the address bar, and the Tor browser will happily browse to that web site. But using the Tor browser to do general web browsing will give you an inferior user experience compared to a standard browser.

您可以在地址栏中输入任何网站地址,Tor浏览器将很乐意浏览到该网站。 但是,与标准浏览器相比,使用Tor浏览器进行常规的Web浏览将给您带来较差的用户体验。

Because your connection is bounced around the network of Tor relays your connection will be slower. And to maintain your anonymity, certain parts of websites might not work correctly. Flash and other technologies—even some fonts—will be prevented from operating or displaying as usual.

由于您的连接在Tor中继网络周围反弹,因此连接速度会变慢。 为了保持匿名,网站的某些部分可能无法正常工作。 Flash和其他技术(甚至包括某些字体)也将无法正常运行或显示。

The Tor browser is best reserved for those occasions when you value anonymity above the user experience, and for when you need to visit a “.onion” web site.

Tor浏览器最适合在您重视匿名性高于用户体验的情况下以及需要访问“ .onion”网站的情况下使用。

如何在Linux上访问洋葱站点 (How to Access an Onion Site on Linux)

Some websites have a presence on the clear web and a presence on the Tor network. The search engine Duck Duck Go does this, for example. The Tor browser has a quick way for you to connect to the Duck Duck Go “.onion” site.

一些网站在透明网络上存在,并且在Tor网络上存在。 例如,搜索引擎Duck Duck Go就是这样做的。 Tor浏览器提供了一种快速的方法来连接到Duck Duck Go“ .onion”站点。

Click on the “New to Tor Browser?” link in the top left corner of the browser window.

点击“ Tor浏览器的新手?” 浏览器窗口左上角的链接。

Now click on the “Onion Services” link, then click the “Visit an Onion” button.


You will be taken to the Duck Duck Go “.onion” site.

您将被带到Duck Duck Go“ .onion”站点。

Click on the green onion logo in the site information field, and you’ll see the route your connection has taken to the “.onion” site you’re currently viewing.

单击站点信息字段中的绿色徽标,您将看到连接到您当前正在查看的“ .onion”站点的路线。

The route your connection has taken is called its “circuit.” In this example, the route starts in the UK, and goes via France to the US, and then through another set of unnamed relays before finally arriving at the Duck Duck Go “.onion” site.

您的连接所采用的路线称为“电路”。 在此示例中,该路线从英国开始,经法国到达美国,然后经过另一组未命名的中继站,最后到达Duck Duck Go“ .onion”站点。

Click on the shield icon in the top right of the browser toolbar to see your current security level.


If you want to change your security level, click on the “Advanced Security Settings” button.


You can set the security level to be Standard, Safer, or Safest. Each increase in security further reduces the number of website features that will continue to operate correctly.

您可以将安全级别设置为“标准”,“更安全”或“最安全”。 安全性的每次提高都进一步减少了将继续正常运行的网站功能的数量。

You can browse the internet and find lists of other “.onion” sites, but this is a dangerous practice. Many of these will host material which is considered illegal, will leave you wanting to bleach your eyes, or both.

您可以浏览Internet并找到其他“ .onion”站点的列表,但这是一种危险的做法。 其中许多将托管被认为是非法的材料,或者使您想要漂白眼睛,或者两者都有。

A better approach is to discover whether sites you already use and trust have a “. onion” presence on the Tor network. You can then use those sites with anonymity.

更好的方法是发现您已经使用并信任的网站是否具有“。” 洋葱”存在于Tor网络上。 然后,您可以匿名使用那些网站。

Honest and legal sites that value privacy and security and make it a mainstay of their customer offering are likely to provide a “.onion” site so that they can be reached using the Tor browser.

重视隐私和安全并使其成为客户服务的主要内容的诚实和合法网站可能会提供“ .onion”网站,以便可以使用Tor浏览器访问它们。

ProtonMail, for example, claims to have been built from the ground up with security and privacy in mind. They have a “.onion” site to allow their users to connect to them with added privacy. Of course, that link won’t work in a regular browser window.

例如,ProtonMail声称它是从头开始构建的,同时考虑了安全性和隐私性。 他们有一个“ .onion”网站 ,使他们的用户可以更加隐私地连接到他们。 当然,该链接在常规浏览器窗口中将不起作用。

还有更多的匿名性 (And Yet More Anonymity)

If even the Tor browser doesn’t provide enough anonymity and privacy for you, another project that uses Tor at its heart might be what you need.


Tails is a live operating system that you can run from a USB flash drive, SD card, or even a DVD. You can carry it with you, and use it from (almost) any computer. You don’t need to install anything, and you’ll leave no digital footprints.

Tails是一个实时操作系统 ,可以从USB闪存驱动器,SD卡甚至DVD运行。 您可以随身携带它,并可以从(几乎)任何计算机上使用它。 您无需安装任何东西,也不会留下任何数字足迹。

小心点 (Be Careful Out There)

Be cautious, be careful, be wary, and be safe.


When you veer off the clear web and into the shadows, you must always think before you click.



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  15. NLTK 基本语料库函数
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  1. 安全扫描失败无法上传_教你3招解决PDF文字无法复制的所有问题
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  8. Android 禁止输入emoji表情符号
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