
  • 前言
    • 源码解析
      • src/glx/single2.c
      • build/src/mapi/glapi/gen/indirect_init.c
      • src/glx/indirect_glx.c
      • src/glx/glxclient.h


GLX支持直接渲染(Direct Rendering)与间接渲染(Indirect Rendering)两种模式,直接渲染模式需要OpenGL应用程序能够直接访问GPU(可以简单地认为OpenGL应用程序与GPU需要在同一台电脑上),而间接渲染则需要将OpenGL指令转发至X Window Server,由X Window Server负责执行真正的OpenGL指令。




__indirect_glGetFloatv(GLenum val, GLfloat * f)
{const GLenum origVal = val;__GLX_SINGLE_DECLARE_VARIABLES();xGLXSingleReply reply;val = RemapTransposeEnum(val);__GLX_SINGLE_LOAD_VARIABLES();__GLX_SINGLE_BEGIN(X_GLsop_GetFloatv, 4); // 发送请求__GLX_SINGLE_PUT_LONG(0, val);__GLX_SINGLE_READ_XREPLY(); // 读取响应,相当于实现了一个RPC__GLX_SINGLE_GET_SIZE(compsize);if (compsize == 0) {/*** Error occurred; don't modify user's buffer.*/}else {GLintptr data;/*** We still needed to send the request to the server in order to** find out whether it was legal to make a query (it's illegal,** for example, to call a query between glBegin() and glEnd()).*/if (get_client_data(gc, val, &data)) {*f = (GLfloat) data;}else {/*** Not a local value, so use what we got from the server.*/if (compsize == 1) {__GLX_SINGLE_GET_FLOAT(f);}else {__GLX_SINGLE_GET_FLOAT_ARRAY(f, compsize);if (val != origVal) {/* matrix transpose */TransposeMatrixf(f);}}}}__GLX_SINGLE_END();


/*** Create and initialize a new GL dispatch table.  The table is initialized* with GLX indirect rendering protocol functions.*/
struct _glapi_table * __glXNewIndirectAPI( void )
{_glapi_proc *table;unsigned entries;unsigned i;int o;entries = _glapi_get_dispatch_table_size();table = malloc(entries * sizeof(_glapi_proc));if (table == NULL)return NULL;/* first, set all entries to point to no-op functions */for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) {table[i] = (_glapi_proc) NoOp;}/* now, initialize the entries we understand *//* 1.0 */table[213] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glAccum;// 省略table[262] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetFloatv;// 省略return (struct _glapi_table *) table;


static int
indirect_bind_context(struct glx_context *gc, struct glx_context *old,GLXDrawable draw, GLXDrawable read)
{GLXContextTag tag;Display *dpy = gc->psc->dpy;Bool sent;if (old != &dummyContext && !old->isDirect && old->psc->dpy == dpy) {tag = old->currentContextTag;old->currentContextTag = 0;} else {tag = 0;}sent = SendMakeCurrentRequest(dpy, gc->xid, tag, draw, read,&gc->currentContextTag);if (sent) {if (!IndirectAPI)IndirectAPI = __glXNewIndirectAPI(); // 死亡凝视_glapi_set_dispatch(IndirectAPI); // 在src/mapi/mapi_glapi.c中定义/* The indirect vertex array state must to be initialised after we* have setup the context, as it needs to query server attributes.** At the point this is called gc->currentDpy is not initialized* nor is the thread's current context actually set. Hence the* cleverness before the GetString calls.*/__GLXattribute *state = gc->client_state_private;if (state && state->array_state == NULL) {gc->currentDpy = gc->psc->dpy;__glXSetCurrentContext(gc);__indirect_glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);__indirect_glGetString(GL_VERSION);__glXInitVertexArrayState(gc);}}return !sent;
}static const struct glx_context_vtable indirect_context_vtable = {.destroy             = indirect_destroy_context,.bind                = indirect_bind_context, // 死亡凝视.unbind              = indirect_unbind_context,.wait_gl             = indirect_wait_gl,.wait_x              = indirect_wait_x,.use_x_font          = indirect_use_x_font,.bind_tex_image      = indirect_bind_tex_image,.release_tex_image   = indirect_release_tex_image,.get_proc_address    = NULL,
};/*** \todo Eliminate \c __glXInitVertexArrayState.  Replace it with a new* function called \c __glXAllocateClientState that allocates the memory and* does all the initialization (including the pixel pack / unpack).** \note* This function is \b not the place to validate the context creation* parameters.  It is just the allocator for the \c glx_context.*/
_X_HIDDEN struct glx_context *
indirect_create_context(struct glx_screen *psc,struct glx_config *mode,struct glx_context *shareList, int renderType)
{struct glx_context *gc;int bufSize;CARD8 opcode;__GLXattribute *state;opcode = __glXSetupForCommand(psc->dpy);if (!opcode) {return NULL;}/* Allocate our context record */gc = calloc(1, sizeof *gc);if (!gc) {/* Out of memory */return NULL;}glx_context_init(gc, psc, mode);gc->isDirect = GL_FALSE;gc->vtable = &indirect_context_vtable; // 死亡凝视state = calloc(1, sizeof(struct __GLXattributeRec));gc->renderType = renderType;// 省略



/*** GLX state that needs to be kept on the client.  One of these records* exist for each context that has been made current by this client.*/
struct glx_context
{/*** \name Drawing command buffer.** Drawing commands are packed into this buffer before being sent as a* single GLX protocol request.  The buffer is sent when it overflows or* is flushed by \c __glXFlushRenderBuffer.  \c pc is the next location* in the buffer to be filled.  \c limit is described above in the buffer* slop discussion.** Commands that require large amounts of data to be transfered will* also use this buffer to hold a header that describes the large* command.** These must be the first 6 fields since they are static initialized* in the dummy context in glxext.c*//*@{ */GLubyte *buf;GLubyte *pc;GLubyte *limit;GLubyte *bufEnd;GLint bufSize;/*@} */const struct glx_context_vtable *vtable;/*** The XID of this rendering context.  When the context is created a* new XID is allocated.  This is set to None when the context is* destroyed but is still current to some thread. In this case the* context will be freed on next MakeCurrent.*/XID xid;/*** The XID of the \c shareList context.*/XID share_xid;/*** Screen number.*/GLint screen;struct glx_screen *psc;/*** \c GL_TRUE if the context was created with ImportContext, which* means the server-side context was created by another X client.*/GLboolean imported;/*** The context tag returned by MakeCurrent when this context is made* current. This tag is used to identify the context that a thread has* current so that proper server context management can be done.  It is* used for all context specific commands (i.e., \c Render, \c RenderLarge,* \c WaitX, \c WaitGL, \c UseXFont, and \c MakeCurrent (for the old* context)).*/GLXContextTag currentContextTag;/*** \name Rendering mode** The rendering mode is kept on the client as well as the server.* When \c glRenderMode is called, the buffer associated with the* previous rendering mode (feedback or select) is filled.*//*@{ */GLenum renderMode;GLfloat *feedbackBuf;GLuint *selectBuf;/*@} *//*** Client side attribs.*/__GLXattributeMachine attributes;/*** Client side error code.  This is set when client side gl API* routines need to set an error because of a bad enumerant or* running out of memory, etc.*/GLenum error;/*** Whether this context does direct rendering.*/Bool isDirect;#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL)void *driContext;
#endif/*** \c dpy of current display for this context.  Will be \c NULL if not* current to any display, or if this is the "dummy context".*/Display *currentDpy;/*** The current drawable for this context.  Will be None if this* context is not current to any drawable.  currentReadable is below.*/GLXDrawable currentDrawable;/*** \name GL Constant Strings** Constant strings that describe the server implementation* These pertain to GL attributes, not to be confused with* GLX versioning attributes.*//*@{ */GLubyte *vendor;GLubyte *renderer;GLubyte *version;GLubyte *extensions;/*@} *//*** Maximum small render command size.  This is the smaller of 64k and* the size of the above buffer.*/GLint maxSmallRenderCommandSize;/*** Major opcode for the extension.  Copied here so a lookup isn't* needed.*/GLint majorOpcode;/*** Pointer to the config used to create this context.*/struct glx_config *config;/*** The current read-drawable for this context.  Will be None if this* context is not current to any drawable.** \since Internal API version 20030606.*/GLXDrawable currentReadable;/*** Pointer to client-state data that is private to libGL.  This is only* used for indirect rendering contexts.** No internal API version change was made for this change.  Client-side* drivers should NEVER use this data or even care that it exists.*/void *client_state_private;/*** Stored value for \c glXQueryContext attribute \c GLX_RENDER_TYPE.*/int renderType;/*** \name Raw server GL version** True core GL version supported by the server.  This is the raw value* returned by the server, and it may not reflect what is actually* supported (or reported) by the client-side library.*//*@{ */int server_major;        /**< Major version number. */int server_minor;        /**< Minor version number. *//*@} *//*** Number of threads we're currently current in.*/unsigned long thread_refcount;/*** GLX_ARB_create_context_no_error setting for this context.* This needs to be kept here to enforce shared context rules.*/Bool noError;char gl_extension_bits[__GL_EXT_BYTES];


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