

# X_to_A_mif_conversion.tcl
# This script will convert a Xilinx mif file to an Intel PSG (Altera) mif file
# mif files are often used as initialization files for FPGA RAM implementations
# usage from a tcl console window in Quartus or from a tcl shell
# > X_to_A_mif_conversion.tcl
#  No arguments will print out all options needed for the script
#  X_to_A_mif_conversion.tcl <depth> <width> <input_file> <output_file>
# Example
# > X_to_A_mif_conversion.tcl 1024 16 X_1024x16.mif a_1024x16.mif
if {$argc == 0} {
 puts ""
 puts "Usage:"
 puts "X_to_A_mif_conversion.tcl <depth> <width> <input_file> <output_file>"
 puts ""
} elseif {$argc != 4} {
 puts ""
 puts "Incorrect number of arguments"
 puts "X_to_A_mif_conversion.tcl <depth> <width> <input_file> <output_file>"
 puts ""

set depth  [lindex $argv 0]
set width  [lindex $argv 1]
set filein [lindex $argv 2]
set fileout [lindex $argv 3]if {[file exists $filein] == 0} {
 puts "input file $filein does not exist"
} set fin [open $filein r]
set fout [open $fileout w]set timestamp_decimal [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y %m %d %H %M %S}]puts $fout "-- Created by X_to_A_mif_conversion.tcl"
puts $fout "-- MIF CREATION TIMESTAMP = $timestamp_decimal"
puts $fout "DEPTH = $depth;                  -- The size of memory in words"
puts $fout "WIDTH = $width;                   -- The size of data in bits"
puts $fout "ADDRESS_RADIX = DEC;         -- The radix for address values"
puts $fout "DATA_RADIX = BIN;            -- The radix for data values"
puts $fout "CONTENT                      -- start of (address : data pairs)"
puts $fout "BEGIN"
puts $fout ""set i 0
while { [gets $fin data] >= 0 } {
  puts $fout "$i : $data;"
  incr i

puts $fout "END;"

close $fin
close $fout


#Convert Xilinx Mif to Altera MIF
#Ex of How to run Script for a 16x8 (16 bit wide, 8 deep) Xilinx Block RAM:
#python X_altera_mif_conversion.py -d 8 -w 16 -i Xilinx_mif.mif -o intel_mif.mif
#If your Xilinx MIF (Xilinx_mif.mif) is a 8x16 (dxw) MIF generated in Vivado/ISE,
#the command above will generate a intel MIF file intel_mif.mif in the correct
#format that will pass Quartus synthesis. 
import sys, getopt, struct

def convert_mif(ifile, ofile, depth, width):
               fp_out=open(ofile, "w")
               fp_out.write("DEPTH = " + str(depth) + ";" + "\n" + "\n")
               fp_out.write("WIDTH = " + str(width) + ";" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n")
               fp_out.write("ADDRESS_RADIX = DEC;\n")
               fp_out.write("DATA_RADIX = BIN;\n\n\n")
               fp_in=open(ifile, "r")
               lines = fp_in.readlines()
               for line in lines:
                               fp_out.write(str(i) + " : " + line.rstrip() + ";" + "\n")
                               i = i+1
               print("Converted Xilinx MIF: " + ifile + " To Intel PSG MIF: " + ofile) def main(argv):
               inputfile = ''
               outputfile = ''
               depth = 0
               width = 0
                               opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hd:w:i:o:")
               except getopt.GetoptError:
                               print 'X_altera_mif_conversion.py -d <depth> -w <width> -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>'
               for opt, arg in opts:
                               if opt == '-h':
                                               print 'X_altera_mif_conversion.py -d <depth> -w <width> -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>'
                               elif opt == '-d':
                                               depth = arg
                               elif opt == '-w':
                                               width = arg
                               elif opt == "-i":
                                               inputfile = arg
                               elif opt == "-o":
                                               outputfile = arg
               print 'Input file is ', inputfile
               print 'Output file is ', outputfile
               print 'depth is ', depth
               print 'width is ', width
               convert_mif(inputfile, outputfile, depth, width)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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