The Apple II 之 Dawn of a New Age

1. hygiene           n.个人卫生状况
He didn’t appreciate Jobs’ hygiene.

2. conservative   adj.保守的;保守派的;(衣着)守旧的,传统的【ps:conservation 保守;conversation 交谈】

He set up a meeting(会面) with the company’s president, Joe Keenan, who was a lot more conservative than Alcorn and Bushnell.

3. adept               v.擅长
He had never been, and would never be, adept at containing(抑制) his emotions.

4. symbiosis         n.共生关系
Wozniak, however, understood better than his father the symbiosis they had.

5. con                    v.哄骗    n.骗局
He just conned me into working, …

6. indulge              v.沉溺,沉湎
This passion for perfection led him to indulge his instinct to control.

7. wane                   v.减少,(月亮)亏缺;(尤指状况、感觉)衰落,
Wozniak won the argument that time, but he could sense his power waning.

The Apple II 之 Mike Markkula

8. shrewd                 adj.精明的,敏锐的
He was a cautious and shrewd man.

The Apple II 之 Mike Scott

9. banish                  v.驱逐,赶走;将…驱逐出境,流放;清除;打消(的念头)
At Atari his behavior had caused him to be banished to the night shift, but at Apple that was not possible.

10. spur                       v.激励,鼓励;促进,加速,刺激(某事发生)
That would spur Jobs to pursue the next great advance, ont that he could call his own.

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