

* @File      : fifo.h
* @Author   : cqx
* @Version  : V0.0.1
* @Date      : 29-november-2016
* @Brief     : This file provides all the fifo functions.
* @Attention:
* Non
*******************************************************************************//* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef _FIFO_H
#define _FIFO_H#include <stm32f10x.h>#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {
#endif/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Define --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifndef min
#define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#endif      #define is_power_of_2(x)    ((x) != 0 && (((x) & ((x) - 1)) == 0))/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
struct fifo {unsigned int   in;unsigned int out;unsigned int    mask;unsigned char *data;
}; /* Function prototypes -------------------------------------------------------*/
extern unsigned int fifo_used(struct fifo *fifo);
extern signed int fifo_alloc(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned int size);
extern void         fifo_free(struct fifo *fifo);
extern int          fifo_init(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int size);
extern unsigned int fifo_in(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len);
extern unsigned int fifo_out(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len);#ifdef __cplusplus


* @File      : ringbuffer.c
* @Author   : cqx
* @Version  : V0.0.1
* @Date      : 29-november-2016
* @Brief     : This file provides all the fifo functions.
* @Attention:
/* Includes -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "fifo.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "includes.h"/* Variables -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/******************************************************************************//** internal helper to calculate the unused elements in a fifo*/
static __inline unsigned int fifo_unused(struct fifo *fifo)
{return (fifo->mask + 1) - (fifo->in - fifo->out);
}unsigned int fifo_used(struct fifo *fifo)
{return (fifo->in - fifo->out);
}signed int fifo_alloc(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned int size)
/** round down to the next power of 2, since our 'let the indices* wrap' technique works only in this case.*/if (!is_power_of_2(size))return -1;fifo->in = 1;fifo->out = 1;if (size < 2){fifo->data = NULL;fifo->mask = 0;return -1;}fifo->data = malloc(size);if (!fifo->data){fifo->mask = 0;return -1;}  fifo->mask = size - 1;return 0;
}void fifo_free(struct fifo *fifo)
{free(fifo->data);fifo->in = 0;fifo->out = 0;fifo->data = NULL;fifo->mask = 0;
}int fifo_init(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int size)
{if (!is_power_of_2(size))return -1;fifo->in = 0;fifo->out = 0;fifo->data = buffer;if (size < 2) {fifo->mask = 0;return -1;}fifo->mask = size - 1;return 0;
}static void fifo_copy_in(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *src, unsigned int len, unsigned int off)
{unsigned int size = fifo->mask + 1;unsigned int l;off &= fifo->mask;l = min(len, size - off);memcpy(fifo->data + off, src, l);memcpy(fifo->data, src + l, len - l);
}unsigned int fifo_in(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len)
{unsigned int l;l = fifo_unused(fifo);if (len > l)len = l;fifo_copy_in(fifo, buf, len, fifo->in);fifo->in += len;return len;
}static void fifo_copy_out(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *dst, unsigned int len, unsigned int off)
{unsigned int size = fifo->mask + 1;unsigned int l;off &= fifo->mask;l = min(len, size - off);memcpy(dst, fifo->data + off, l);memcpy(dst + l, fifo->data, len - l);
}unsigned int fifo_out_peek(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len)
{unsigned int l;l = fifo->in - fifo->out;if (len > l)len = l;fifo_copy_out(fifo, buf, len, fifo->out);return len;
}unsigned int fifo_out(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len)
{len = fifo_out_peek(fifo, buf, len);fifo->out += len;return len;




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