
The US is a big place. It’s the third-largest country by land mass. And the infrastructure that connects it is equally immense.

美国是个大国。 按土地面积计算,它是第三大国家。 连接它的基础架构同样巨大。

Let’s marvel at the intricacy of these human-made systems.


Together, we’ll explore its internet, transportation, and energy distribution infrastructure — all through rapid-fire data visualizations.


宽带互联网基础设施 (Broadband Internet Infrastructure)

Here are all the places with at least 1 megabit download speed:


宽带垄断 (Broadband Monopolies)

And here are all the places where consumers only have one available broadband provider.


宽带速度测试与广告 (Broadband Speed Test versus Advertised)

Not surprisingly, these monopolies aren’t always honest about how fast their internet is. The darker the pink is, the more that broadband companies are overstating the speed of their internet services.

毫不奇怪,这些垄断企业并不总是对互联网的速度保持诚实。 粉红色越深,宽带公司就夸大了其互联网服务的速度。

互联网骨干 (Internet Backbones)

The internet isn’t magic — it’s mostly just a whole lot of fiber optic cable. Here’s all the long-haul fiber that carries internet data around the United States. Red squares represent the junctions between “long haul” fibers.

互联网不是万能的-它只是很多光缆。 这是在美国传送互联网数据的所有长途光纤。 红色方块代表“长距离”光纤之间的连接点。

整个互联网 (The Entire Internet)

Of course, in a perfect world, the internet would be completely borderless and free. Here’s what the entire internet looks like as of 10 years ago (it’s even more intricate, now). The individual spokes are IP addresses:

当然,在一个理想的世界中,互联网将是完全无边界且免费的。 这是十年前整个互联网的样子(现在更加复杂)。 各个分支是IP地址:

四处逛逛 (Getting Around the Country)

The US Interstate system is a network of 77,017 kilometers (47,856 miles) of highway that connects all major cities. President Eisenhower commissioned it in 1956 as a way to transport military equipment and supplies. It took 35 years and an inflation-adjusted $500 billion to complete.

美国州际公路网是连接所有主要城市的77,017公里(47,856英里)高速公路网络。 艾森豪威尔(Eisenhower)总统于1956年开始使用它作为运输军事装备和物资的一种方式。 历时35年,经通货膨胀调整后的5,000亿美元完成了。

Here’s what it looks like:


But I prefer this stylized representation:


桥梁 (Bridges)

Bridges are a big part of our road system. Here are all 600,000 bridges in the US. About 10% of them (the red ones) are structurally deficient.

桥梁是我们道路系统的重要组成部分。 这是美国所有的600,000座桥梁。 其中大约10%(红色的)在结构上不足 。

Bridges collapse all the time, often killing people. They need to be maintained and replaced at the end of their service life, though this can be quite expensive.

桥梁一直在坍塌,经常造成人员死亡。 尽管使用寿命可能很昂贵 ,但是在使用寿命结束时需要对其进行维护和更换。

These days, most people are in a hurry and would prefer to fly.


机场及其之间的航班 (Airports and the Flights Between them)

There were more than 8 million flights last year in the continental US alone. That’s a lot of carbon dioxide emissions!

仅去年在美国大陆就有超过800万次航班 。 那是大量的二氧化碳排放!

Here’s what those flights look like:


骑铁轨 (Riding the Rails)

Another way the US moves things around is through its railroad network.


The circles in the map below are Amtrak stations for passenger travel.


港口与海上旅行 (Ports and Maritime Travel)

When it comes to heavy cargo, moving things around by sea is still the most cost-effective approach.


为国家供电 (Powering the Country)

Here are all the power plants in the United States, and the energy we get from them:


|    Color     |   Resource    | % of US energy mix |
| Black        | Coal          | 37%                |
| Blue         | Natural gas   | 30%                |
| Not pictured | Nuclear       | 19%                |
| Not pictured | Hydroelectric | 7%                 |
| Gray         | Wind          | 3.5%               |
| Orange       | Oil           | 1%                 |
| Yellow       | Solar         | 0.1%               |

天然气管道 (Natural Gas Pipelines)

For every mile of interstate highway, there are 6 miles of natural gas pipelines. Natural gas provides 30% of the US’s energy.

对于每英里的州际高速公路,都有6英里的天然气管道。 天然气提供美国30%的能源。

电网 (Power Grid)

But what are all these electrons good for if you don’t have a way to distribute them? Here’s what the US power grid looks like:

但是,如果您没有分配这些电子的方法,那么所有这些电子都有什么用呢? 这是美国电网的样子:

Infrastructure is complex. Improving America’s infrastructure involves everything from filling potholes on main street to launching new arrays of thousands of low-orbit communication satellites, like Elon Musk is planning to do.

基础设施很复杂。 改善美国的基础设施涉及到一切,从填补大街上的坑洼到发射新阵列的成千上万个低轨道通信卫星,就像埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)计划做的那样 。

It will involve continually upgrading billions of discrete components within complex systems, like cells replacing themselves in our bodies.


The next time you pull onto an interstate, flip a light switch, or tweet out an article, pause for a moment.

下次您拉到州际公路时,请拨动电灯开关或发布一条推文 ,请稍等片刻。

Contemplate the grand scale of these systems, and the millions of minds and bodies that brought them into existence.


It’s beautiful.


If you want to learn more about the history of one vital piece of infrastructure — the internet — I strongly recommend reading Where Wizards Stay up Late by Katie Hafner.

如果您想了解有关基础设施这一重要基础的更多信息,我强烈建议您阅读Katie Hafner的《 巫师熬夜的地方》。

The book traces the creation of the internet from its early days connecting just four universities — UCLA, Stanford, UCSB, and MIT — and talks about how they managed to scale it.


Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the InternetEdit descriptionamzn.to

巫师 熬夜的地方 :互联网的起源 编辑说明 amzn.to

I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/infrastructure-is-beautiful-cb0daa1aa76b/



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