1. 查找指向指定元素的迭代器


2. 在数组中查找:

# include  <iostream>
# include  <vector>
# include  <algorithm> //注意要包含该头文件
using  namespace  std;
int  main()
{int  nums[] = {  3 ,  1 ,  4 ,  1 ,  5 ,  9  };int  num_to_find =  5 ;int  start =  0 ;int  end =  5 ;int * result = find( nums + start, nums + end, num_to_find );if ( result == nums + end ) {cout<<  "Did not find any number matching "  << num_to_find << endl;} else{cout<<  "Found a matching number: "  << *result << endl;}return  0 ;

3. 在容器中查找:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using  namespace  std;
int  main(){vector< int > v;int  num_to_find=25; //要查找的元素,类型要与vector<>类型一致for ( int  i=0;i<10;i++)v.push_back(i*i);vector< int >::iterator iter=std::find(v.begin(),v.end(),num_to_find); //返回的是一个迭代器指针if (iter==v.end())cout<< "ERROR!" <<endl;else                //注意迭代器指针输出元素的方式和distance用法cout<< "the index of value " <<(*iter)<< " is "  << std::distance(v.begin(), iter)<<std::endl;return  0;

4. 函数find_if

find_if函数 带条件的查找元素容器元素类型是类的时候,不能使用find函数,只能通过find_if函数来实现find_if函数依次的遍历容器的元素,返回第一个使函数为true的元素的迭代器,如果查找失败则返回end迭代器

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using  namespace  std;
template < typename  T>
bool  equal_3(T value){return  value==3;
int  main(){vector< int > vec;vec.push_back(7);vec.push_back(3);vec.push_back(8);vector< int >::iterator finda=find_if(vec.begin(),vec.end(),equal_3< int >);if (finda!=vec.end())cout<< "YES" <<*finda<<endl;elsecout<< "ERROR" <<endl;return  0;
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
struct  Point
{int  x;int  y;
struct  PointFindByCoord :  public  std::binary_function<Point, Point,  bool >
{bool  operator () ( const  Point &obj1,  const  Point &obj2)  const{return  obj1.x == obj2.x && obj1.y == obj2.y;}
int  main()
{std::vector<Point> v;for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; ++i){for  ( int  j = 0; j < 5; ++j){Point pt;pt.x = i;pt.y = j;v.push_back(pt);}}Point needFind;needFind.x = 4;needFind.y = 3;std::vector<Point>::iterator iter=std::find_if(v.begin(),v.end(),std::bind2nd(PointFindByCoord(), needFind));if  (iter == v.end()){// 未找到  }elsestd::cout <<  "the index of value Point("  << (*iter).x <<  ", "  << (*iter).y<<  ") is "  << std::distance(v.begin(), iter) << std::endl;return  0;

5. 容器中逆向查找:


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>int main()
{std::map<int, std::string> t_Map;t_Map[0] = "A";t_Map[1] = "B";t_Map[2] = "C";std::map<int, std::string>::reverse_iterator iter1;for (iter1 = t_Map.rbegin();iter1 != t_Map.rend();iter1++){std::cout << iter1->first << " : " << iter1->second << std::endl;}getchar();return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>int main()
{std::map<int, std::string> t_Map;t_Map[0] = "A";t_Map[1] = "B";t_Map[2] = "C";std::map<int, std::string>::reverse_iterator iter2 = t_Map.rbegin();while (iter2 != t_Map.rend()){std::cout << iter2->first << " : " << iter2->second << std::endl;iter2++;}getchar();return 0;


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