(跳过 lecture 13,书接上回 lecture 12)

NPD process 正式进入Phase 1:Concept Development,但本节通篇只讲了它的Step 1:Identify Customer Need,可见它也是本phase最重要的step.(lecture 11 :“这个安排我熟啊”)


Identify Customer Need 的五个步骤

1)Gather raw data

2)Interpret raw data in terms of customer needs

3)Organize the needs into a hierarchy

4)Establish the relative importance of the needs

5)Reflect on the results and the process


1. How do customer needs determine the next phases in the development process? (客户的需求是如何影响NPD process进入下一步的?

2. Describe the process and the individual steps of identifying customer needs.

3. What are the main methodologies (=method)  for collecting primary raw data?

4. Explain how to write a needs statement and what the main objective of this document is.

Identify Customer Need 的五个步骤


1)Gather raw data

Primary data: comes from direct contact with customers, buyers, users or other actors
within the marketing system.
Secondary data: not collected directly by their user, nor are they specific to the user.
      e.g. existing general reports on a particular market
      although easy and cheap to obtain, have limited value

2)Interpret raw data in terms of customer needs


3)Organize the needs into a hierarchy

卡诺分类(Kano classification):

Must-haves – “I wont buy without
Delighters – “What an unexpected treat
Linear Satisfiers – “The more the merrier
Neutrals – “No big deal
“Consumer needs can be very elusive,Intuitions are often wrong”
Consumers may not be able to articulate their needs,know what will satisfy them.
So the key for a market research is:
     understand what customers value 知道用户看重什么; 
     measure their preference  摸清他们的偏好;

4)Establish the relative importance of the needs

评价优先级的一个重要指标是:numerical importance weighing subset of needs (数字化在各个需求中所占的权重分别是多少)


5)Reflect on the results and the process

It is important to look back over the results,see how effective the process was. (学而时习之
◦ Have we interacted with all important customers in our target market?
◦ Can we see the latent(≈ potential) needs of customers beyond our current product range?
◦ Can we further involve any of the customers in our product development?
◦ Did we involve the right people in our organisation?
◦ Can we improve our process?


1. How do customer needs determine the next phases in the development process? (客户的需求是如何影响NPD process进入下一步的?

Customer need statements organised in a hierarchical list, with importance weightings for many or all of the needs.

2. Describe the process and the individual steps of identifying customer needs.

5 steps :
1. Gather raw data from customers(通过走访、问卷、评价等
2. Interpret the raw data in terms of customer needs(把一个一个数据变成一样一样需求
3. Organize the needs into a hierarchy of needs(组织起来
4. Establish the relative importance of the needs(优先级
5. Reflect on the results and the process(让需求照进现实

3. What are the main methodologies (=method)  for collecting primary raw data?

Interviews: One or more development team members discuss with a single customer;
Focus groups: A moderator facilitates a two-hour discussion with a group of 8 or 12 customers; 座谈会
Observing the product in use;产品调研
Surveys: direct mail or web-based questionnaires;(填问卷的都是我的神

4. Explain how to write a needs statement and what the main objective of this document is.

Objective: express the customers’ needs in terms of what the product has to do, not in
terms of how it might do.

Five Guidelines:

1. What Not How(问题不是“怎么”完成这个需求,而是这个需求“是什么
2. Specificity(每一条需求不能笼统,要独特、具体
3. Positive Not Negative(少用否定意味的结构,所有话都正着说
4. Attribute of the Product(永远围绕“product”,以它做主语
5. Avoid “Must” and “Should”(尽量避开强制性的说法,用陈述句





D.“我想用打火机给产品充电”(,,,what? 行,满足它的要求)


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