



The radius

of the smallest closed disc in the plane that contains the

spectrum of this element (cf. Spectrum of an element). The spectral radius of an element

is connected with the norms of its powers by the formula

which, in particular, implies that

. The spectral radius of a bounded linear operator on a Banach

space is the spectral radius of it regarded as an element of the

Banach algebra of all operators. In a Hilbert space, the spectral

radius of an operator is equal to the greatest lower bound of the

norms of the operators similar to it (see [2]):

If the operator is normal, then

(cf. Normal



Let λ1, ..., λn be the (real or complex)

eigenvalues of a matrix A ∈ Cn ×

n. Then its spectral radius ρ(A) is defined


The following lemma shows a simple yet useful upper bound for

the spectral radius of a matrix:


Lemma: Let A ∈ Cn ×

n be a complex-valued matrix, ρ(A) its spectral

radius and ||·|| a consistent

matrix norm; then, for each k ∈ N:

Proof: Let (v, λ) be an eigenvector-eigenvalue pair

for a matrix A. By the sub-multiplicative property of the

matrix norm, we get:

and since v ≠ 0 for each λ we have

and therefore

The spectral radius is closely related to the behaviour of the

convergence of the power sequence of a matrix; namely, the

following theorem holds:


Theorem: Let A ∈ Cn ×

n be a complex-valued matrix and ρ(A) its

spectral radius; then

if and only if

Moreover, if ρ(A)>1,

is not bounded for increasing k values.

From the Jordan normal

form theorem, we know that for any complex valued matrix

, a non-singular matrix

and a block-diagonal matrix

exist such that:



It is easy to see that

and, since

is block-diagonal,

Now, a standard result on the

-power of an

Jordan block states that, for


Thus, if


, so that

which implies


On the other side, if

, there is at least one element in

which doesn't remain bounded as k increases, so proving the second

part of the statement


For any matrix norm ||·||, we have

In other words, Gelfand's formula shows how the spectral radius

of A gives the asymptotic growth rate of the norm of




1.定义:A是n阶方阵,λi是其特征值,i=1,2,…,n。则称特征值的绝对值的最大值为A的谱半径,记为ρ(A)。 注意要将谱半径与谱范数(2-范数)区别开来,谱范数是指A的最大奇异值,即A^H*A最大特征值的算术平方根。谱半径是矩阵的函数,但不是矩阵范数。








推论1:矩阵序列 I,A,A^2,…A^k,…


推论2:级数 I+A+A^2+...


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