Greenshot在0.8.0-0530 unstable的版本基础上,做了一些小的改动推出了0.8.0-0627,并且现在开始支持多国语言了。



Bugs resolved:
* save-as dialog honors default storage location again
* fixed loop when holding down prnt key [ 1744618 ] - thanks to for supplying a patch
* fixed displayed grippers after duplicating a line element
* fixed a lot of GDI+ exceptions when capturing by optimizing memory usage
* typo [ 2856747 ]
* fixed clipboard functionality, should be more stable (not throwing exception with "Requested Clipboard operation did not succeed.") Bugs [ 2517965, 2817349, 2936190 ] and many more
* fixed clipboard to work with OpenOffice [ 1842706 ]
* fixed initial startup problems when creating the startup shortcut
* fixed exceptions when save path not available, incorrect or no permission when writing (will use SaveAs)
* fixed camera sound is sometimes distorted
* fixed region selection doesn't take the right size
* fixed bug when capturing a maximized window: wrong size was taken and therefore additional pixels were captured
* fixed capture bug which prevents a lot of people to use Greenshot (in 0.7.9 this was a "GDI+" exception).
  Problem was due to allocating the bitmap in the memory of the graphic card which is not always big enough.
* fixed restoring geometry for editor (the editor will now be open on the last location)
* fixed problem when loading language files during windows startup
* fixed opening of bitmaps from the command-line
* highlight and obfuscate elements no longer share last used line thickness and color with other elements

Features added:
* Optimized memory usage
* Added crop tool
* Added clipboard capture
* Added plugin support
* Added Bitmaps as object
* Added filters for wiping sensitive information as was suggested in e.g. [ 2931946 ]
* Added open from file
* Added the captured window title (even when capturing a region) as option for the filename pattern
* Added shadows which where supplied as patch in 2638542 and 2983930
* Added Email as Output (a MAPI supporting Email client should be available)
* Added double-click on icon to open last save location in Windows Explorer (or replacements)
* Changed configuration loading to better support portable Greenshot usage.
* Changed language from compiled resources to flexible xml files, user can add their own languages
* Added "Select all" option for p_w_picpath editor
* Added "Drag to", you can now drag p_w_picpaths or p_w_picpath files to the Greenshot p_w_picpath editor.


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