
Recently while talking to a friend I said something like "Oh, yes, my wife send me a meeting request for that." My friend was shocked. "How did you get your wife to send you Outlook Invites?" they said.

最近,当我与朋友交谈时,我说了“哦,是的,我的妻子给我发了一个会议请求。” 我的朋友很震惊。 “您是如何让您的妻子向您发送Outlook邀请的?” 他们说。

I was surprised they thought it was a big deal that we might manage our lives and appointments the same way a business runs their meetings. Why manage one's calendar with attention and detail at work, the use a Post-It Note or a Dry Erase board at home? Each to his or her own, to be sure, but ultimately find a system that works for you.

让他们感到惊讶的是,他们认为我们可以像经营公司会议一样管理生活和约会。 为什么要在工作中集中精力和细节来管理日历,在家中使用便利贴或干擦板? 可以肯定的是,每个人都有自己的选择,但最终找到了一个适合您的系统。

Don't give me the standard "Wow, that's a lot of work to set this up" comments. This took all of 10 minutes to do, I'm just being extra detailed for those who like their instructions along with pictures, clear steps and a little philosophy and history.

不要给我标准的“哇,设置它的工作量很大”注释。 这花了整个10分钟的时间,对于那些喜欢他们的说明以及图片,清晰的步骤以及一点哲学和历史的人,我会更加详细。

Here's what works for us and how we set it up. I talked about it in Podcast 58 on Synchronizing Your Internet Calendars.

这是对我们有效的方法以及设置方法。 我在Podcast 58中讨论了同步您的Internet日历。

简而言之 (Basics in a Nutshell)

This is the setup my wife and I have. I sync portions* of my calendar with a web calendar. Each of us can see each other's calendars as she subscribes to that calendar. My Outlook is my work email address, and I also have my personal email. She can send me Meeting Invites to either account. When I accept them, they'll show up in both places.

这是我和我妻子的设置。 我将日历的部分*与网络日历同步。 我们每个人在订阅该日历时都可以看到彼此的日历。 我的Outlook是我的工作电子邮件地址,也有我的个人电子邮件。 她可以将“会议邀请”发送给我一个帐户。 当我接受它们时,它们会同时出现在两个地方。

在日历共享上 (On Calendar Sharing)

I'm using Outlook and The Wife is using Google Calendar, so this post uses those two products as an example. That's useful because they are both very common, and the combination is common. Also, it's nice to see Microsoft Products working with non-Microsoft Products using Open Standards.

我使用的是Outlook,妻子使用的是Google日历,因此本文以这两种产品为例。 这很有用,因为它们都很常见,而且组合很常见。 另外,很高兴看到Microsoft产品与使用开放标准的非Microsoft产品一起工作。

However, the most important philosophical point to get from this section is that whatever service you are using, make sure you pick one that allows you to have control over your data and how it's published. Data Portability is important. You want to make sure you can get your data in and out of your chosen store. Preferably that'll be using a format like iCalendar (RFC 2445). Just knowing that the standard exists is empowering, because now you know what to look for.

但是,从本节中获得的最重要的哲学观点是,无论您使用什么服务,请确保选择一种可以控制数据及其发布方式的服务。 数据可移植性很重要。 您想确保可以将数据移入或移出所选存储。 最好使用iCalendar(RFC 2445)之类的格式。 仅仅知道存在标准就可以增强功能,因为现在您知道要寻找什么了。

在Outlook 2007中共享(发布) (Sharing (Publishing) in Outlook 2007)

In Outlook, there's two kinds of Calendar "sharing." There's Sharing and Publishing, in fact. Sharing in Outlook language means to Share your Calendar internally to your company's Exchange Server, while Publishing means to send your Calendar out to the Internet. By default this means to calendars.office.microsoft.com, but it can mean elsewhere.

在Outlook中,有两种日历“共享”。 实际上,有共享和发布。 使用Outlook语言共享意味着在内部与公司的Exchange Server共享日历,而发布则意味着将日历发送到Internet。 默认情况下,这意味着Calendars.office.microsoft.com,但在其他地方也可能意味着。

TIP: I put my Free Busy info at http://www.hanselman.com/freebusy which just redirects to the Office site. This makes it easy for others to schedule meetings with me without giving away personal information or calendar details. I just publish free/busy time.

提示:我将我的“忙/闲”信息放在http://www.hanselman.com/freebusy上,该信息仅重定向到Office网站。 这使其他人可以轻松安排与我的会议,而不会泄露个人信息或日历详细信息。 我只是发布忙/闲时间。

You CAN, if you like, publish your calendar out to the Internet as an ICS file, also called a "webcal" and then have other calendars pull from that. However, I prefer to have more control over what I publish, as I've got work meetings and things I may not want out of my Outlook.

您可以根据需要将日历作为ICS文件(也称为“ webcal”)发布到Internet,然后从中提取其他日历。 但是,我希望对发布的内容有更多的控制权,因为我有工作会议和Outlook可能不想做的事情。

SyncMyCal或Google Calendar Sync (SyncMyCal or Google Calendar Sync)

I want to part (or all) of my calendar into my wife's calendar. She uses Google Calendar, and I've got a Google Calendar using my personal email address.

我想将日历的一部分(或全部)放入妻子的日历。 她使用的是Google日历,而我有一个使用我的个人电子邮件地址的Google日历。

In order to get my appointments into Google Calendar, I prefer to use SyncMyCal software (I paid $25 for it). There is another free tool from Google called Google Calendar Sync but it's VERY basic. I prefer SyncMyCal (enough to pay for it). It's an addin that runs inside of Outlook and it supports multiple calendars, can sync a specific Outlook category (like just Personal events), does date-range-filters, and will sync Contacts if you like.

为了让我的约会进入Google日历,我更喜欢使用SyncMyCal软件(我为此花了25美元)。 Google提供了另一个免费工具,称为Google Calendar Sync,但它非常基础。 我更喜欢SyncMyCal(足以付钱)。 这是一个可在Outlook内部运行的插件,它支持多个日历,可以同步特定的Outlook类别(如“个人事件”),执行日期范围过滤器,并且可以根据需要同步联系人。

公用日历和Outlook中的日历订阅 (Public Calendars and Subscribing to Calendars in Outlook )

There's lots of sites that have lists of events and calendars. The best of them, like Upcoming.org include webcal/iCal/xCal feeds for all the events. Most personal web-based calendaring systems like Google Calendar (and my wife's calendar) have URLs that you can subscribe to.

有很多网站都有事件和日历列表。 其中最好的软件(例如Upcoming.org)包括所有事件的webcal / iCal / xCal提要。 大多数基于Web的个人日历系统(例如Google日历(和我妻子的日历))都具有您可以订阅的URL。

For example, the Subscribe button on the Upcoming site includes an iCal option. These URLs look like:

例如,“即将到来”站点上的“订阅”按钮包括一个iCal选项。 这些网址看起来像:


webcal://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/search_all/?search_placeid = RlEYPWubBZtlFXkb&rt = 1

Even though they have webcal:// at the beginning, they are still serving the calendars over HTTP. However, the webcal:// "psuedo-protocol" is a hacky way to get something to happen when you click on it. Because I have Outlook installed, clicking that iCal link gets me this dialog:

即使他们一开始就使用webcal://,他们仍然通过HTTP提供日历。 但是,webcal://“ psuedo-protocol”是一种骇人听闻的方法,可在您单击它时使事情发生。 因为我已经安装了Outlook,所以单击该iCal链接会显示以下对话框:

Clicking yes adds a new calendar to Outlook in "Other Calendars."


This is how I add all sorts of calendars into Outlook. I've got Team Calendars from Sharepoint, Calendars from our Intranet, as well as the wife's.Any calendar can be viewed side-by-side with the main.

这就是我将各种日历添加到Outlook中的方式。 我有Sharepoint的团队日历,Intranet的日历以及妻子的日历。任何日历都可以与主日历并排查看。

Or, I can overlay them. This is really useful for viewing The Wife's calendar and finding time where we can both free. The secondary calendar appears "ghosted" and overlaid over the primary. You can even show multiple (6, 7, etc) calendars and easily find time for meetings amongst your teammates.

或者,我可以覆盖它们。 这对于查看The Wife的日历并找到我们可以释放的时间非常有用。 次要日历显示为“重影”并覆盖在主要日历上。 您甚至可以显示多个(6、7等)日历,并轻松找到队友之间的会议时间。

从Google日历中消费Web日历 (Consuming Web Calendars from inside Google Calendar)

If you've got a calendar "in the cloud" with a URL to an ICS, it's easy to add them to Google Calendar. In Calendar click "Add" under Other Calendars and click "Add By Url":

如果您拥有“云端”日历,其中包含指向ICS的URL,则可以轻松地将其添加到Google日历中。 在日历中,单击“其他日历”下的“添加”,然后单击“按网址添加”:

This is where you'd paste in the iCal URL for the calendar you're trying to consume. The wife does this with public calendars. For family there's a faster way. Just click on your calendar and click "share this calendar" and Google takes care of the rest.

您可以在此处粘贴要使用的日历的iCal URL。 妻子用公共日历来做。 对于家庭来说,有一种更快的方法。 只需点击您的日历,然后点击“共享此日历”,其余的工作将由Google负责。

IMPORTANT NOTE and CYA DISCLAIMER: It's ironic that while I've been using various plugins for Outlook Calendar synchronization for the last four+ years and never lost a thing, this week while on a trip (and while writing this post) I lost (almost) all my future appointments. Because I'm using SyncMyCal along with three different other experimental plugins, not to mention syncing with Mobile Devices, my gut says it's not SyncMyCal. However, this near-data loss is an important reminder that there's always a chance you can lose something important when you're using any synchronization software that syncs deletes. 

重要提示和CYA免责声明:具有讽刺意味的是,尽管过去四年来我一直在使用各种插件进行Outlook Calendar同步并且从未丢失任何东西,但本周在旅途中(以及撰写本文时)却丢失了(几乎)我以后所有的约会因为我正在使用SyncMyCal以及其他三个其他实验性插件,更不用说与移动设备同步了,所以我的直觉说这不是SyncMyCal。 但是,这种接近数据的丢失是一个重要的提醒,当您使用任何同步删除操作的同步软件时,总是有可能丢失一些重要的信息

I got my data back by going to another machine I had with Outlook on it, launched Outlook and immediately put it into Offline mode so the deletes from the server wouldn't come down. I exported that range of missing appointments from that machine and imported them to another. The final calendar was then updated in Exchange. Crisis averted, but it was a scary time. If you lose your data, I can't help you. Be careful.

我将数据转移到另一台装有Outlook的计算机上,启动了Outlook,然后立即将其置于脱机模式,因此从服务器上删除的数据不会丢失。 我从那台机器上导出了该范围的缺失约会,然后将它们导入了另一台。 然后在Exchange中更新了最终日历。 避免了危机,但这是一个可怕的时刻。 如果您丢失了数据,我无能为力。 小心。

* filtering out private/sensitive/NDA work meetings via categories

*通过类别过滤掉私人/敏感/ NDA工作会议

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/family-calendar-management-sharing-life-between-outlook-and-web-calendars-and-the-magic-of-icalendar



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