
#include <torch/script.h>
#include <torch/torch.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>

    torch::NoGradGuard no_grad;torch::jit::script::Module module;torch::Tensor inputC0, inputC1,inRefP0,inRefP1,inRefPutemp, input;module = torch::jit::load("D:/projects/PycharmProjects/BCW/Train_pth/68.pt");inputC0 = torch::empty({ swidth, swidth });inputC1 = torch::empty({ swidth, swidth });inRefP0 = torch::empty({ swidth, swidth });inRefP1 = torch::empty({ swidth, swidth });inRefPutemp = torch::empty({ swidth, swidth });torch::Tensor inOrg = torch::empty({ swidth, swidth });torch::fill_(inputC0, DisC0);torch::fill_(inputC1, DisC1);Picture* Orgpic = pu.cu->slice->getPic();CodingStructure& Orgcs = *Orgpic->cs;PelBuf orgBuf = Orgcs.getOrgBuf(Orgcs.area).get(COMPONENT_Y);//PelBuf orgBuf = pu.cs->getOrgBuf(COMPONENT_Y);for (int j = curry - 4, m = 0; j < curry + width; j++, m++){for (int i = currx - 4, n = 0; i < currx + width; i++, n++){inOrg[m][n] = orgBuf.at((i<0)?0:i, (j < 0) ? 0 : j)/4.0;}}module.to(at::kCPU);int t = 0;for (int i = 0; i < swidth; i++){for (int j = 0; j < swidth; j++){inRefP0[i][j] = RefP0[t];inRefP1[i][j] = RefP1[t];inRefPutemp[i][j] = RefPu[t];t++;}}t = 0;torch::Tensor inRefCen = inRefPutemp.index({             torch::indexing::Slice(4,swidth),torch::indexing::Slice(4,swidth)});inOrg.index({ torch::indexing::Slice(4,swidth),torch::indexing::Slice(4,swidth) }) =
inRefCen;torch::Tensor inRefPu = inOrg;//cout << inRefPu << endl;input = torch::stack({ inputC0,inputC1,inRefP0,inRefP1,inRefPu }, 0);input = torch::unsqueeze(input, 0);//Execute the model and turn its output into a tensor.torch::Tensor output = module.forward({ input }).toTensor();//cout << output << endl;output = output.reshape({ 1,(int64_t(swidth) - 4) * (int64_t(swidth) - 4) });t = 0;Pel* BCW_dst = pcYuvDst.Y().buf;Pel* BCW_src = pcYuvDst.Y().buf;for (unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++){for (unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++){if (BCW_dst != nullptr && BCW_dst != nullptr){float out = output[0][t].item().toFloat();if (out < 0)out = 0;if (out > 255)out = 255;//BCW_dst[x] = Pel(round(out));BCW_dst[x] = Pel(round(out) * 4);//if (BCW_dst[x] < 0)//  cout << BCW_dst[x] << endl;//BCW_dst[x] = m_BCWfwdLUT[BCW_src[x]];t++;}}//cout << endl;BCW_dst += pcYuvDst.Y().stride;BCW_src += pcYuvDst.Y().stride;}


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