FlexNet Code Insight
使您的组织能够管理开源软件(OSS)和第三方组件。 FlexNet Code Insight可帮助开发,法律和安全团队降低开源安全风险,并通过端到端系统管理许可证合规性。

FlexNet Code Insight是一个用于开源许可证合规性和安全性的单一集成解决方案。 在构建产品期间以及在整个生命周期中查找漏洞并修复相关风险。 管理开源许可证合规性,为流程添加自动化,并实施平衡业务收益和风险管理的正式OSS策略。


  • Create an accurate Bill of Materials for all your applications:
    Analyze risk quickly with detailed dashboards and reporting
  • Discover and track all open source:
    In source code, binaries, containers, build dependencies, subcomponents, modified and partial open source components
  • Deliver flexible analysis — from high level to detailed:
    Patented scan and analysis flexibility for varying business needs.
  • Set and enforce policies
    Automate the approval process, and set usage and remediation guidance.
  • Monitor vulnerabilities proactively and continuously
    Actionable alerts for newly discovered vulnerabilities in current and shipped products.
  • Integrate into your build and IT environments
    Integrate with build tools, CI/CD and SCM tools, artifact repositories, external repositories or build your own integrations using the FlexNet Code Insight REST API framework to make code scanning easy and effective.
  • Make open source scanning part of your agile DevOps lifecycle
    Build fast, scan fast and release more frequently, thanks to a deep integration of FlexNet Code Insight with your build and bug tracking systems.


  • 能够发现和跟踪所有开源软件
  • 开源安全漏洞的主动和持续监控
  • Compliance with open source licenses and obligation management
  • Automate the review process and enforce your policies
  • Seamless integration into your build environment
  • Dashboards and reporting for common queries
  • Flexible scan and analysis profile types
  • Designed for enterprise environments

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孟小姐 ,13611363450


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