
If you’re a Mac user and a fan of open source software, you’ve probably seen certain apps with the “Darwin” label. But why do the macOS versions of apps carry this name?

如果您是Mac用户并且是开放源代码软件的粉丝,则可能已经看到某些带有“ Darwin”标签的应用程序。 但是,为什么macOS版本的应用程序使用此名称?

Because macOS is, along with iOS and tvOS, powered by a piece of open source, BSD-based software called Darwin. Like many open source operating systems, Darwin even has a mascot: Hexley the Platypus.

因为macOS,iOS和tvOS都由一个名为Darwin的开源,基于BSD的软件提供支持。 像许多开源操作系统一样,达尔文甚至有一个吉祥物: 鸭嘴兽Hexley 。

BSD mascot is a devil? Oh, never mind. BSD吉祥物是魔鬼 ? 哦,没关系。

This isn’t some gimmick: Apple takes the open source thing seriously. You can download all of the Darwin source code, right now, at You’ll find different downloads for every version of macOS.

这不是什么花招:苹果非常重视开源。 您现在可以在上下载所有Darwin源代码。 您会发现每个版本的macOS都有不同的下载内容。

It’s because of this legacy that macOS software is sometimes labelled “Darwin,” particularly by open source enthusiasts.

正是由于这种传统,macOS软件有时被标记为“ Darwin”,特别是开源爱好者。

等一下,开源? 这是否意味着我可以免费使用macOS? (Wait, Open Source? Does That Mean I Can Use macOS For Free?)



Well…mostly no. While Darwin itself is open source, most of the things you think of when you picture macOS are not. The Aqua user interface and the Cocoa API are both closed source, for example, and no macOS software can run without those things.

好吧...基本上没有。 尽管Darwin本身是开源的,但是在描绘macOS时想到的大多数事情都不是。 例如,Aqua用户界面和Cocoa API都是封闭源,没有这些东西,任何macOS软件都无法运行。

So while you can download Darwin’s source code, free of charge, and you could compile it if you had the right skills, you’d never get macOS software working on it—including, ironically, many of those labeled “darwin” (unless you want to spend a few years and/or decades reverse-engineering the proprietary portions of macOS). Darwin is just the basic foundation upon which the rest of macOS is built.

因此,虽然您可以免费下载Darwin的源代码,并且只要具备适当的技能就可以编译它,但您永远都无法使用macOS软件,讽刺的是,包括许多标有“ darwin”的软件(除非您想要花费数年和/或数十年的时间对macOS的专有部分进行逆向工程)。 达尔文只是构建其他macOS的基础。

But that doesn’t mean you can’t get anything to run on Darwin. And there are third party versions of Darwin you can get running relatively easily, notably PureDarwin. This volunteer-built operating system uses Darwin as its core, and you can even get open source user interfaces running on it. Here’s what that looks like:

但这并不意味着您无法在达尔文上运行任何东西 。 而且您可以相对轻松地运行达尔文的第三方版本,尤其是PureDarwin 。 这个由志愿者构建的操作系统以Darwin为核心,您甚至可以在其上运行开源用户界面。 看起来像这样:

Not exactly macOS Sierra, is it? You can also get PureDarwin working in a virtual machine, if you’re willing to put in the effort. Just don’t expect to run Mac software on it.

并非完全是macOS Sierra,是吗? 如果您愿意付出努力,还可以使PureDarwin在虚拟机中工作。 只是不要期望在其上运行Mac软件。

为什么这甚至存在? (Why Does This Even Exist?)

When Apple fired Steve Jobs in 1985, he kept busy. He helped spin Graphics Group off from LucasFilm, for example. That company was re-named Pixar.

1985年,苹果解雇了史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)时,他一直很忙。 例如,他帮助将Graphics Group从LucasFilm剥离出来。 那家公司更名为皮克斯。

Around the same time, Jobs also founded NeXT, which made high-end computers. These devices, aimed primarily at academics, seriously impressed computer scientists with its high specs and its object-oriented, UNIX-inspired operating system: NeXTSTEP. This operating system, while mostly closed source, used some open source code, notably from BSD.

大约在同一时间,乔布斯还创立了生产高端计算机的NeXT 。 这些设备主要面向学者,其高规格和面向对象,受UNIX启发的操作系统NeXTSTEP给计算机科学家们留下了深刻的印象。 该操作系统虽然大多是封闭源代码,但使用了一些开源代码,尤其是BSD的代码。

While NeXT devices never sold particularly well, they were were influential: Tim Berners-Lee designed the first web browser in NeXTSTEP, for example.

尽管NeXT设备的销售从未特别好,但它们很有影响力:例如,蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)设计了NeXTSTEP中的第一个Web浏览器。

In 1997, Apple bought NeXT. This brought Steve Jobs back to the company, but also meant Apple owned the NeXTSTEP operating system. Parts of that operating system were re-worked to form the basis for Darwin, and the UNIX legacy meant those parts ended up being open source.

1997年,苹果收购了NeXT。 这使乔布斯重返公司,但也意味着苹果拥有NeXTSTEP操作系统。 对该操作系统的某些部分进行了重新设计,以构成Darwin的基础,而UNIX的传统意味着这些部分最终是开源的。

Other NeXTSTEP features, including the Cocoa API, also became part of macOS. Even basic things like the Dock and the .app extension for applications can be traced back to NeXTSTEP, as this video shows.

NeXTSTEP的其他功能,包括Cocoa API,也已成为macOS的一部分。 如该视频所示,甚至可以将诸如Dock和应用程序扩展名之类的基本内容追溯到NeXTSTEP。

NeXTSTEP features live on to this day on the Mac, but every Apple device is part of this legacy. Darwin powers the iPhone, the Apple Watch, and the Apple TV. Most Apple users will never know it, and they really don’t need to, but everyone once and a while you’ll run into a package with “Darwin” in the name. Now you know why.

在Mac上,NeXTSTEP功能一直持续到今天,但是每台Apple设备都是这一遗产的一部分。 达尔文为iPhone,Apple Watch和Apple TV供电。 大多数Apple用户将永远不会知道它,而且他们确实不需要,但是每个人有时都会遇到名称为“ Darwin”的程序包。 现在你知道为什么了。




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