Despite reports to the contrary, Internet Explorer is still very much alive. While it’s browser share has steadily eroded over time, it still commands a 15% share, which means there are quite a few people out there using it.

尽管有相反的报道,Internet Explorer仍然非常活跃。 尽管它的浏览器份额随着时间的推移稳步下降,但仍然占有15%的份额 ,这意味着有相当多的人正在使用它。

To that end, it’s important that IE users know that not only does it store a history of your website comings and goings (as do all other browsers), but you can tweak your history settings. Similarly, just as you can clear your browser history with Mozilla Firefox, Safari for iOS, and Google Chrome, so too can you clear it with Internet Explorer.

为此,重要的是IE用户必须知道,它不仅可以存储您网站来往的历史记录(与所有其他浏览器一样),还可以调整历史记录设置。 同样,就像您可以使用Mozilla Firefox , iOS的Safari和Google Chrome清除浏览器历史记录一样,也可以使用Internet Explorer清除浏览器历史记录。

Clearing your IE browsing history can be accomplished from Windows’ Internet Options, which can be accessed in one of two ways. If you don’t have IE up and running, head over to the Control Panel and click on “Internet Options”. (You can also open the Start menu and search for “Internet Options” to reach this page.)

可以通过Windows的“ Internet选项”来清除IE浏览历史记录,可以通过以下两种方式之一进行访问。 如果您没有启动和运行IE,请转到“控制面板”,然后单击“ Internet选项”。 (您也可以打开“开始”菜单并搜索“ Internet选项”以访问此页面。)

If you do have Internet Explorer open, then click on the gear icon in the upper-right corner and select “Internet options”.

如果您确实打开了Internet Explorer,请单击右上角的齿轮图标,然后选择“ Internet选项”。

WIth the Internet Options open, you can see there’s a “Browsing history” category on the General tab. Click the “Delete…” button.

打开“ Internet选项”后,您可以看到“常规”选项卡上有一个“浏览历史记录”类别。 单击“删除...”按钮。

You’ll be presented with the following options allowing you to clear various aspects of your browsing history. At minimum, you’ll probably want to clear your temporary files and history.

系统将为您提供以下选项,使您可以清除浏览历史记录的各个方面。 至少,您可能需要清除临时文件和历史记录。

You can also elect to preserve any data stored from your favorites, which means that any websites you have slated as a favorite will be spared when you clear you cookies and temporary Internet files.


If you want to automatically clear history regularly, you can do so by clicking on the “Settings” button on the Internet Options panel.

如果要定期自动清除历史记录,可以单击“ Internet选项”面板上的“设置”按钮。

The Website Data Settings dialog will give you an opportunity to adjust when IE checks for newer versions of stored pages on the “Temporary Internet Files” tab, how much disk space it can use for these files, and where this folder is located. You’ll also have the opportunity to view this folder, the files within it, and to move it to another location if desired.

当IE在“ Internet临时文件”选项卡上检查存储页面的较新版本,可用于这些文件的磁盘空间以及该文件夹的位置时,“网站数据设置”对话框将为您提供调整的机会。 您还将有机会查看此文件夹及其中的文件,并根据需要将其移动到另一个位置。

On the “History” you are able to specify how long IE stores your History, the default is twenty days.


Under the “Caches and databases” tab, you can specify whether websites store caches and databases, how large they can be, and to notify you when they exceed that limit. Additionally, you can go through each one and clear them.

在“缓存和数据库”标签下,您可以指定网站是否存储缓存和数据库,缓存和数据库的大小,并在超过该限制时通知您。 此外,您可以仔细检查每一项并清除它们。

You may or may not want to adjust these settings, but it’s good to know they’re there. Overall, the most important button you want to know about is that simple straightforward “Delete” button back on the General tab.

您可能想要或可能不想调整这些设置,但是很高兴知道它们在那里。 总体而言,您要了解的最重要的按钮是“常规”选项卡上简单的“删除”按钮。

Additionally, you can elect to delete your browsing history every time you exit Internet Explorer.

此外,您可以选择每次退出Internet Explorer时删除浏览历史记录。

Just keep in mind that if there are sites you visit frequently and you clear your history every time you exit IE, you may have to constantly log back into these sites each time you start a new browsing session.


Clearing your Internet Explorer browsing history is a good practice to get into. Not only does it protect you from potentially prying eyes, but it can clear up some much-needed disk space.

清除Internet Explorer浏览历史记录是一种好习惯。 它不仅可以保护您免受潜在的窥视,还可以清理一些急需的磁盘空间。


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