3.右边下拉找到VMware Authorization Service。


sudo apt-get install cheese



ffmpeg  -devices

“ v4l2”可以用作“ video4linux2”的别名。


ffmpeg -sources video4linux2

ffmpeg -sources v4l2


 /dev/video1 [Integrated Camera: Integrated I]/dev/video0 [Integrated Camera: Integrated C]


ffplay -f video4linux2 -video_size 640x480 -pixel_format yuyv422 -framerate 30 -i /dev/video0


ffmpeg -h demuxer=v4l2


ffplay -f video4linux2 -list_formats all  /dev/video0

这些选项也可以用代码设置,"video_size"等名称与ffmpeg -h demuxer=v4l2 命令列举的名称一样。
AVDictionary *options = NULL;
av_dict_set(&options, “video_size”, “1920x1080”, 0);
av_dict_set(&options, “framerate”, “30”, 0);
int re = avformat_open_input(&ic, “/dev/video0”, ifmt, &options);

sudo apt-get install luvcview
luvcview_0.2.6-5_amd64.deb (52.3 KiB)

luvcview -l


luvcview -d /dev/video1 -f yuv -s 640x480


luvcview -d /dev/video0 -L

可以看到支持的像素格式:MJPG YUYV RGB3 BGR3 YU12 YV12
Time interval between frame: 1/30 也就是帧间的时间间隔,也就是帧率了。

luvcview 0.2.6SDL information:Video driver: x11A window manager is available
Device information:Device path:  /dev/video0
{ pixelformat = 'MJPG', description = 'Motion-JPEG' }
{ discrete: width = 1280, height = 720 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 320, height = 180 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 320, height = 240 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 352, height = 288 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 424, height = 240 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 640, height = 360 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 640, height = 480 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 848, height = 480 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 960, height = 540 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ pixelformat = 'YUYV', description = 'YUYV 4:2:2' }
{ discrete: width = 640, height = 480 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 320, height = 180 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 320, height = 240 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 352, height = 288 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 424, height = 240 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 640, height = 360 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 848, height = 480 }Time interval between frame: 1/20,
{ discrete: width = 960, height = 540 }Time interval between frame: 1/15,
{ discrete: width = 1280, height = 720 }Time interval between frame: 1/10,
{ pixelformat = 'RGB3', description = 'RGB3' }
{ discrete: width = 1280, height = 720 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 320, height = 180 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 320, height = 240 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 352, height = 288 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 424, height = 240 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 640, height = 360 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 640, height = 480 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 848, height = 480 }Time interval between frame: 1/20,
{ discrete: width = 960, height = 540 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ pixelformat = 'BGR3', description = 'BGR3' }
{ discrete: width = 1280, height = 720 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 320, height = 180 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 320, height = 240 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 352, height = 288 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 424, height = 240 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 640, height = 360 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 640, height = 480 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 848, height = 480 }Time interval between frame: 1/20,
{ discrete: width = 960, height = 540 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ pixelformat = 'YU12', description = 'YU12' }
{ discrete: width = 1280, height = 720 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 320, height = 180 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 320, height = 240 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 352, height = 288 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 424, height = 240 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 640, height = 360 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 640, height = 480 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 848, height = 480 }Time interval between frame: 1/20,
{ discrete: width = 960, height = 540 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ pixelformat = 'YV12', description = 'YV12' }
{ discrete: width = 1280, height = 720 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 320, height = 180 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 320, height = 240 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 352, height = 288 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 424, height = 240 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 640, height = 360 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 640, height = 480 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
{ discrete: width = 848, height = 480 }Time interval between frame: 1/20,
{ discrete: width = 960, height = 540 }Time interval between frame: 1/30,
ffplay -f video4linux2 -framerate 60 -video_size 1920x1080 -pixel_format mjpeg  -i /dev/video4



ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 15 -s 1280x720 -i :0.0+0,0 -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 0 -f v4l2 /dev/video0


ffmpeg的libavdevice模块支持的计算机中常用的音视频捕获或输出设备:ALSA、AUDIO_BEOS 、JACK、OSS、1394、VFW等。


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