I.Choose the best to complete the following statements
1.“O Wind/If winter comes,can spring be far behind?” The two lines are from .
A. “To Autumn”       B. “To a Nightingale”
C. “Ode to the West Wind” D. “To a Skylark”
2. “To be or not to be----that is the question” is taken from
A.Hamlet     B.Romeo and Juliet    C.The Merchant of theVenice    D.Macbeth
3. _______ is romantic love tragedy.
A. Romeo and Juliet           B. Macbeth
C.The Merchant of the Venice         D. Hamlet
4. Beowulf. is considered as .
A. the best epic in English literature        B. the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons
C. the best narrative poem in English literature  D.the best romance
5. In
,Chaucer created a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society and a whole gallery of vivid characters.
A.The Canterbury Tales           B.The Romaunt of the Rose
C.The Legend of Good Women        D.Troilus and Criseyde
6. ___ marks a transition from the medieval to the modern world.
A. Enlightenment Movement        B. The Glorious Revolution
C. The Renaissance           D. Reformation
7. is not a writer in the Renaissance.
A .Francis Bacon    B .William Shakespeare    C. John Milton    D .Jonathan Swift
8. __ is NOT the style of Bacon’s essays.
A. brevity      B. compactness        C .powerfulness   D .high-flowness
9 ______ is generally accepted as an English epic besides Beowulf.
A.Samson Agonistes   B.Paradise Lost      C.Paradise Regained   D. “Lycidas”
10.The Neo-classicism is markedly characterized by the emphisis of
A.realism        B.didactic function    C.elegant style    D. lyricism
11.____________ is not a picaresque novel.
A. Great Expectations          B Gulliver’s Travels
C. Robinson Crosue             D. The Pilgrim’s Progress
12. “Death, Be not Proud” is an Italian sonnet by____.
A.Shakespeare     B.John Milton      C.John Donne    D. Drydon
13. In Paradise Lost, Milton doesn’t refers God to____.
A.King         B.Foe         C.Victor       D. Friend
14._________ is not a Lake poet?
A.Southey       B.Wordworth     C.Shelley      D.Coleridge
15. is a typical Byronic heroe.
A.Don Juan       B.Shelley        C. Beowulf      D. Iliad
16.He was the 1st important Romantic poet,showing a contempt for rationalism and bringing something fresh to British poetry.He is .
A .Wordsworth     B.Blake          C.Keats       D.Coleridge
17. “Did he smile his work to see? /Did he who made the Lamb make thee?”, the 2 lines are from
A. “the Lamb”    B. “The Tyger”  C. “The Cheminey Sweeper”   D. “The Sick Roes”
18. In the above quoted lines, “the Lamb” refers to
A .Nature      B.Jesus Christ  C.God            D.Uncertain
19. “The waves beside them danced; but they /Outdid the sparking waves in glee; ” here, “they ”refer to____.
A. roses       B.volets     C.daffodils         D.girls
20.The pleasure dome is described in .
A. “Kubla Khan”    B. “Christabel”   C. “Frost at Midnight”    D. “Dejection:An Ode”
21.“Ode to the West Wind” is in
A.abb bbc       B.terza rima     C.aab bcb         D.free verse
22.In“Ode to the West Wind”, west wind is the biggest symbol; it symbolizes______.
A. destroyer and preserver   B.boundless freedom   C.a lyre    D.both A and B
23. “Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard /Are sweeter;therefore,ye soft pipes,play on;”the 2 lines are from“Ode on a Grecian Urn”by __.
A. John Keats    B.William Wordsworth      C.Byron    D.Sheelley
24.The striking characteristic of the Victorian fiction lies in
A.critical realism           B.a return to rationalism
C.naturalism              D.an overall negation of society
25.____is not a character created by Charles Dickens.
A.Oliver Twist    B.David Copperfield       C.Pip     D. Ishmael
26. Tess is sandwiched between and murdered by two so-called gentlemen: one is Alec, and the other is __.
A. Angel Clare   B. Alec’s brother        C. Louis   D. Babalou
27.Linguist Higgins appears in
Widower’s Houses  B. Mrs. Warren’s Profession    C. St. Joan    D. Pygmalion
28.In “Auld Lang Syne”, the poet is singing for __.
A.love       B.friendship           C.patriotism   D.his mother
29.In “The Rocking Horse Winner”, Lawrence attacks
A.money-worshipping B.hypocricy           C.industrialism  D.commercialism
30. “My Last Duchess” is a famous ______ by ______.
A. love lyric; Wordsworth        B.dramatic monologue;Tennyson
C.dramatic monologue; Browning    D.tragedy; Shaw
II.Please explain the following terms briefly

  1. Neo-classicism:
    2.The Waste Land
    3.blank verse
    4.heroic couplet
    5.Shakespearean Sonnet
    6.Critical Realism
    7.dramatic monologue
    8.The Canterbury Tales
    III.Answer the following questions
    1.Why is Shakespeare great in the history of British literature?
    2.What does Wordsworth want to say in “I Wandered as A Lonely Cloud”?
    3.Please explain the theme of Tess of the D’Urbevilles.
  2. In what a way is Renaissance significant in the history of Europe?
  3. What does T.S. Eliot want to say in “The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock”?
  4. What does Wordsworth describe in “She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways”?
  5. What is the major theme of the novels of Lawrence?
  6. What does Byron want to say in “She Walks in Beauty”?

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