
during school achievement is outstanding, curious, has own individuality, teamwork spirit is strong, also thering is no lack of independence, and accept new things of ability, dedication and lequn, professionally has certain innovation ability.

i am a love design, believe design will be after the professional oneself want, i also believe oneself can have a design personnel shall have the quality, because i am a self-motivated person, i will diligently enterprising! although i don't have much of social experience, but i'll work harder and harder to recover my gap, and i believe that life won't heroine in a moment, but to see own struggle degree, is a persist in learning, to improve the process of self!

i am from shandong yantai's a girl, i think life should not be flatly light hasten paper-cover profane, should have their own pursuit, have the courage to challenge the limits of life, because i believe that human potential is very large, only in some pressure will play out, so i would rather choose a competitive pressure for me greater environment to live! such life is positive, happy! life should be is rich and colorful! university i have been in various aspects due to fill the oneself, excellent results, i was fortunate to chose us city planning department as my mentor, in the last two years, i follow mentor do a lot of engineering, including the design, drawing, have relatively good graphics operation ability, and from various aspects divergent my design ideas, therefore, also developed my works is responsible earnestly, sureness fine style of our work is supposed to make mankind harmonious home, so i want to do a project attitude is very important!


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