
We cover a lot of home server apps here at How-To Geek, so it can be tough to keep track of everything. That’s why we’ve rounded up a ton of ways to keep your constantly-connected Windows machine working for you.

我们在How-To Geek上介绍了许多家用服务器应用程序,因此很难跟踪所有内容。 这就是为什么我们采用了大量方法来使您不断连接的Windows计算机为您服务的原因。

服务器应用程序和流 (Server Apps and Streaming)

One of the most fun ways to use your computer is as a streaming media server. You can stream music and video between Windows 7 computers on your network, over the Internet with Windows Media Player 12, or to your PlayStation 3. If you need to catch up on your TV shows, Remote Potato will work with Windows 7 Media Center and schedule recordings. You can even control your music from your Android phone without getting out of bed!

使用计算机的最有趣的方法之一是作为流媒体服务器。 您可以在网络上的Windows 7计算机之间,通过Windows Media Player 12通过Internet或到PlayStation 3之间流式传输音乐和视频。 如果需要赶上电视节目, Remote Potato将与Windows 7 Media Center配合使用并安排录制时间。 您甚至可以在不起床的情况下通过Android手机控制音乐!

You can transcode and stream video using AirVideo for iOS devices, VLC Shares for your Android devices, or Plex Media Server if you have both. Unless you have really old or cheap hardware, you won’t have to worry too much about the performance issues, and if you check out the next section, you can set it up to stream to you even if you’re outside of your network!

您可以使用适用于iOS设备的AirVideo ,适用于Android设备的VLC共享,或同时使用Plex Media Server的视频对视频进行转码和流传输。 除非您的硬件真的很旧或便宜,否则不必担心性能问题,如果您查看下一节,即使您不在网络中也可以将其设置为流式传输给您。 !

If you want to stream your music or podcasts to Android and iOS, you can install and configure Subsonic. The mobile apps have a caching ability so you can store your music on your devices. There’s also a Flash player on the web interface and an Adobe Air app so you can stream from remote computers, too.

如果要将音乐或播客流式传输到Android和iOS,可以安装和配置Subsonic 。 移动应用程序具有缓存功能,因此您可以将音乐存储在设备上。 Web界面上还有Flash播放器和Adobe Air应用程序,因此您也可以从远程计算机进行流式处理。

远程访问 (Remote Access)

While many apps allow you to connect to them via Google Sign-ins and the like, many don’t. For this reason, it’s important to have a setup where it’s easy to access your home network. You can accomplish this pretty easily using our guide to dynamic DNS services. You’ll learn to set up accounts with places like DynDNS.com that are free and give you a quick and easy way of accessing your network with a URL instead of an IP address. Once you’ve got that down, you can learn how to forward ports on your router so you can access specific computers in different ways.

虽然许多应用程序允许您通过Google登录等连接到它们,但许多应用程序却不能。 因此,进行易于访问家庭网络的设置非常重要。 使用我们的动态DNS服务指南,您可以轻松完成此操作。 您将学习如何使用DynDNS.com之类的免费地方来设置帐户,并为您提供一种快速,简便的方法来使用URL而不是IP地址访问网络。 一旦发现问题,您就可以学习如何转发路由器上的端口,从而可以通过不同的方式访问特定的计算机。

If you want to look into jumping on your home network more securely, you can check out how to configure OpenVPN with DD-WRT on your router. If you want to install DD-WRT to upgrade your router’s capabilities, we’ve got a how-to for that. If DD-WRT seems to be too complicated, you might prefer the equally-powerful Tomato firmware, which also has OpenVPN capabilities.

如果您想更安全地跳入家庭网络,可以查看如何在路由器上使用DD-WRT配置OpenVPN 。 如果您想安装DD-WRT来升级路由器的功能,我们将为您提供一个方法。 如果DD-WRT似乎过于复杂,则您可能更喜欢功能同样强大的Tomato固件,该固件还具有OpenVPN功能。

Windows 7 Media Center和家庭服务器 (Windows 7 Media Center and Home Server)

If you want to take your Home Premium (or above) installation to the next level, you can configure Media Center to help you record and manage your media. We also have a more comprehensive guide to WMC available to help you take full advantage of watching streaming video, removing commercials, backing up your settings, and getting cover art and metadata for your movies.

如果要将Home Premium(或更高版本)安装提高到一个新的水平,可以配置Media Center来帮助您记录和管理媒体。 我们还提供了有关WMC的更全面的指南,可帮助您充分利用观看流视频,删除广告,备份设置以及获取电影的封面和元数据的优势。

On the other hand, you can run Windows Home Server to properly manage your documents and files, get automated backup, and more. You can turn it into a Domain Controller and centrally manage your users, computers, printers, and virtual machines via Active Directory. If you use WHS as a web server and have Internet Information Server working, be sure to check out how to use Perl with IIS and PHP with IIS.

另一方面,您可以运行Windows Home Server来正确管理文档和文件,获得自动备份等。 您可以将其转变为域控制器,并通过Active Directory集中管理用户,计算机,打印机和虚拟机。 如果将WHS用作Web服务器并可以使用Internet Information Server ,请确保检查如何将Perl与IIS结合使用以及将PHP与IIS结合使用。

Running WHS doesn’t mean you can’t have fun, though; you can still stream from WHS to Windows Media Player. Lastly, check out our 9 alternatives to WHS’s Drive Extender so you can manage your storage spaces in a smart and elegant way.

但是,运行WHS并不意味着您不能获得乐趣。 您仍然可以从WHS流式传输到Windows Media Player 。 最后,查看我们9种替代WHS的Drive Extender的方法,以便您可以智能,优雅地管理您的存储空间。

其他服务器用途 (Other Server Uses)

Windows 7 is a pretty good central hub for your network. You can extend this functionality further by using WordPress, MediaWiki, and other web apps with Windows Web Platform. If you only want to serve web pages temporarily, you run a portable web server from a flash drive, or just install it natively. Finally, if you like having tons of apps available on your Windows machine, but you’re missing proper bash-based command-line access, we’ve got you covered, too.

Windows 7是网络的不错的中央集线器。 您可以通过将WordPress,MediaWiki和其他Web应用程序与Windows Web Platform结合使用来进一步扩展此功能。 如果您只想临时提供网页,则可以从闪存驱动器运行便携式Web服务器,或者直接在本地安装它。 最后,如果您希望Windows机器上有大量的应用程序可用,但是您缺少基于bash的适当命令行访问权限,那么我们也可以满足您的要求。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/73289/roundup-windows-home-server-apps/


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