Calendars 5介绍

Calendars 5 is complete re-imagining of what the best mobile calendar experience should be.

Calendars 5 is smart, excels in both tasks and events and runs on any iOS device you might have. Its the calendar app you have been looking for.

Three things youll love about Calendars 5

◆ Natural Language Input ◆

Just enter Meet John at Starbucks on Sunday and Calendars 5 will create the event for you.

◆ Task Manager ◆

Easy to use task manager that has everything you need to organize, track and complete your to-dos.

◆ First-class iPad calendar ◆

The first smart calendar for the iPad. Its large screen is great for managing your daily schedule and enables richer interaction with your calendar.

What makes Calendars 5 great in use

◆ Interface focused on events

Elegant and easy to use interface makes it super simple to get a quick overview of the upcoming events and tasks. You always keep your focus on whats important; there is nothing to distract you.

◆ Day, Week, Month and List views of your events.

Calendars 5 illustrates your Day, Week and Month on a small iPhone screen the best possible way. Depending on the situation, select the view that conveniently unveils your schedule.

◆ Works online and offline

Create, edit and delete events or tasks whenever you need it. All changes will be synced back to your account once you are online.

◆ All the features you love

Create custom recurring events (yoga every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday), get SMS reminders or set custom alerts, invite people to your events and more.

◆ Act as you feel it

Intuitively create events with just one tap in your calendar. Drag and Drop tasks and events, swipe to switch between days and weeks, return to your ‘Today’ schedule with one tap.

◆ Your tasks and events are always at hand

All your tasks and events are synced seamlessly in the background between iPhone and iPad. Whenever you need your schedule, its on tap.

Have any feedback, comments or issues? Please contact us directly at http//

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